Lillies lucky!

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Continuation to "weekend!"

Y/N's POV:

I woke up seeing garchomp still beside me with his wings wrapped around my torso. I just waited for everyone to wake up until I finally got onto my feet
"Guys! Let's go shopping!" Mallow issued
"Okay!" I said
We were already dressed in regular attire due to forgetting to change clothes, we walked out the door and when we reached some place near the markets we saw a venasaur fainted
"What's going on?" Sophocles questioned
"I don't know." Lana informed
"Umbreon! Use dark pulse!" A trainer said
A tall young trainer along with an umbreon was battling a drampa! Lillie went quiet
"Lillie?" Mallow said
"Yes?..." Lillie replied
"You okay?" Lana asked
"Yeah, it's just that. That's my brother, gladion." Lillie stated
"That's your brother?!" Sophocles exclaimed
"He's really strong." Kiawe observed
"Training must've paid off." I commented. Gladion's umbreon was quite strong and within a blink of an eye the drampa fainted as the battle was called off
"Do we have to meet him?" Lillie questioned
"He's your brother!" Mallow stated
"You seem very hesitant about him." I said
"Did something happen?" Sophocles asked
"Vul!" Snowy said while jumping on top of Lillie's shoulder.

"No, no. It's just I don't think he wants to see me. When he left he didn't even say goodbye to me." Lillie said
"Don't worry Lillie!" Lana reassured
"If there's one thing I've learned from having a big brother. It's that no matter how they act they do care! And maybe introduce snowy to him too!" Mallow said
"Harper and Sarah know that I care." Lana reassured while smiling
I grabbed Lillie by the arm as we walked off trying to go catch gladion with a few people.
"Hey! Gladion!" Kiawe shouted
Gladion turned and his eyes were wide
"Alola." Lillie greeted
"Hi. I see your accompanied by a vulpix." Gladion stated
"I can touch Pokémon! And this is snowy! Snowy, gladion. Gladion, snowy." Lillie said
"And she's an awesome trainer!" I added
Garchomp was on edge and kept looking at the umbreon he had beside him
"If this is about me leaving I certainly have places to be." Gladion said
"Not at all!" Mallow stated
"No it's not about that. I just wanted you to meet snowy." Lillie informed
"Okay..." Gladion replied
I could tell he wasn't a people person and that we should probably get going.

"Okay! Now that that's handled, snowy. Do you want to go somewhere?" Lillie asked
"Vul!" Snowy said while looking at the market
"Okay! Goodbye gladion!" Lillie said
"Cya." Kiawe said
"Bye Lillie's brother!" Sophocles, lana and mallow said running off
"Cya around!" I said
I waved and hopped onto garchomp before flying off to catch up to the others, I looked back seeing a raichu and a green haired young boy turn the corner. I landed and saw them picking out stuff
"Hey! Does your brother know anyone personally?" I asked
"Not that I know of, he keeps to himself." Lillie answered while paying
"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko called out
"Tapu-koko?" Mallow said
I looked up seeing Tapu-koko fly bye and stare at me and the gang
"Weird. Kahuna meeting over?" Kiawe said
"Probably." I stated
That meant Tapu-fini, Tapu-lele and
Tapu-bulu would return shortly after catching up with the kahuna's of akala, melemele, ula'ula and poni island.
"Garchomp. I'm gonna need you to fly back and make sure they're okay." I said
Garchomp propelled into the air and quickly flew off before anyone could notice
"Y/N! Don't you think this would look nice?" Lillie questioned.

"Oh- yeah!" I answered
It was a white fluffed up hat that seemed to be very shiny and warm
"Whenever we visit mount lanakila I can wear this!" Lillie informed
"Yo, yo, yo. This is our turf." Tupp said
"Speak of the devil." Kiawe said turning around
"Yeah! So leave!" Rapp ordered
The team skull grunts had showed up and this time brought a few friends.
"Snowy! Use powder snow!" Lillie said
It had frozen up one of the team skull grunts shoe which made them panic
"Your not trying to steal our Pokémon?" Sophocles questioned
"Out of the question! Leave!" Zipp said
"Lillie can take this one." Mallow cheered on
"You think so?" Lillie asked hesitantly
"I know so!" Lana reassured
"Come on snowy! Use blizzard!" Lillie called
It dealt lots of damage to their zubat
"Zubat! Use poison fang!" Rapp called
"Snowy! Dodge it using powder snow!" Lillie shouted and snowy did as told
Snowy used powder snow and knocking out their Zubat and accidentally knocking garboader out.
"Hnnnnggh! My salandit is going to evolve soon! And when it does I'll have your fancy little vulpix!" Tupp said
It wasn't like them to finish off a battle still having Pokémon on them.

Word count: 812 words

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