100 trainers, 84 unable to battle!

435 7 0

Challenge 1!

Continuation to "double battle!"

Y/N's POV:

I woke up early in the morning and so did garchomp and the island guardians
"Return!" I said
All four island guardians were returned in the ultra ball, dive ball, dream ball and safari ball
"Garchomp! Return! Make sure to get enough energy for today!" I stated
I stuffed all five poke balls into my bag before I raced off trying to go catch my friends before the helicopter leaves.
"Y/N!" Mallow said
"Alola!" I greeted
"Your just in time!" Lana stated
She was beside her primarina as she returned it and boarded the helicopter and mallow held tsareena
"Let's go!" Mallow exclaimed
I boarded the plane as everyone greeted others and we took off and I realized gladion was on the helicopter
"Alola gladion!" Mallow greeted
"Hey." Gladion replied
"Good luck." Kiawe said
"You too I guess." Gladion said
"Not a people person, I've seen the type." I said
I really was talking about island kahuna Nanu since he was not the type to talk too people
"We're here!" Lillie said
I heard the helicopter slow down and immediately land on a yellow and red landing pad below which caused a gust of cold air.

We went off the plane as me and Lillie held our hats in the wind
"Good luck to you gladion." I said
Gladion walked away and not to anyones surprise Hau immediately showed up with his raichu beside him which obviously annoyed gladion and umbreon
"It's gonna start!" Sophocles exclaimed
We ran to the place where we'd enter as I made garchomp come out and everyone chose their Pokémon and entered the field. I saw the island kahunas on a risen little table and I immediately knew Acerola was competing
"Alola acerola! Mind if I stay by you?" I asked
"Alola! Of course!" Acerola replied
She had the greedy rapooh out as my friends went beside us
"Alola again Acerola!" Lillie greeted
"Alola everyone!" Acerola said
The intercom came on
"Helllooooo! Everyone from Alola! This is the alolan Pokémon league and if you don't know how it works we will have 100 trainers in the arena! 16 will be left standing! Those 16 will battle it out leaving 8 left! After they battle 4 people will be left and at the end we'll be left with 2 people battling and after that happens the final one standing will battle professor Kukui of the Pokémon school!"
the announcer stated.

"Battle begin!" He finished
"Garchomp! Quickly use dragon claw on mudbray!" I yelled
The mudbray fainted as the trainer ran out of the stadium
"Watch it!" Kiawe shouted
Little did I know there was a braviary coming for me and Kiawe and turtonator attacked it
"Thanks Kiawe!" I thanked
"Anytime Y/N!" Kiawe replied
"Acerola! I see you've been training!"
I complimented
"And your pampering has worked!" She said
I battled with garchomp as I saw Hau and gladion covering each other, and I though gladion didn't even like hau.
"Garchomp! Use bite!" I shouted
Garchomp knocked out a araquanid as it was immediately returned and there I saw team skulls leader Guzma and a couple of team skull grunts which was worrying
"Hey! Illima!" I greeted
"Y/N! It's been so long." Illima said
Me and illima only knew each other through our parents constant business
"How's your parents?" Illima asked
Eevee used quick attack on a Muk
"Going to galar to meet the galar champion! How's yours?" I asked
Garchomp helped eevee finish off Muk by using dual chop
"That's exciting. My parents are currently in kalos." Illima answered happily.

"Well, cya around Illima! Best of luck!" I said
"You too!" Illima said
I ran off with Garchomp too see faba battling with a hypno
"Alola faba!" I said
"It's the child." Faba replied
I ran over to Hau to stay with him for the rest of the battle
"Any malasada stands here?" I asked
"Alola Y/N! I believe so!" Hau stated
"I see you and gladion are friends, never knew he could actually make friends." I said
"Yup! Me and gladion are best friends! Well, I'm his only friend!" Hau answered
"16 trainers left in the ring! Battle called off! Here are the battle roles for tomorrow! Gladion vs faba! Kiawe vs grunt! Sophocles vs Mina! Acerola vs Lana! Principle oak vs Guzma! Y/N vs plumeria! Hau vs mallow! Illima vs Lillie!" The announcer called
We said our congrats and were let into hotels on the island.
"Isn't this great!" I exclaimed
Tapu-koko agreed on it as Tapu-lele danced around happily
"Tapu-bulu!" Tapu-bulu said
Garchomp roared happily back as Tapu-fini spun around joyfully
"Don't worry! I have a hunch I'll need to use you." I said
I talked for hours with my Pokémon as the sun began to set.

Word count: 818 words

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