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Settling in!

Continuation to "present friends!"

Y/N's POV:

I was going to the mall by myself, well, with garchomp but you get what I mean. I was shopping for the island guardians when I saw something that they'd love, Pokémon beds. Well Tapu-bulu would love one
"Oooo. Pick one out for yourself garchomp."
I stated while garchomp walked over
Garchomp saw a little gible blanket which obviously didn't fit him very well
"You want that one?" I asked
Garchomp picked it up with a talon and smiled before dropping it onto me
"Sure! We can get you that!" I said
I had picked up 4 other blankets with each island guardians printed onto them, probably for 5 year olds. I handed the cashier the money as his beedrill smiled
"Hmmm. Would they like this Pokémon food or that one?" I questioned
Garchomp pointed towards a brown bag with Pokémon food inside
"You think that's the one?" I asked
Garchomp nodded as I grabbed it and paid the cashier as her lopunny fixed her hat.
"I'm home!" I said
Tapu-lele turned the corner as the other three rushed over to me
"Okay, so. I bought Pokémon food. And blankets for everyone!" I stated
"Tapu-bulu." Tapu-bulu called.

"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini said looking at theirs
"Koko." Tapu-koko sounded
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele said whilst giggling
"Knock yourselves out! Not literally
Tapu-Bulu." I informed
I heard my doorbell ring
"Who could that be?" I questioned
I looked through the window seeing, the gang?!
"Ack! Return!" I stated
the island guardians immediately returned before I opened the door.
"Hi guys!" I greeted
"Alola, Y/N!" Lillie said
"Oh! This is nice!" Mallow said
"Yeahhh. Ignore the mess." I stated panicked
"Garchomp must love it here!" Kiawe said
"Mhm!" Sophocles agreed
I welcomed them in as they sat down and the poke balls were gone, garchomp must've hid them somewhere or got them out of their poke balls to go do island guardians stuff.
"You guys can sleep over if you want!" I offered while smiling
I knew the island guardians wouldn't come back for a night due to some weird kahuna meeting that was taking place on akala
"Sure!" Lana said
"Oh, it's so homey! Way better than my home!" Lillie admitted
"You live in a mansion?" Kiawe said
"Oh I do. Just with hopps! Mother is to busy and my brother gladion is elsewhere." Lillie stated while petting snowy.

"Hm. I'm sure your brother will turn up!" Mallow ensured
"He does write to me ever so often!" Lillie said
"I think I've heard that name." I said
"Where?" Lana asked
"Somewhere on melemele. A shop owner I think! Said something about a secret trainer returning!" I stated
"Hmmmm. Strange." Lillie said.
"Enough with the mopey and strange stuff. Togedemaru is hungry." Sophocles said
"Togedemaru!" Togedemaru said
"I'll whip something up!" Mallow said
"Your food is delicious mallow!" Complimented Sophocles
I had let out a big sigh of relief knowing that cooking wasn't my speciality and I wouldn't have to do it for my friends.
"Hmmm. These are some nice poke balls! Safari ball, dream ball, dive ball and an ultra ball!" Sophocles said
I caressed the back of my head and nodded awkwardly as garchomp talked with charizard
"Hmmmmm." Lana said while looking at me intensely then examining my face, she was kinda creepy if you ask me.
"Finished!!" Mallow said
It was delicious food if you ask me and even the Pokémon enjoyed the Pokémon food mallow had whipped up which was good for when Tapu-bulu, Tapu-fini, Tapu-fini and Tapu-koko came back from watching the kahunas talk.

"There's always seconds!" Mallow said
"Great!" Sophocles exclaimed
Lana smiled as she held popplio. Turtonator was already asleep as Kiawe was sat next to him examining every inch of everything in his sight which wasn't very rare for him. Everyone set up their beds as I already put mine next to the window with the cold air
"You good Kiawe?" I asked
"Mhm." Kiawe replied
"I'm not that dense." I stated
"Meh. It's nothing. It's just that those team skull grunts are getting annoying. Always showing up in the worst moments." Kiawe admitted as Marowak dozed off
"I agree. They'll forever stay in alola, but at some point they could disban." I stated
"It's cold." Kiawe said
"Feel you on that one." I stated
The house was naturally cold although the alolan heat was skyrocketing more and more each day.
"I'm going to sleep." Kiawe said
Me and Kiawe were like best friends and we had a very healthy and friendly relationship due to the understanding of each other
"Night!" I said
I turned my back and the others were already asleep in their little blankets. I walked over to garchomp as I laid down and he then put his wing over my shoulder warming me up and making sure I couldn't leave.

Word count: 833 words

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