Z yourself out team skull!

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Aren't skulls supposed to be cool?

Continuation to "Z-move practicing!"
This is probably the best title I've had-

Y/N's POV:

I was walking home while fiddling with
Tapu-fini's poke ball before hearing whispers behind me
"Garchomp?" I said
Garchomp looked back in a startled way before growling under his breath. I held the dive ball tightly as I got ready to press the middle incase of an attack or even kidnapping
"Weird." I stated
I heard a hiss in one of the bushes and the sounds of a wing brushing against something weirdly making a wince so I ran beside garchomp for protection, we were only a couple away from my house.
"Garchomp! Move!" I shouted
I heard something come out of the bush so I ran towards the light of my home since it was already nighttime due to me spending dinner at mallow's family restaurant.
"Yo yo yo!" Tupp said
"It's team skull!" Rapp introduced
"Who else would it be?" I barked
"Hey! Don't talk to us that way!" Zipp ordered
"Your authority?" I questioned
"Stay on task." A pink haired girl said
I heard about her and her name was plumeria and was one of team skull's most trusted grunts which was worrying.

"Plumeria, eh? I've heard lots." I said
"Get my name out your mouth." Plumeria said
I smirked trying to keep cool as garchomp growled at the zubat hovering above
"Give us that garchomp and we won't put up a fight!" Tupp threatened
"Garchomp! Return!" I shouted
I didn't feel like putting up a fight using garchomp due to the sole reason he had battled lots today and I didn't want team skull being a weight on his wings.
"Coward!" Plumeria said
"Trust me. I'm far from a coward." I said
I smiled as Rapp and tupp got ready to battle alongside Zipp and I started to sweat
"Salazzle!" Plumeria said
She had a salazzle and I knew I was outnumbered even with garchomp and I knew they wouldn't play fair.
"How about we play this fair. Leave me alone and I won't send all hell on you and more."
I threatened
"Please. What can you do?" Plumeria hissed
She was getting on my nerves real quickly but I wouldn't let it get all the way to me and take over. I could rush inside the house to gain cover with Tapu-bulu, Tapu-lele and
Tapu-koko but I wouldn't do it to prove a point.

They were closing in and suddenly Tapu-koko appeared!
"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko called out
"What?!?" Rapp shouted
"Tapu-koko!" I said
"Tapu-koko!" Plumeria exclaimed
"No!" Tupp said
"Thank you Tapu-koko." I said
It wasn't obvious I had caught them but I would know their move set even if not catching them
"Tapu-koko! Use natures madness!" I said
It already knocked out zubat
"Tapu-koko! Use electro ball and quick attack!" I shouted
The battle field went foggy and when it cleared they were all gone and yelling stuff. I hugged Tapu-koko while holding my hat
"Koko." Tapu-koko said
Tapu-koko was the island guardian who was always there for me on any island
"Thank you!" I exclaimed
Tapu-koko smiled as they flew slowly walking back to the house with me. If it wasn't for
Tapu-koko garchomp would still be in danger
"Garchomp! Join us!" I said
I let garchomp out of his poke ball before I sat down on the couch watching Tapu-lele entertain Tapu-bulu which was quite nice
"Okay. Game plan for tomorrow." I said
Somehow it alerted the island guardians to gather around the couch and table.

"Tomorrow i might visit kahuna hala's." I said
"Koko." Tapu-koko said
"So tapu-koko, you're gonna need to be there incase anything happens." I stated
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu replied
I wouldn't be taking any of the island guardians with me due to the fact Tapu-koko would be there.
"And well, frankly, Hau will be there! You know Hau tapu-koko, correct?" I questioned
Tapu-koko nodded and I assumed they would for the sole reason Hau seems to be the next island kahuna for melemele, I literally had a drawing board for the next island kahuna's.
"We got it???" I said
Tapu-koko nodded as Tapu-bulu went to the corner of the room
"Great! And I might get closure of the silvally episode! So I'll update you on that incase silvally is a threat." I stated
Tapu-fini and Tapu-lele enjoyed the plan and Tapu-bulu could care less about what was going to go on tomorrow although Tapu-koko was on full alert for it
"Night guys!" I said
Tapu-lele used sweet scent which made garchomp a bit more relaxed which I found kind towards garchomp but it worked especially on Tapu-fini for some reason

Word count: 812 words

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