Planning for the stadium!

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Continuation to "kukui's dream made real!"

Y/N's POV:

I got home and unlocked the door as I huffed and Tapu-fini came out of their poke ball themselves
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele said
Tapu-koko rushed over and basically moved me inside of the home
"I've got something to tell you!" I said
Before I spilled anything I grabbed a towel and blanket before wetting the towel with cold water and giving it to garchomp, I stood by what I said and how I'd prepare him.
"Kukui's dream of starting an Alolan Pokémon league is actually gonna happen!" I stated
Tapu-koko seemed surprised but Tapu-bulu wasn't fazed by it
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini said
"And I'm gonna need you to try your best there not too battle!" I stated
Tapu-lele obviously didn't like that plan so they tried to protest using hand gestures
"You can watch the battles but I don't want you all joining in!" I informed
I couldn't let people know I caught them, it'd make me the talk of the town and I'd be popular over it, it'd be horrible, Tapu-fini understood and so did Tapu-bulu but Tapu-lele wasn't gonna give up on convincing me.

"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele said in a stubborn tone
"At first you don't wanna get caught but ever since you've gotten into battling now you do?!?" I said
Tapu-koko was dying whenever Tapu-lele said something in Pokémon
"Okay. Okay. But you're being used in emergency's." I said giving in
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele said happily
I really don't know how I gave into them but I did and even Tapu-fini was stunned although garchomp was resting on the floor. Tapu-lele hugged me as I hesitantly hugged back
"Didn't know you could be so stubborn." I said
Tapu-lele seemed to be very proud of it and I really don't know how
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu said
Tapu-lele giggled and went off with Tapu-fini
"Still on the plan. You can watch from afar but I need you all too step in incase I can't use garchomp. The system hasn't been revealed yet so we don't know." I informed
Tapu-koko nodded and Tapu-bulu did so too as Tapu-lele immediately agreed following
Tapu-fini's agreement and when I looked outside I realized it was dark out which was weird since by this Time the sun would be setting still.

"Garchomp! Want some food?" I asked
Garchomp nodded while pulling the sheets over his head and when I looked back I grabbed the food bag and poured it into everyone's bowl and gave a berry to garchomp
"Enjoy!" I exclaimed
Tapu-fini seemed to have watered down their food and encased it within their shell and ate it as the other island guardians did the same although Tapu-bulu wasn't used too it. I walked over looking at some flower pots out front and looked back at Tapu-bulu
"May you?" I said
Tapu-bulu most literally opened the door in the most civilized way and began to grow some new lush plants and even some plants in the sand out front
"Thanks!" I said
"Tapu-bulu." Tapu-Bulu replied
Tapu-koko was very confused but immediately shook it off and went over too me
"I wonder if gladion will be a tough trainer too beat." I stated
"Koko." Tapu-koko said
"I mean he does have a silvally. Yet again I have 4 island guardians." I said
I didn't know what to think of gladion although Hau did seem to like him which wasn't unusual for Hau to be so bright.

I went up to my room and sat down on my bed grabbing all my poke balls and organizing them when the door creaked open and garchomp appeared holding another cold towel
"I assume Tapu-fini helped you." I said
Garchomp roared as he went near his Pokémon bed I bought for him which didn't fit him much but he loved it anyways and slept on it with his gible blanket
"Night garchomp." I said
Garchomp growled before going to sleep.
Tapu-koko entered the room along with
Tapu-fini as they both grabbed the blankets with them printed onto it and afterwards going to their assigned sleep places. After a while I heard the door open and in came Tapu-lele and Tapu-bulu as they shut the door behind them
"Night guys!" I said
They placed their blankets on top of them and immediately dozed off to sleep, I yawned as I placed my bag away throwing all the poke balls into it so I knew where they'd be when I woke up so I didn't need to search for half an hour. I pulled the blanket on top of me and slowly before I had known it I was sound asleep.

Word count: 820 words

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