Aether paradise!

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Continuation too "island astonishments!"
Popplio evolved into brionne and steenee became tsareena-

Y/N's POV:

Today we were off to aether paradise
"Alola Tapu-bulu!" I greeted
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu said
Tapu-bulu was who id be taking with me just incase for today and I didn't mind taking them along for the trip,
"Tapu-bulu! Return!" I said
Tapu-bulu was put into their safari ball as I exited the door with garchomp already on the sand waiting for me
"Let's go!" I said.
"Alola Y/N!" Sophocles said
"Alola!" I replied
"Where's the others?" I asked
"Already in the helicopter!" Sophocles said
We ran off towards the helicopter as togedemaru rolled quickly
"Alola Y/N!" Kiawe said
"Alola Kiawe!" I greeted
Kiawe was returning his big Pokémon like charizard and turtonator so i did the same with garchomp
"Marowak!" Marowak said
Marowak liked to cause havoc.
I took my seat with my bag held close as I dropped my luxury hall into it seeing the safari hall shift a little bit due to the movement
"Alola Y/N." Lana said
The helicopter took off as I greeted lana and during the flight we all talked about the highlights of when we went to Akala island with Olivia and professor Kukui.

The helicopter landed as Lillie slid the door open revealing faba and professor burnet waiting for us
"Alola professor burnet!" Lillie said
"Alola Lillie!" She replied
"Now that we're in an open area! Garchomp! Join us!" I said
I threw the luxury ball into the air immediately freeing garchomp
"Charizard! Come out! Turtonator! Come out!" Kiawe exclaimed
"Turta." Turtonator said
"Tsareena!" Tsareena said
Brionne hopped over towards Lana as she scooped brionne up into her arms.
"Let's get going I suppose." Faba stated
We walked seeing the many Pokémon down below and I knew that Tapu-bulu would love it here but that's too much of a risk and
Tapu-bulu knows it too
"This is where we rehabilitate Pokémon!" Professor burnet informed
"Woah! Charizard could fly around in here and he would have enough room!" Kiawe said
"And garchomp!" I added
We kept walking as we then proceeded up an elevator to lusamine's office. Lillie wasn't too happy about this visit but Sophocles was completely over the moon being surrounded in A building with this much Pokémon he hasn't even analyzed or heard of and that wasn't very rare of Sophocles to do.

Lana loved the water type Pokémon here and mallow just went along with whatever Lana wanted to do or see that had to do with Pokémon, they were childhood best friends, When we got to Lusamine's office we were served food before Lusamine got back from a very important phone call.
"This is boring." I admitted
"I agree." Lillie said
Wicke was talking to faba and burnet when Lusamine came into the room
"Alola class!" She said
"Alola Lusamine!" We all greeted
"Welcome to the aether foundation!" She said
Garchomp looked over as he was standing beside my single person chair. Lusamine began to tell us about what the aether foundation does and it seemed like Lillie was having none of it but she kept her mouth closed for the whole thing
"Why were we brought here?" Lillie asked
"Well. I wanted to introduce you to something my team made!" Lusamine answered
Kiawe shrugged as Sophocles looked up from his plate of food which was now empty. Lusamine handed us bracelet sort of stuff and it fit in for my black z ring
"What is it?" Mallow questioned
"You can call me on them!" Lusamine said happily as burnet smiled and so did Wicke.

Lusamine really loved her technology and I couldn't really blame her on it, her skills were absolutely amazing
"That's so cool!" Mallow said
"May I analyze it?" Sophocles said
"Knock yourself out!" Burnet stated
I adjusted it a little knowing Tapu-koko might hide it somewhere In the future and give it to me when I finally found it.
"Isn't it amazing?" Lusamine said
"Yeah!..." kiawe and Lana stated
I knew it wouldn't be useful to them but they kept a smile and immediate enthusiasm just to make Lusamine happy about what she created.
"Follow us and you'll be led into where you'll sleep tonight!" Wicke said
Kiawe, Lillie, me, mallow, Sophocles and Lana went to go check it out with our Pokémon so lana and kiawe didn't have to bare a fake smile
"Here!" Wicke said opening the door
It was a tidy room with bunk beds all over and a single bed so we assumed Sophocles would need it because he was afraid of the dark. Garchomp settled himself in as charizard was next to him along with turtonator playing with the smaller Pokémon as we all chose our bunk beds and where we'd sleep for tonight.

Word count: 814 words

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