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Different approach!

Continuation to "joy flying!"

Y/N's POV:

We were back in the house as I tried to get everyone dried up from the rain although some quite liked the refreshing things.
"Okay. Let's try this again." I huffed
Garchomp was lying down near the window with a warm towel over his head which I found quite unfair although garchomp did need a little more warmth than the next Pokémon for some reason, nurse joy told me it was a genetic thing.
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele said
"Tapu-fini." Tapu-fini replied
I walked over to Tapu-koko and made sure the umbrella object was put into safe keeping, I grabbed their poke balls and put them on top of the counter incase an emergency and since tomorrow was school so I'd bring Tapu-fini
"Okay. What do you all want to do?" I asked.
The island guardians looked towards each other and then looked down at garchomp probably deciding over it
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu said
Garchomp got up and adjusted the towel before walking towards the window and pointing to the forest out in the back
"Battling?" I questioned
Tapu-koko and garchomp nodded
"Okay! Let's go battle!" I exclaimed.

I walked into the patch with my Pokémon as I got into position
"Okay. Tapu-koko vs Tapu-lele!" I exclaimed
They got into position as Tapu-lele held tight onto their shell and Tapu-koko didn't move a muscle whilst looking at Tapu-lele
"Tapu-koko! Use discharge! Tapu-lele! Use draining kiss!" I exclaimed
Tapu-koko managed to dodge Tapu-lele entirely and discharge electricity onto
Tapu-lele which stunned them
"Tapu-lele! Use psychic terrain! Tapu-koko! Use mirror move!" I called out.
"Tapu-lele." Tapu-lele said
The terrain went pink as Tapu-koko's patience narrowed quickly
"Tapu-koko! Use brave bird! Tapu-lele! Use tickle!" I ordered
Tickle lowered Tapu-koko's defence and Brave bird lowered Tapu-lele's health by lots
"Tapu-lele! Use extrasensory! Tapu-koko! Use agility!" I said
Although agility doesn't deal damage it made Tapu-koko have an advantage with speed
"Tapu-koko! Use thunder shock! Tapu-lele! Use sweet scent!" I stated
Tapu-koko electrocuted Tapu-lele and using sweet scent on Tapu-koko didnt faze
Tapu-koko and it seemed like they were used to the move sweet scent.
"Tapu-koko! Finish this using electro ball! Tapu-lele! Dodge it using tickle!" I said
Tapu-lele couldn't react in time and was knocked out.

"Tapu-lele is unable to battle! Tapu-koko wins this match!" I called out
Tapu-koko had sparks coming from its shell but they slowly stopped as Tapu-koko moved away towards garchomp and Tapu-lele moved behind me, they weren't happy.
"Next up! Tapu-fini vs Tapu-bulu!" I said
They got onto the battle field as Tapu-bulu's bell rang out defensively
"Tapu-fini! Use hydro pump! Tapu-bulu! Use giga drain!" I said
Although hydro pump dealt damage Tapu-bulu regained that health due to using giga drain
"Tapu-bulu! Use wood hammer! Tapu-fini! Dodge it using water gun!" I said
Tapu-fini had knocked Tapu-bulu back dealing no damage to themselves yet Tapu-bulu was still standing on the battle field.
"Tapu-bulu! Use leafage! Tapu-fini! Use muddy water!" I called out
It lowered Tapu-fini's accuracy and Tapu-bulu lowered Tapu-fini's health
"Tapu-fini! Use water gun! Tapu-bulu! Use giga drain again!" I stated
Tapu-fini lost health and so did Tapu-bulu
"Tapu-bulu! Use horn attack! Tapu-fini! Use aqua ring!" I shouted
Tapu-fini won by little as Tapu-bulu fainted.

"Tapu-bulu is unable to battle! Tapu-fini wins the match!" I said
Tapu-fini went over to Tapu-bulu as I huffed before Garchomp came over to me and so did Tapu-koko.
"Koko." Tapu-koko said
Garchomp roared softly
"Let's get going?" I said
Tapu-bulu came along as Tapu-fini created water displays whilst flying over
"That was some great battling today
Tapu-bulu!" I stated
Tapu-bulu wasn't the strongest or fastest island guardian which wasn't very encouraging most of the time. Tapu-bulu hovered next to me as their bell rang
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu said
"I bet you'll get stronger in no time! And to not think of that you're the most relaxing and kind island guardian!" I complimented
Tapu-bulu seemed to be happy as they began to fly faster to go catch up with Tapu-koko,
Tapu-fini flew beside me along with Tapu-lele
As they both created displays using their ability's and attacks.
"Have a good sleep!" I said
I walked upstairs as they all said their good nights although Tapu-bulu was already fast asleep which was usual for the island guardian, I noticed the island guardians act like their kahuna's although Tapu-Fini didn't act like hapu.

Word count: 823 words

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