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Continuation to "Lillie's lucky!"

Y/N's POV:

"I did it!" Lillie exclaimed
"I'm so happy! We knew you could do it!" Mallow stated
"Yeah!" Kiawe said
"You're amazing snowy!" Lillie complimented
"Vul! Vul!" Snowy replied
Lillie hugged snowy as we congratulated her on winning the battle between her and the team skull grunts.
"My data says that snowy is 100% progressing well with her trainer!" Sophocles admitted while eating a malasada
"Togedemaru!" Togedemaru said
"Turta..." turtonator replied
"Steenee!" Steenee congratulated
Popplio blew a bubble in happiness and I could tell that snowy wasn't used to this but she liked it nonetheless.
(Time skip)
We had all went home since it got dark outside so I was left to walk home with garchomp
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele called
The island guardians appeared beside me walking along with me and since it was dark out no one would notice them
"Hey guys!" I greeted
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini said
Garchomp greeted Tapu-bulu
"That reminds me! I should really train you guys!" I stated
Even island guardians needed some training once in a while.
"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko called out
I assumed everyone agreed so I walked to the little clearing in the forest we had behind our house.

"Tapu-fini vs Tapu-lele!" I said
They got onto the battle field and I could tell Tapu-lele was determined to win but on the other side Tapu-fini was calm and collected, Tapu-bulu and Tapu-koko watched on
"Tapu-fini! Use whirlpool! Tapu-lele! Use moonblast!" I said
Tapu-lele's health was lowered and so was Tapu-fini's
"Tapu-lele! Use draining kiss! Tapu-fini! Use brine!" I stated
Tapu-lele seemed to be Lower on health than Tapu-fini was but it didn't matter to Tapu-lele. Tapu-koko and Tapu-bulu were quite interested on how the battle was going
"Tapu-fini! Use icy wind! Tapu-lele! Use confusion!" I called out
Tapu-fini had Tapu-lele basically in a corner with this battle so Tapu-lele took matters into their own hands
"Tapu-lele! Use nature's madness! Tapu-fini! Use whirlpool!" I said
Tapu-lele was knocked back and so was
Tapu-fini and within one more hit by one of them it'd be a done deal for one of them
"Tapu-fini! Use whirlpool a final time!
Tapu-lele! Use draining kiss!" I called
Tapu-lele managed to somehow get to
Tapu-fini before the whirlpool could and knocked them out.

"That's great!" I congratulated
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele congratulated themself
Tapu-lele began to use draining kiss on a nearby crawdaunt and gifted the energy to Tapu-fini
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini said thanking Tapu-lele
"Next up! Tapu-bulu vs Tapu-koko!" I said
Tapu-bulu rang their bell as Tapu-koko stared down Tapu-bulu intensely.
"Tapu-bulu! Use Leafage! Tapu-koko! Use discharge!" I called out
Tapu-bulu used the move but was immediately blocked by Tapu-koko's discharge of electricity and you could tell Tapu-koko had more experience in these kinds of battles
"Tapu-koko! Use quick attack! Tapu-bulu! Dodge it using horn leech!" I said
Tapu-koko came at Tapu-bulu head on as Tapu-bulu rammed their horns into
Tapu-koko's gaps between their shell, It seemed they were way more straight forward than Tapu-fini and Tapu-lele.
"Tapu-bulu! Use Giga drain! Tapu-koko! Use electro ball!" I called out
Tapu-bulu took some of Tapu-koko's health but lost some due to Electro Ball being used on a direct hit
"Tapu-koko! Use thunder shock! Tapu-bulu! Use Rototiller!" I said
It buffed Tapu-bulu's attack and Tapu-koko dealt damage.

They were both knocked out for the most part and none of them got up
"A tie?!?" I exclaimed
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini said
They were both as shocked as I was.
"Tapu-koko and Tapu-bulu are unable to battle! It's a tie!" I said
Tapu-koko and Tapu-bulu were both knocked out of it and immediately got up
"Tapu-bulu." Tapu-bulu called out
Tapu-koko and Tapu-bulu both congratulated each other and we went back home where I saw garchomp guarding the entrance to the forest
"We're going back garchomp!" I informed.
Garchomp roared and walked back with the island guardians when I realized Tapu-fini lost due to Tapu-fini toying with people meaning Tapu-fini and Tapu-lele should've tied
"Night guys." I said
I was laying down in bed with garchomp and his gible Blanket along with Tapu-koko in the corner alongside Tapu-bulu with both their blankets. Tapu-fini and Tapu-lele were on the other end near where I kept the light on with their shells barely unrecognizable due to the blankets being a bit too big for them.

Word count: 812 words

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