Island kahuna Nanu's off day!

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Exercise & fun!

Continuation to "Ula'Ula island!"

Y/N's POV:

I woke up and saw that Acerola was already awake with mimikins
"Morning!" She said
"Morning." I replied groggily
She quite literally dragged me out of bed as Tapu-lele helped
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini said
Tapu-fini sprayed water on my face that immediately woke me up
"Hey! Rude." I said
Tapu-fini chuckled and so did Tapu-lele to go for there next victim which was Tapu-koko.
Nanu was already awake which was unusual but better for us
"Tapu-bulu!" Tapu-bulu said
"Alola!" I greeted
Tapu-bulu got to my side as Nanu got up
"Greedy rapooh! Return!" Acerola stated
Nanu frowned as mimikins hissed happily and Nanu got up along with Krookodile and
Tapu-bulu and we all went outside, no one was up at this time so Tapu-bulu was okay to be out
"Isn't this nice!" Acerola asked
"No." Nanu replied
"Hey!" I said
"Being honest." Nanu stated
We kept walking passing a little fence with a few sleeping mudsdale
"Oh! This is where we found the greedy rapooh! Right Nanu?" Acerola said
"Yup." Nanu answered
Nanu seemed to be hating his time outside but me and Acerola loved it.

"Tapu-bulu." Tapu-bulu said
"Persian." Persian meowed
"Mimikyu!" Mimikins hissed distortedly
Our Pokémon were having a fun time too
"Isn't this fun?" I asked
"Still a no." Nanu answered
"Oh don't be a bummer uncle Nanu! Let's go!" Acerola stated
Nanu followed Acerola hesitantly towards an abandoned shopping mall
"This old place?" Nanu said
"Yup! It's so cool!" Acerola stated
"Ooh! Tapu-fini would've loved this!" I said
"When are we going back." Nanu asked
"When we're all happy!" Acerola replied
Nanu groaned and stepped forward with Persian across the debris
"Ooooh! Look!" Acerola gestured for us to see
"What is it?" I asked
"An old Kendama!" Acerola exclaimed
"Wanna keep it Nanu?" I questioned
"Sure." Nanu complied
Nanu grabbed it and his mood completely lightened for what I could see.
"See isn't this fun!" Acerola said once more
"Sure." Nanu stated
"Yay! Mission accomplished!" Acerola said
Even Persian was surprised at Nanu's sudden mood swing but Tapu-bulu seemed like he was used too it
"Can we go back now?" Nanu asked
"Nope!" Acerola answered
We went out of the mall as Tapu-bulu kept ringing their cow bell constantly in happiness to be back on Ula'ula island.

"Nanu! I forgot to ask!" I said
"Mhm." Nanu replied
"Kukui wants to start an alolan Pokémon league!" I said
"Two steps back. What?" Nanu stated
"Ooh!" Acerola said
"It's his dream!" I stated
"What do I got to do with it." Nanu questioned
"He wants permission from all kahuna's! He's already asked hala and Olivia!" I informed
"I don't care." Nanu said
"That's a yes." Acerola stated
"I figured." I admitted
Garchomp was in his luxury ball as I stuffed it into my pocket.
"Tapu-bulu! Return!" I said
The sun had risen and I didn't want anyone seeing Tapu-bulu just flying around with us.
We kept checking out sight seeing monuments or just little things
"Look! There's a liepard and a nicket!"
Acerola pointed out
Dark types were common on akala due to its shadows and forests with many places to hide in and its overall dark sort of energy
"Huh. A nicket. Haven't seen that one around the streets, that liepard comes often."
Nanu informed
"Cool!" I said
"Persian." Persian said
Persian stretched as she went into the forest
"Shouldn't we go after her?" I asked
"Nope. Persian will come back eventually." Nanu said.

Time skip!

We got back to the house where I release
Tapu-bulu and went to greet my Pokémon as I let garchomp lay down on the ground with a long fluffy blanket
"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko said
Tapu-lele hugged me as Tapu-koko nuzzled my face and Tapu-fini looked happy
"I haven't been gone for that long!" I stated
"Gengar." The greedy rapooh said
Acerola danced around with gengar and mimikins as Nanu fed the meowth's and let sableye sit on his shoulder which wasn't unusual and sableye enjoyed less work.
"Oh! Isn't this wonderful! Spending time with Y/N and on an off day!" Acerola said
"Yeah. Sure." Nanu stated
He was distracted while playing with his new kendama which wasn't unusual
"Tomorrow we can go to melemele and go to the teacher parent thing!" I said
"Yeah!" Acerola exclaimed
"And the kahuna meeting." Nanu added
"Parent teacher thing is more important since Y/N's parents are in galar!" Acerola stated
"Sure. Most importantly the school stuff." Nanu agreed
I couldn't wait for tomorrow when we could go to melemele's Pokémon school event with two of my favourite people aside from the gang, Hau and my wonderful Pokémon.

Word count: 810 words

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