Nighttime talking!

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Pulling an all-nighter!

Continuation to "aether paradise!"

Y/N's POV:

I sat on my bed, I was bunked with Lillie. Sophocles was on the single bed, mallow and Lana were bunked with eachother and Kiawe was bunked with some of the smaller Pokémon due to lots of reasons although I can't name any that mallow listed.
"This is nice I guess!" Sophocles exclaimed
"Yeah!" Mallow agreed
"I don't really want to go to sleep in this place." Lillie admitted
"That's fine." Lana reassured
"Then we'll all stay up to accompany Lillie!" Mallow said
Tapu-bulu was in their safari ball probably already asleep and I didn't blame them for it, Tapu-bulu was a semi-active guardian due to having the same energy as island kahuna Nanu. I looked over at garchomp making sure he was okay and saw snowy on top of him, I've noticed smaller Pokémon like to play with bigger Pokémon.
"This is funner than I thought!" Mallow exclaimed happily
"Shhhhhh!" Kiawe said
"You'll notify like some authority here!" Sophocles said
"Authority? What authority? Lusamine is all but authority, just nosiness and don't get me started on faba." I stated
Lillie laughed as Kiawe held in his laughter as Sophocles wheezed.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door before immediately notifying everyone and turning around too fake sleep, there was a knock on the door and Lusamine entered
"I heard my name?" She said
We didn't say anything and held our laughter as Lusamine shrugged and closed the door.
"Never thought she'd believe it." Kiawe said
"What time is it?" Lana asked
I scanned the room before seeing a regular clock on the wall and squinted to read it
"12:53" I answered
"That's late!" Mallow said
"Late? When I'm studying important things I really don't sleep!" Sophocles stated
"I figured." Lana admitted
I smiled staring at Lana on the other bunk bed as she stared back intensely
"Anyone tired?" Lillie asked
"Nope!" Kiawe assured
"I wonder how our parents are doing!" Mallow said
"Probably asleep by now." Lana stated
"Mother is probably working." Lillie said
I climbed out of bed to go check on the safari ball, I lost things easily. I dug through my bag and found it before putting it into a special pocket and walked back to bed
"Togedemaru!" Togedemaru said
Garchomp immediately looked up and just stared at the room
"You okay?" I questioned tilting my head.

Garchomp nodded as snowy shifted along with Togedemaru whilst glowing
"Hey, Lillie? Are we leaving in the morning?" Kiawe asked
"Yup!" Lillie answered
Lana sat up hastily looking out the window onto the sanctuary area
"What's wrong?" I questioned
"There's something down there!" Lana said
We all got up looking out until I saw a Pokémon, there was a Glittery object on the ground surrounded by Pokémon.
"What do we do?" Kiawe said
"Let's go see what it is!" Mallow stated
Lillie was about to say something but quickly closed her mouth and nodded going towards the door quickly
"Garchomp! Cmon!" I said
Everyone grabbed their Pokémon if they wanted to and left the room
"Over there!" Sophocles said
Togedemaru was still lit up and even scared herself with her own shadow.
"Be quiet!" Kiawe informed
We entered the area seeing a bunch of Pokémon around the object and I stepped forward with garchomp
"What?" I said
Lillie looked forward as her eyes widened
"Its a vaporeon!" Lana stated
"And in bad condition!" Sophocles said
"It's hurt!" Mallow exclaimed
"But how?" Kiawe questioned
"We need to help it!" Lana said
She grabbed the vaporeon as she cradled it in her arms.

"I know where they keep the max repels!" Lillie informed
"It looks like it's been battling!" Kiawe said
Lillie grabbed a Max repel from a compartment on the glass and sprayed it onto the vaporeon
"Are you okay vaporeon?" Lana asked
The vaporeon hopped out of Lana's arms and sat down
"It's okay!" Sophocles reassured
"Mission accomplished!" Mallow said
"Yeah!" I exclaimed
Kiawe looked towards the bridge
"Someone's coming!" Kiawe informed
"Bye vaporeon!" Lana said
Vaporeon turned behind a tree and disappeared as we went to a big bush under the bridge with a couple of sleeping hoopers.
"Shhhhh!" Sophocles said
Garchomp crouched and made little noise as snowy hid deeper in the bush
"Anyone there?" Wicke called out
Mallow and Lillie were tense as Kiawe and Sophocles looked at each other
"Find anyone?" Faba asked
"No. Maybe we were hearing stuff." Wicke sighed while walking back
"Clear!" I said
We came out of the bushes before rushing to the stairs back to the room. We climbed into bed awaiting for the sun to rise as Lana kept looking out the window making sure the vaporeon was safe and okay whilst listening to everyone talk about random things, they were inaudible to me at that moment.

Word count: 817 words

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