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Way too far.

Continuation to "Iki town!"

Y/N's POV:

I walked inside seeing Tapu-koko get in from the back window which was quite weird
"Tapu-koko! You didn't tell me about that shrine!" I said
I looked around seeing Tapu-bulu with a droplet of sweat rolling down their face
"You all had shrines?!?" I questioned
"Tapu-fini." Tapu-fini said
I knew everything about my Pokémon except for the fact they were given offers everyday, I refuse to believe it.
"Okay. We'll talk about this later." I said
I heard a knock at the door as I quickly got the guardians in their poke balls
"Coming!" I shouted
"Umbre." Umbreon said
"I'm sorry?" I said
I looked up seeing both gladion and Lillie along with silvally, lycanroc and snowy
"What do you know about Lusamine."
Gladion said
"Gladion! Don't be so demanding. Alola Y/N!" Lillie greeted
"Alola Lillie, gladion. Didn't expect you to be here." I admitted
"I didn't think you expected anyone to be here." Gladion hissed
"Good point." I replied
Garchomp roared as I stepped outside with them sitting on the steps.
"Has Lusamine been nosey?" Gladion asked
"I mean. Yeah I guess." I said
"Mother does that a lot." Lillie commented
"How so?" Gladion stated.

"She's been pressed about questions ever since the island guardians came to melemele." I said
"Yes. Mother has been asking Kiawe questions and even occasionally coming to his family farm." Lillie informed
Tapu-lele had always informed me about the actions performed whilst watching Kiawe closely from the distance.
"It doesn't make sense." Gladion stated
"Lusamine is a nice person, I think. But she will go too far at times to get data. It's became an obsession." I admitted
Silvally barked at umbreon as lycanroc played
"Has she done anything?" Gladion asked
"Shows up sometimes. Questions me. And even I once caught her on the property." I said
"Mother has gone too far." Gladion said
I got confused as to why they were asking this and then I saw garchomp step forward a little, not in a defensive way but in a comforting form.
"Why're you asking me this?" I asked
"Because we need to make sure mother doesn't get out of hand." Gladion admitted
"Right snowy?" Lillie said
"Vulpix!!!" Snowy said
She had used powder snow on silvally, umbreon and lycanroc then just sat there
"She's alright I guess." I stated.

Silvally unfroze along with umbreon and lycanroc still stunned by snowy
"Thanks." Gladion said
"Bye Y/N! See you tomorrow!" Lillie said
"Bye guys!" I said waving
Garchomp stepped back
"Weird." I said
I walked inside to go let the island guardians free from their poke balls. They were let out as Tapu-lele went right next to me
"That encounter was uneasy." I stated
Garchomp nodded as Tapu-koko came over whilst making sure Lillie and gladion had gone back to the estate
"Okay. Let's recap." I said
Tapu-bulu rang their bell before coming to see what everyone was on about
"So Lusamine might literally be insane with the motives of research. Lillie and gladion are out on a mission to stop her." I huffed
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu said
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini answered
"Let's check the weather forecast." I said
I didn't check it daily but when I had to ease my mind or calm myself down I'd look at it for the sole reason of fun.
"Thunder storming 2 days straight?!?" I exclaimed as Tapu-fini happily danced
"How am I supposed to get answers." I sighed
I looked out the window seeing waves crashing along the shoreline scaring a Sandyghast away.

Tapu-koko wasn't amused and I knew exactly why that was, Tapu-koko didn't like water due to the sole reason of being an electric type and it also slows them down.
"No school I guess, and probably no doing island guardian stuff for you either." I said
Despite Tapu-fini being a water type island guardian Tapu-fini was also known for being elusive and quite rare to see on a regular day although if there's one thing I knew it's that no one would be looking for Tapu-fini, not even Hapu would try and find them.
"So. I guess we can enjoy ourselves here!" I exclaimed sinking into the couch
"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko called out
Tapu-lele danced around as garchomp followed along and then came Tapu-fini dancing and making water displays
"Maybe this won't be bad after all." I assumed
"Bulu." Tapu-Bulu said
Tapu-Bulu encased themselves and sat themselves near a window trying to fall asleep, Tapu-koko proceeded to do the same which was quite unusual for someone as energetic as Tapu-koko to actually get tired genuinely but I really wasn't going to judge them on that factor.

Word count: 812 words

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