Ula'ula island!

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Nanu's place

Continuation to "kukui's dream!"

Y/N's POV:

I woke up the next morning psyched about going too Ula'ula island
"Cmon garchomp!" I said
Garchomp ran over and hugged me as I hugged him back before letting go
"You're so sweet." I complimented
I swung my bag over my shoulder as garchomp roared and I made sure to grab the poke balls since they did have the island guardians in them and it'd be horrible if I left them.
"Another hired boat?" I asked
Lusamine had given me another free private boat ride to Ula'ula which was weird
"Whelp. Cmon garchomp!" I stated
We walked onto the boat as it immediately got farther from shore and off in the distance I saw Lana's ride Pokémon Lapras meaning she was probably with her mentor
"Isn't this great!" I said
Garchomp looked below the boat and so did I as we saw a sharpedo and carvanha
"Carvanha's and sharpedo's are awesome!"
I exclaimed
Garchomp roared in agreement which wasn't surprising since garchomp loved water types
I saw Ula'ula in the distance and I smiled, I stayed with Nanu over the summer because my parents didn't trust me alone in the summer due to the extreme heat the house can get too.

We docked as I saw Acerola and Nanu waiting for me with mimikins and Persian
"Heya, kid." Nanu greeted
"Alola Y/N!" Aserola shouted
"Alola Nanu, Aserola!" I said
Garchomp ran over and went to Persian and mimikins too say hi
"We're gonna have so much fun!" Acerola said
"Also! Nanu, Aserola! We're having a
parent-teacher thing and as you know my parents are in hoenn. So would you want to come with me?" I asked
"Meh." Nanu said
"Cmon uncle Nanu!" Acerola pleaded
Mimikins even tried to make Nanu go
"Why not?!" Aserola said
"Fine. There's a kahuna meeting anyways." Nanu stated
"Yes!" I said under my breath
Garchomp smiled as Persian brushed up against garchomp
"Let's get going." Nanu mumbled
We got going towards nanu's house, it was quite a dull house with lots of beds and toys for the meowth's and his sableye
"Persian." Persian hissed at a meowth
I grabbed all four poke balls and smiled
"Tapu-bulu! Tapu-koko! Tapu-fini! Tapu-lele! Come out" I said
The island guardian's appeared as Acerola greeted them equally
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu said
"Ello." Nanu grumbled
Tapu-bulu went over to him happily.

"Come out greedy rapooh!" Acerola said
"Gengar!" Greedy rapooh said
"How's the Pokémon school. I take it no one's found out." Nanu said
"Yup! Barely!" I stated
"Heh. I've heard from that Lusamine person about your property's activity's." Nanu stated
"Yeah. They're kinda nosey!" I admitted
Nanu chuckled as he threw a cat toy and the meowth's rushed towards it, I swear he had 50 meowth's in his houses and Persian was the only well trained one
"Krookodile." Krookodile hissed
Nanu had a sableye, Krookodile and a Persian as Pokémon partners
"Huh." Nanu said
"She's also been sending me private boats."
I informed
"I don't get her." Nanu admitted
Acerola smiled as she dragged me off to where we'd be sleeping for tonight and Persian followed us with mimikins
"Ooh!" I said
"Nanu's made it better with my help!"
Acerola exclaimed
Tapu-koko was already in the corner of the room encased and already asleep
"Tapu-koko as the first one to sleep? That's new!" I said
"Hah! And I thought Tapu-bulu would be the first one asleep!" Acerola admitted
I smiled as we exited the room and Persian followed along but mimikins had stayed behind with Tapu-koko.

Nanu was playing with his kendama and seemed to be quite skilled at it
"Hey uncle Nanu! When's the kahuna meeting!" Acerola asked
"I dunno. 5 or 6. Apparently that bundle of enthusiasm Olivia will be there." Nanu said
"Kahuna Olivia! What's so bad about her?"
I questioned
Garchomp tilted his head as Nanu sighed and Acerola waited for an answer
"Always lighting the mood and making the kahuna's so joyful." Nanu replied
"Olivia is a big inspiration!" Acerola said
"Agree to disagree." Nanu grumbled
"So grumpy! You should really get out more!" Acerola offered
"I do on patrol." Nanu stated
"Hmph! Tomorrow we'll go outside and have fun! I've already cleared your schedule with a sick day." Acerola said
"How did you-" Nanu cut himself off
"Hehe!" Acerola said
"You win." Nanu groaned
Acerola smiled as the sun set and garchomp yawned and followed my the greedy rapooh
"Looks like someone's tired!" Acerola said
Tapu-bulu went over to Nanu and gestured to stay with him for the night, made sense.
"Goodnight uncle Nanu!" Acerola said
"Night!" I added
"Cya." Nanu stated
Tapu-bulu hovered into his room as me and Acerola went into ours to get some shut eye for tomorrow's events.

Word count: 814 words!

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