Back to melemele!

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Boat to home!

Continuation to "mimo's Pokémon!"

Y/N's POV:

Mimo's new Pokémon were totally awesome and I wish I could stay for longer but the island guardians wouldn't enjoy it so I had to leave
"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" I said
We were at the dock as Lusamine's private boat docked, Lusamine really got a private boat just for me only
"Bye Y/N!" Mimo said
If only mimo knew i was the one got the Pokémon to be placed there. I stepped onto the boat holding my bag when I realized there was no driver, huh? Lusamine's technology confused me most of the time
"Bye!" They all said
I waved as the boat began to get farther away From the shore and houndoom's barks got quieter and quieter. Garchomp roared looking out seeing a starmie and pyukumuku on the reef at the bottom of the sand
"This is great!" I said
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele called out
Tapu-lele was rushing towards the boat as I looked out seeing them huff
"Alola Tapu-lele!" I greeted
Tapu-lele smiled as they tried to catch their breath in while hovering on the boat
"Now, tell me. Why didn't you get a Sizzlipede?" I asked.

Tapu-lele began to perform gestures with their hands and Tapu-lele pointed back to akala and used garchomp as a figure, they danced around in the form of looking and used garchomp as a flareon and Houndoom and they scooped them up bringing both with them and dropping them off due to not finding a Sizzlipede.
"Huh. Never knew houndoom's roamed akala!" I said
Garchomp tilted his head as the boat docked on melemele and Tapu-lele immediately flew away towards my house and got a head start
"Hey! Wait up!" I shouted
I hopped onto garchomp and garchomp immediately caught up too Tapu-lele as we saw the horizon and I realized it was 6:01 pm yet it was still pretty hot
"Alola guys!" I greeted
"Tapu-bulu." Tapu-bulu said
I laughed and looked over at Tapu-fini who was in front of the fan trying to cool off
"Is it summer in alola already?" I joked
Tapu-koko kept watching Tapu-fini in confusion as Tapu-bulu came over garchomp and began to talk to look at each other weirdly
"We still have 3 hours until lights out. What do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko said
Tapu-lele spread scales around the house as I avoided them, if there's one thing I knew for sure it's that immense amounts of Tapu-lele's scales could harm a human or regular Pokémon but Tapu-bulu didn't mind
"Anyone wanna research on themselves?"
I asked
I was still interested in learning more about my Pokémon and Tapu-koko loved the idea and immediately made Tapu-fini come out of their marlin-like shell.
"Okay! Let's see about Tapu-bulu." I said
I searched for an article
"Here it says. Tapu-bulu is known for being incredibly strong and has been recorded to grow trees and the strength coming from it can immediately make a Pokémon stronger."
I recited
Tapu-bulu nodded while looking outside and Tapu-koko looked at the article and looked back at the quite lazy island guardian in confusion as to how
"Cool! Tapu-fini is next!" I stated
Tapu-fini immediately looked at the screen while Tapu-lele seemed to have stepped back While Tapu-bulu looked over and went to go see if there was any Pokémon food still left in their regular bowl.

"Tapu-fini has been recorded to create mist and that mist can trigger a border between the living and the dead and anyone trapped in the mist with a dead loved one is able to speak to them for short a amount of time and if someone doesn't want to leave they will be stuck in the mist forever." I said
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini said
Tapu-koko looked at Tapu-fini as Tapu-fini looked back intensely and for a long period of time which made Tapu-lele make a yawning sort of noise and face
"How many people have you trapped?!" I said
Tapu-fini sort of shrugged as I went to read about Tapu-koko
"Tapu-koko. Guardian of melemele, the fastest and strongest guardian diety and when it has taken a liking to a trainer will come right up to them or try and come play." I said
Tapu-koko closed its eyes happily
"That'd explain a lot." I stated
Tapu-lele came over to read about themselves
"Tapu-lele is a strong and playful island guardian but at times can appear cruel to people and Pokémon while battling for fun."
I said while yawning
Tapu-lele seemed to be very proud as I immediately went up the stairs to get some sleep for tomorrow.

Word count: 824 words

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