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Kahuna Olivia!

Continuation to "game plan!"

Y/N's POV:

I stuffed Tapu-lele's dream ball into my pocket as we boarded the boat to akala. Today for an experiment we were going to visit island kahuna Olivia on akala island
"Isn't this beautiful!" Kiawe said
"Akala island has always been so lush! But I still have yet to find out." Sophocles said
"Akala island is so lush because of wella volcano!" Kiawe answered
"Yes! Which makes it a hotspot for tourists!" Lillie informed
"The waters are so clear." Lana said
"Mhm!" Mallow replied
"Garchomp seems to love this island!" I said
"It's great for fire types and dragon types!" Sophocles exclaimed
"Yeah!" Kiawe said
We got off the boat seeing kahuna Olivia waiting for us on the island
"Hello class! Welcome to Akala island!" Olivia greeted almost falling
"I don't remember island kahuna's being this strange..." Lana admitted
"I know! She's wonderful!" Mallow said
"Ohhhh! Look at these cute little Pokémon!" Olivia said in awe
"Turta!..." turtonator said
"Let's get going!" Olivia said while snorting
Olivia fell a couple times on the way to where we were going but in the end Olivia got there
"Vul!" Snowy said
"Snowy seems irritated by the heat." Sophocles observed.

"Snowy! Return!" Lillie said
"Good idea!" Mallow complimented
"Snowy should be okay until it cools down." Lillie stated
We were walking when I pulled myself off to the side before taking out Tapu-lele's dream ball and pressed the middle
"Tapu-lele! Come out!" I said
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele said
Tapu-lele giggled and spun around before realizing they were on akala island.
"Knock yourself out." I stated
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele said
They flew off spreading scales on akala
"This is where Tapu-lele's spotted often." Olivia informed
"So this is the shrine people come to just to talk to Tapu-lele!" Kiawe said
"Oh you so smart kiawe! I take my eyes off you for one second and you've already grown so much!" Olivia said hugging Kiawe.
"Yeah..." kiawe stated
"Tapu-lele is a curious guardian and i believe they are the creator of life itself. But their curiousness comes with a cost, they can get so playful it can become cruel and it could end up severely scarring people and Pokémon." Olivia stated while looking towards a valley
It could explain why Tapu-lele was so competitive against Tapu-fini when I made them battle each other.

"Hm. Is Tapu-lele competitive?" I asked
"There's been records of it! Battles with
Tapu-lele have been recorded to be very competitive!" Olivia answered
"Akala is just so cool!" Sophocles said
"That it is!" Olivia commented
I saw Tapu-Lele's scales on the ground and picked it up and placing it on my skin
"Olivia!" I called out
"Yes?" She answered
"Tapu-lele's scales!" I said
"Rare discovery. They usually shed them at night!" Kiawe stated
"This is wonderful!" Olivia said
"That's cool!" Mallow exclaimed
"I've only seen Tapu-lele's scales in books! They're way nicer in person!" Lillie stated
"Oooh!" Lana said
I put it on garchomp's hand before it disappeared on his skin. Garchomp seemed to be mesmerized by its disappearance as I heard Tapu-lele's signature giggle in the bushes
"Olivia? Where are we going?" Lana asked
"To where you'll be sleeping!" Olivia answered
"Okay!" Mallow replied
When we got inside it was already nighttime outside
"Come sleep with us Y/N!" Mallow exclaimed
She dragged me by the hand, I was told I could pick what room is stayed in so I just went along with what mallow was saying too me.

"Isn't this nice!" Lillie said
"Yup!" I stated
I pat garchomp on the head as he was on the side of my bed trying to fall asleep
"Snowy! Come out!" Lillie said
"Hi snowy." Lana greeted
"Vul?" Snowy called out
Popplio, tsareena and snowy walked over to garchomp and began to toy with him which garchomp didn't mind due to Tapu-bulu's loud snoring at night so he was used to it
"I wonder what the boys are doing!" Mallow stated as she crossed her legs
"Probably Kiawe is talking about akala while Sophocles is recording the data." Lana replied
"Probably." Lillie said
"Or Kiawe is telling Sophocles about the Pokémon on akala and their behaviour." I said
"That too!" Lana stated
"I can't wait for tomorrow!" Lillie admitted
I crossed my legs and smiled at all the fun I was having the 3 in the same room, it was actually really fun. I yawned and stretched as lana did the same
"Let's go to bed." Lana stated
"Good idea!" Mallow stated
"Goodnight!" Lillie said
"Night." I said
Steenee was asleep on mallow's bed beside her while popplio was in Lana's arm and Snowy was near the foot of Lillie's bed curled up into a little ball.

Word count: 815 words

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