Present friends!

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School days!

Your now 11
Continuation to "past!"

Y/N's POV:

I was already dressed for school when I went downstairs and Gabite was with Tapu-Fini.
"Anyone wanna volunteer for coming with me today?" I asked
Tapu-fini looked over and nodded while creating a water fountain display
"Okay. Cya guys!" I said
Not all island guardians were busy every day, especially Tapu-Fini due to the retired island kahuna. They exited before making their way too other islands, Tapu koko walked along with me and watched from the woods
"Okay, Gabite. We'll have a great day!" I said
Tapu-fini was in the dive ball that I stuffed into my school bag for safe keeping.
"Alola, Kiawe!" I shouted
Kiawe was ontop of charizard when I greeted him and he looked down
"Alola, Y/N! On your way to the Pokémon school?" He called back
"Cya there!" I shouted
When I got there I saw a couple of students, I rushed to my class with Gabite seeing Lana and Mallow already there.
"Alola!" I greeted
"Alola." Both mallow and lana said
Finally Kiawe, Sophocles and Lillie walked in
"Alola, everyone!" Lillie said
Gabite ran over to turtonator and snowy to go sit with them in the corner along with popplio and steenee.

"Alola, class." Kukui greeted
"Alola!" We all replied
"Today we'll be learning about evolution and what can trigger it!" Kukui said
"Just like steenee when she evolved!" Mallow said while she high fived steenee
"Yes!" Kukui stated
We had walked outside and went over to the river that was on school property.
"Now. Pokémon can evolve in the wild. But with a trainer a certain move can trigger it, a battle and even just love from its trainer!" Kukui said
"Oh! Oh! I get it! Like how some eevee evolutions could require stones and the evolution can depend on eevee and the trainer's bond!" Lillie said as snowy sat down
"Exactly!" Kukui said
I remembered when my Gible evolved into Gabite, i found gible with a discoloured scale and later when we went to poni island he evolved into Gabite while protecting me.
"Some Pokémon in this class still have yet to evolve. Like popplio, Gabite and tsareena!" Kukui informed.
"I can't wait to analyze it!" Sophocles said
Gabite roared before I saw my dive ball roll out my bag
"It's a dive ball!" Lana said
"Why do you have that?" Mallow asked
"Uhm. No reason! Just incase I come across anything!" I said
Lana squinted as popplio did the same, was she catching onto me?

"Okay!" Lana said
I sighed before stuffing it into my bag making sure I close it fully.
"Kukui. I found Gabite as a gible and it had a discoloured scale, why?" I questioned
"Hm. Maybe gible was ready to evolve but couldn't!" He answered
I nodded before walking towards the entrance to the school
"Yo, yo, yo! Team skull coming through!" Tupp said
"Not you again." I groaned
"Team skull! Leave!" Kiawe said
"Don't worry Kiawe. It's my turn to save the school from team skull." I said
"Cmon Gabite!" I shouted
"Gabite! Use slash on zubat!" I said
He did a series of slashes knocking out zubat before Rapp could call anything
"Oh cmon! Salandit! Use venom drench!" Tupp shouted
Gabite was hit with it but still stood on the battle field.
"Garboader! Use sludge bomb!" Zipp said
"Gabite! Dodge it and use a series of dual chop!" I said
Garboader was knocked out due to where dual chop had hit but salandit was still standing
"My god! Salandit! Use venom drench!" Tupp ordered.

"Finish it! Gabite! Use dragon claw!" I said
It finished off Salandit but Gabite turned a different colour. Gabite was a mystic blue and he had grown taller, wings, larger tail and larger teeth to finish. I stepped back hearing Gabite roar, well, not Gabite, garchomp!
"He evolved!" I said
"Woahhhh." Sophocles stated
"We'll be back!" Tupp shouted driving off
Garchomp growled before I ran up and hugged him as he hugged back
"You evolved!" I said
Garchomp smiled warmly as the school bell rang, I completely lost track of time!
"This is so cool! I'll analyze it tomorrow! I need to gather garchomp data." Sophocles said while Mallow and Lana dragged him off
"Bye garchomp!" Kiawe said waving
"Bye Y/N!" Lillie said.
This time I could fly garchomp home so I did and when I opened the door I saw Tapu-bulu already asleep?!?
"... it's like 5 pm?" I said
Tapu-koko sighed as Tapu-lele giggled
"Join us Tapu-fini!" I said
Tapu-fini took a good look at garchomp before going to Tapu-lele
"Well then. Tomorrow we'll go shopping! Right now I'll make dinner I guess?" I said
I really didn't know how to cook a lot of things other than sandwiches and poke anything for Pokémon but I'd try.

Word count: 824 words

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