Z-move practicing!

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Plans for tomorrow!

Continuation to "relaxation!"

Y/N's POV:

I grabbed Tapu-fini's poke ball and returned them before rushing out the door with garchomp hastily
"We're gonna be late!" I exclaimed
We were both running as fast as we could and I knew in my head Tapu-koko could zoom around faster than this. I switched out my
Dragonium-z for a groundium-z and finally got to the Pokémon school out of breath
"Alola, Y/N. you look tired." Kukui greeted
"Alola professor Kukui!" I replied
"Alola!" Lillie said
"Alola, Lillie!" Mallow exclaimed
I adjusted my z-ring and sat down as garchomp went beside turtonator and brionne
"Okay class! Today we'll be learning about
z-moves!" Professor kukui stated
"Oooh! Oooh! I've read about them in books!" Lillie said
"Yeah! Now, who's got z crystals in this class?" Kukui questioned
"Me!" Lana said
"Mhm!" Kiawe replied
"Groundium-z and dragonium-z!" I said
"Great! You've all went up against kahuna's or totem Pokémon!" Kukui informed
I smiled looking at Lana as turtonator, brionne and garchomp smiled.
"Okay. We'll be learning about them in battle!"Kukui exclaimed
"Yes! More data!" Sophocles exclaimed as togedemaru rolled around on the floor in excitement.

"Okay! First up! Kiawe vs Y/N!" Kukui said
We stepped onto the battle field as Kiawe seemed to most literally be on fire, should I be worried?
"Garchomp! I choose you!" I said
"Turtonator! Come out!" Kiawe stated
"Battle begin!" Kukui exclaimed
"Garchomp! Use bite!" I called out
"Turtonator! Use flamethrower!" Kiawe said.
Both took a good amount of damage but Garchomp wouldn't back down from the fight
"Garchomp! Use dual chop!" I said
"Turtonator! Use flamethrower, again!" Kiawe shouted
Garchomp endured massive damage but was still in the fight and ready to battle
"Garchomp! Use a series of bite!" I stated
"Turtonator! Use shell trap!" Kiawe said
"Wait no! Garchomp!" I shouted
Garchomp couldn't move and was knocked back by Turtonator
"Turta..." Turtonator said
"Garchomp! Are you okay?!" I questioned
Garchomp slowly got up and before I knew it he was back in the battle
"Let's finish this battle!" I shouted
I did a series of movements and so did garchomp channeling z-power
"Garchomp! Use tectonic rage!" I yelled
Kiawe did a series of poses channeling Z-power
"Turtonator! Use inferno overdrive!" Kiawe shouted as it got hotter. It was no use and turtonator was sucked into the z-move and fainted.

"Turtonator is unable to battle!" Kukui yelled
"Yeah!" I said
"Turtonator! Awhhhh." Kiawe pouted
"Next up! Lana vs Y/N!" Kukui said
Lana stepped onto the battle field as garchomp was given a max repel and all healed
"This is informative data." Sophocles said
"And it's so fun to watch!" Mallow exclaimed
"Yeah!" Lillie agreed
I smirked as Lana got ready along with brionne as garchomp got into a different battle stance. There was a loud and long silence
"Garchomp! Use dual chop!" I shouted
"Brionne! Dodge it using bubble beam!"
Lana yelled
Brionne dodged it leaving garchomp in the middle of the battle field
"Brionne! Use water gun!" Lana ordered
"Garchomp! Counter it using dragon claw!"
I shouted whilst examining Lana
We exchanged a series of hits as brionne and garchomp seemed to be getting tired.
I exchanged my groundium-z and put in a dragonium-z and with that I had performed a series of poses along with garchomp as lana smiled deviously
"Garchomp! Use devastating drake!" I said
"Brionne! Use hydro vortex!" Lana shouted
The z-moves collided and everything went white on the battle field as me and Lana watched intensely waiting.

I saw both brionne and garchomp become knocked out and fall to the ground
"Brionne and garchomp are unable to battle! It's a draw!" Kukui called
Everyone gasped as I returned garchomp and Lana held brionne
"You battled so well!" I said
"You too!" Lana exclaimed
"Who knew it'd be a tie!" Kiawe stated
Kukui smiled as brionne shook her head waking up. We went back to the class and realized that the day was almost over so we made a plan with professor Kukui that we'd go have a little field trip tomorrow to go see kahuna hala and maybe even Hau, if we went I might get some closure on the silvally episode.
"Okay. I'll ask principle oak!" Kukui said
"I wonder how tomorrows going to turn out!" Lillie stated
"And I can go see Hau!" I exclaimed
"Isn't that kahuna hala's grandson?" Sophocles questioned
"Mhm! And I just happen to be childhood friends with him." I informed
The bell rang as we all said our goodbyes and left the school

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