Memories are made of this!

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Battling it out!

Continuation to "8 trainers in the ring!"

Y/N's POV:

I woke up the next day and immediately went to the stadium with Tapu-lele which was unusual but since everyone on Alola knew I could bring them around
"Alola!" I shouted
"Alola!" Ulu replied
"Oh! Nice to see you again Ulu!" I exclaimed
"You too! And I'm pretty shocked about the Tapu-lele thing!" Ulu admitted
"I'm pretty sure everyone is." I sighed
"Oh! The battle is about to start! Get going!" Ulu informed
"Thanks!" I said.
"Kiawe vs Lillie!" Hapu said
Kiawe and Lillie walked onto the battlefield as I took my seat with garchomp and Tapu-lele beside Acerola
"Okay! Turtonator I choose you!" Kiawe said
"Snowy I choose you!" Lillie added
"No hard feelings!" Kiawe informed
"Mhm! Good luck!" lillie replied
"A battle between close friends! Who will prevail?" The announcer said
Kukui smiled as he sat next to me
"Battle begin!" Hapu shouted
"Snowy! Use aurora vail!" Lillie shouted
Snowy now had a shield just incase she was things got ugly with turtonator's attacks
"Turtonator! Use flamethrower!" Kiawe said
"Snowy! Dodge it using powder snow!"
Lillie stated
Snowy created a huge ice wall that had blocked turtonator's fire.

"Wasn't expecting that!" Kiawe said
"Snowy use ice beam!" Lillie stated
"Turtonator quickly use shell trap!" Kiawe said
Snowy had been hurt immensely which you could tell snowy wasn't the best at battling
"Snowy! Use aurora vail!" Lillie called
Turtonator was knocked back and Lillie started to use a series of poses
"Snowy! Use subzero slammer!" Lillie said
While the z move was manifesting Kiawe started to do a series of signature poses
"Turtonator! Use inferno overdrive!"
Kiawe shouted
The z moves clashed with each other and in the end Turtonator prevailed
"Vulpix is unable to battle! Trainer Kiawe and Turtonator win!" Hapu shouted
Kiawe and Lillie complimented each other as Turtonator cradled snowy.
"Next up! Gladion vs Guzma!" Olivia shouted
Guzma and gladion came onto the field as Guzma had a golisopod and gladion had his midnight form lycanroc
"Battle begin!" Olivia said
"Lycanroc! Use stone edge!" Gladion said
Golisopod was already knocked back
"Golisopod! Use liquidation!" Guzma shouted
"Lycanroc! Dodge it using rock throw!" Gladion said
You could tell Guzma and gladion were both equally strong trainers
"Golisopod! Come on! Use pin missile!"
Guzma said
It had poisoned Lycanroc but Lycanroc got out of it quickly.

"Lycanroc! Use bite!" Gladion shouted
They exchanged hits and the battle was getting heated every move and Guzma seemed to be getting angrier at Golisopod
"Lycanroc! Use continental crush!"
Gladion shouted
I wasn't looking and when I looked back Golisopod had fainted
"Golisopod is unable to battle! Trainer gladion and Lycanroc win!" Olivia shouted
Gladion frowned and walked away as Guzma did so too.
"Next up! Lana vs Sophocles!" Nanu shouted
Acerola giggled as Kukui got interested
"Wow! Two more best friends battling! Who will move onto the next stage?"
The announcer said
"Battle begin!" Nanu said
I could tell Nanu wanted to get this over with
"Primarina! Use bubble beam!" Lana said
"Togedemaru! Use defence curl!"
Sophocles said
So far the battle was easy and garchomp roared happily as Tapu-lele giggled with tsareena
"Primarina! Use hydro pump!" Lana said
It dealt lots of damage to togedemaru but togedemaru was too determined
"Togedemaru! Use zing zap!" Sophocles said
Primarina was confused since togedemaru was so fast and ended up getting electrocuted
"Primarina! Use sparkling aria!" Lana said
"Togedemaru! Use discharge!" Sophocles said
Both Primarina and togedemaru took damage and you could tell for Sophocles this was a losing battle and I think he knew that.

"Primarina! Use oceanic operetta!" Lana said
I really wasn't paying attention and Lana had a Primarinium-z? Where had I been
"Togedemaru is unable to battle! Trainer Lana and Primarina win!" Nanu grumbled
Both Lana and Sophocles exited while complimenting each other on their battling.
"Next battle! Mallow vs Y/N!" Hala stated
Instead of Tapu-lele or garchomp Tapu-bulu was beside me because I knew it wouldn't be fair if I used just Tapu-lele and garchomp
"Alola mallow! Best of luck!" I shouted
We both stepped onto the battle field as
Tapu-bulu got ready
"Tapu-bulu has been caught?! Y/N is sure a secretive trainer!" The announcer said
"Battle begin!" Hala Shouted
"Tapu-bulu! Use giga drain!" I yelled
Tapu-bulu drained tsareena's health
"Tsareena! Use magical leaf!" Mallow said
They both had lost health as Tapu-bulu became angrier which wasn't usual
(Time skip)
We were still battling when I switched out the psychium-z for a grassium-z and performed poses
"Tapu-bulu! Use bloom doom!" I shouted
(Another time skip)
I had won the battle and surprisingly it strengthened me and mallow's bond.
"The semi-finals challengers will be Lana vs gladion and Y/N vs Kiawe" the announcer said.

Word count: 822 words

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