Island astonishments!

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Close call!

Continuation to "akala!"

Y/N's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night to the scream of a Pokémon
"Garchomp? Garchomp!" I said
Garchomp woke up quickly and immediately got up
"What was that noise?" I questioned
Garchomp tilted his head as I quickly got dressed and headed out the door making sure no one had seen me leave the buildings,
"It's over there!" I said
I ran as fast as I could as garchomp followed behind me quickly.
"Over here!" I stated
I saw an edge of a cliff and struggled to stop running after tripping over a rock and before I knew what had happened I was falling.
I heard garchomp's wings diving
"Tapu-lele!" I called out
"Tapu-lele." Tapu-lele said
I was caught by Tapu-lele in her arms as I took a long sigh of relief
"Lele!" Tapu-lele exclaimed
"Oh my god you'll never know how thankful I am for you Tapu-lele." I admitted
Garchomp flew back up as Tapu-lele flew me to the cliff edge
"Thanks." I said
"Y/N!" I heard my class call out
I hugged Tapu-lele as they giggled and hugged me back using their short arms to reach.

"Y/N!" Sophocles said
Tapu-lele immediately flew away spreading scales around the place
"Was that Tapu-lele?!" Mallow questioned
"Y/N! Never run off like that! What if you got hurt!" Kukui said
Olivia was looking out into the distance seeing scales spread across the air.
"About that..." I said
"What'd you do?..." Kiawe said hesitantly
"Okay. I heard a distressed Pokémon and it led me here. I couldn't stop since I tripped over a rock and in the process I fell down the cliff." I admitted while caressing the back of my head
"I'm sorry?!?" Kukui said
"What?!" Lana exclaimed
"Then, well. Tapu-lele saved me!" I said
I wasn't going to tell them a lie and if I did everyone would probably see right through the lie after I told them that.
"Hm. Tapu-lele going out of their way to save you from death?" Olivia said
"What?" I asked
"Out of all island guardians. Tapu-lele isn't the one to be there when you fall." Olivia said
Well it's obvious there's a chance but considering when I fell I saw Tapu-Lele watching me from the side of the cliff it really wasn't that normal I guess.

"Let's head back." Kukui said
"Y-yeah!" Sophocles stated
Togedemaru lit up as Sophocles hugged her even tighter than before
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Lillie asked
"I didn't want to wake you." I said
We walked back and since we needed to head off and leave we got onto the boat. We were already getting away from akala quickly
"Tapu-lele!" Called Tapu-lele
Tapu-lele spun around playfully above the boat spreading their scales around the sea
"It's Tapu-lele!" Sophocles exclaimed
"Thanks earlier!" I thanked
Tapu-lele giggled before going back to akala island where they could go back to melemele in secretive forms
"This akala trip was like none other!" Kukui admitted as he held his hat
"Is that your mothers helicopter?" Lana asked
"Oh no." Lillie said
We docked on melemele seeing Lusamine and her team on the dock
"Hello!" Lusamine greeted
"Hi..." faba said
We got off the boat as Lillie looked extremely annoyed as mallow tried cheering her up. I noticed gladion was in the back
"Mother! Please leave us!" Lillie said
"Sorry sweetie!" Lusamine apologized
"Back at the Pokémon school we were going to battle together tomorrow." Lillie informed

"Uhm- Uhm. Yeah!" Mallow agreed
Lillie pushed past her mother as Lusamine watched on with a happy look
"My baby's all grown up!" Lusamine said
Burnet face palmed
"Umbre!" Umbreon hissed
"Hey umbreon!" I greeted
Garchomp stared it down
"Oh cmon garchomp." I said
Umbreon went back to gladion as I grabbed Tapu-lele's dream ball.
"I'm home!" I exclaimed
Tapu-lele and the others were already home
Tapu-bulu was laying down as Tapu-fini greeted me properly
"We all here?" I said
Tapu-koko came up to me
"Koko." Tapu-koko said
"I assume you're hungry!" I said
I put Pokémon food onto bowls on the table as they began to eat and I went up to my room alone as I yawned. I laid down in bed after changing my clothes and waiting for my Pokémon to get back
"Night guys." I said sleepily
Tapu-koko was on the side of my bed and
Tapu-lele was near the light along with
Tapu-fini although they were near the dark too and for Tapu-bulu they were at the foot of my bed with garchomp. I fell asleep hearing garchomp shift every few minutes into a new position near Tapu-bulu.

Word count: 813 words

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