Kukui's dream made real!

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The Pokémon league!

Continuation too "Pokémon school event days!"

Y/N's POV:

It was the second day and Acerola and Nanu went back to Ula'ula island which was sad
"Cmon!" I shouted
Garchomp and I were out the door immediately since Kukui mentioned something about a special surprise so I grabbed
Tapu-fini's dive ball and went off.
"Alola guys!" I greeted
I made a stop by the dock seeing my friends and Kukui near there
"Alola!" Lana greeted
"Why're we here?" I asked
"It's a surprise! We're just waiting for Lusamine to arrive." Kukui informed
"Makes sense." I stated
We waited there as garchomp kept looking at brionne who was swimming in the water. A helicopter landed on the dock as Lusamine exited it
"Alola class!" Lusamine greeted
"Come aboard!" Wicke said
We said our hello's and entered the helicopter and took off as we returned our Pokémon so they didn't crash the helicopter due to their extreme weight. Brionne made bubbles as we flew and togedemaru kept popping them out of excitement although snowy was more civilized and sat down next to Lillie waiting to arrive too their destination while tsareena looked out the window with mallow astonished by the passing Pokémon.

The helicopter landed and the door opened and revealed a whole new area
"This is where the Pokémon league will be hosted!" Kukui exclaimed happily
"Woah!" I said
Garchomp came out of his poke ball and looked around at the new place
"Your dream can come true!" Lana stated
"Yup! And you kids get to be apart of it!" Kukui said happily
"We can compete?!" Mallow said
"Anyone can!" Kukui informed
We walked too the stadium that was still being built and we're all in awe of it
"Woah." I said
"One word. Awesome." Sophocles added
"I know!" Kukui stated
"This'll be awesome!" Kiawe commented
"Vul!" Snowy said
"We get to battle in it snowy!" Lillie informed
I knew that Hau and acerola were definitely going to enter into the league and I'd be there cheering them on.
"We're gonna win! Right garchomp?" I asked
Garchomp roared in agreement as Mallow and tsareena looked down
"Tsareena!" Tsareena said
Tsareena did a hair flip as mallow and Lana laughed while brionne tried to do the same
"Turta." Turtonator commented
"We're gonna be great, turtonator, marowak and charizard!" Kiawe said
Charizard roared as turtonator smiled and then grabbed Marowak and put him on the ground and not stuck in the star like shape on turtonator's stomach.

"Tapu-koko, Tapu-lele, Tapu-bulu and
Tapu-fini are sure gonna love this."
I said under my breath
"Y/N! Cmon!" Lana said holding me by the arm
"Where are we going?" I asked
"The stadium!" Mallow answered
We were at the stadium already as garchomp roared and I imagined how packed this place would be when it's finally done, there would be hotel's and food stands and if there's one thing I knew ulu would be going too try and swoon some ladies over with his delicious new recipes and his charm.
"To think it'd be this amazing in person." Kukui said
"It might not be finished but it's so beautiful." Lana stated.
"Marowak!" Marowak said
I saw a few workers and the Pokémon helping them build it like a beedrill besides a blonde worker and an Altaria besides a brunette
"We need to get going! Look at the time!" Kukui exclaimed
"Already?!" Sophocles pouted
"Hah!" Kiawe chuckled
"Don't worry Sophocles, when it's all finished you're gonna be able to compete!" Kukui said
"Oh! Yeah! I forgot." Sophocles said
We all laughed as we walked back to the helicopter hastily.

We boarded the helicopter as I returned garchomp and Kiawe returned all his Pokémon
"Vika." Vikavolt hissed
"Vikavolt is psyched!" Sophocles exclaimed
"So is brionne!" Lana stated
"I'm sure garchomp is ready to test his skills in the arena!" I added
"Marowak is well, you can guess." Kiawe said
Marowak seemed hotter than wella volcano itself and fired up it gets to attack Pokémon unprovoked and without getting a lecture.
"Vulpix!" Snowy called
She used powder snow on Marowak too cool him down and when the ice broke Marowak immediately cooled off
"Thanks snowy." Lillie thanked
"Hey, Lillie! Is gladion competing?"
Mallow asked
"Mhm!" Lillie answered
"Awesome!" Sophocles said
"If marowak's gonna be this fired up I better train." Kiawe stated
"Good idea! I should probably train togedemaru and Vikavolt!" Sophocles said
"Instead of training garchomp. I'll pamper him instead so when the day comes he's well rested and has his head in the game." I said
"I'll do that too!" Lillie said
"Me and tsareena will make it work!"
Mallow said
"Tsareena!" Tsareena stated
"Me and brionne will work hard and continue our methods." Lana informed
We got off the helicopter and immediately went back home and instead of walking I ran back.

Word count: 818 words

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