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Half way done!

Continuation to "memories are made of this!"

Y/N's POV:

We were already in the arena as me and garchomp were sat beside each other
"What's with the island guardians?"
Mallow questioned
"Long story." I answered
"Battles starting!" Kiawe informed
"Gladion vs Lana!" Hapu shouted
They both entered the arena as lana had Primarina and gladion had umbreon
"Battle begin!" Hapu shouted.
Lana grinned as umbreon stared down Primarina
"Umbreon! Use dark pulse!" Gladion said
"Primarina! Block it using bubble beam!"
Lana shouted
It had blocked the attacks as they both disappeared
"Umbreon! Use bite!" Gladion yelled
Umbreon bit Primarina and Primarina couldn't manage to shake umbreon off
"Primarina! Use sparkling aria!" Lana said
Umbreon was knocked back but still on its feet which was quite extraordinary.
"Umbreon! Use quick attack!" Gladion said
Umbreon used quick attack as Primarina tried to dodge it but was too slow
"Primarina! Use hyper voice!" Lana said
Primarina began to sing loudly and even gladion covered his ears
"Umbreon! Drown it out using a series of bite!" Gladion shouted
Umbreon bit primarina as primarina's voice began to crack
"Let's finish this!" Lana shouted
Umbreon bounced off as Lana performed a series of poses.

"Primarina! Use oceanic operetta!" Lana said
The z-move dealt lots of damage but somehow umbreon endured it which shocked gladion the same way it shocked primarina
"This is our chance!" Gladion said
He performed a series of poses as Primarina was too panicked and Lana just watched in awe
"Umbreon! Use black hole eclipse!"
Gladion shouted
Primarina was sucked into the black hole and after 2 minutes had dropped to the floor immediately fainting.
"Primarina!" Lana said running over
"Primarina is unable to battle! Trainer gladion and umbreon win!" Hapu shouted
"You did so good!" Lana complimented
Primarina got up and hugged Lana happily while Lana hugged back
"Nice battling." Gladion said
"You too!" Lana stated
Gladion walked away as umbreon licked Primarina in affection before running off to catch up too gladion.
"You were amazing lana and Primarina!" Mallow complimented
"Yeah!" Sophocles said
"Very strong!" Lillie stated
"Just what I expected!" Kukui admitted
"Kiawe! We better get going! Good luck Kiawe!" I shouted
I got up and ran off with my Pokémon as Kiawe did so too in the opposite direction, I knew that my next Pokémon id bring out would give away the whole catching all island guardians thing.

"Next up is Kiawe vs Y/N!" Olivia shouted
I grabbed my dive ball and walked out onto the battle field with it as Kiawe walked out with Marowak
"Tapu-fini! Join me!" I shouted
Tapu-fini came out of their poke ball as Sophocles frowned and Kiawe sighed, I think that gave it away too my friends
"Another island guardian?!" A Announcer said
"Battle begin!" Olivia said
"Tapu-fini! Use natures madness!" I said
It had already halved marowak's health which had shocked Kiawe
"Marowak! Use bonemerang!" Kiawe said
It had hit Tapu-fini's outer shell which took some damage off of them
"Tapu-fini! Use water gun!" I stated
"Marowak! Counter it using flare blitz!"
Kiawe informed
Fire types weren't affective against water types but it had still dealt damage to Tapu-fini, just not a lot.
"Tapu-fini! Use aqua ring!" I said
Tapu-fini now had an invisible veil around them that'd restore 1/6 health each turn I had
"Marowak! Use flame wheel!" Kiawe said
It dealt damage to Tapu-fini but it didn't burn them which meant I was fine for now until I saw Kiawe performing a series of poses, this might not end well.

"Marowak! Use inferno overdrive!" Kiawe said
I performed a series of poses and quickly
Tapu-fini channeled energy all over
"Tapu-fini! Use hydro vortex!" I shouted
Both z-moves clashed as inferno overdrive extinguished and Marowak was sucked into the whirlpool Tapu-fini created on the battle field
"Marowak!" Kiawe said
"Tapu-fini." Tapu-fini stated
They floated down as the whirlpool disappeared and Marowak dropped as Kiawe was there to catch marowak
"You did good." Kiawe complimented
"You've trained Marowak well!" I said
Tapu-fini performed a water display as we both did a hand shake.
"There you have it folks! Tomorrow in the finals will be gladion vs Y/N!" The announcer stated as the crowd clapped
"I'm looking forward to it gladion!" I said
"Yeah." Gladion replied
"I'm so happy for you!" Kukui exclaimed
From the window I saw the aether foundation clapping although faba could care less about my victory against Kiawe
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini said
"Can I guess what Pokémon you're battling gladion with?" Sophocles asked
"Mhm!" I replied
"Tapu-koko." Sophocles stated
I chuckled nervously
"Hah! How'd you know!" I joked
Lillie smiled as we exited the arena to go get something from Ulu's food stand.

Word count: 814 words

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