Iki town!

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Melemele kahuna.

Continuation to "Z yourself out team skull!"

Y/N's POV:

I was already on the way to school when I held my hat against a gust of wind until I saw Kiawe passing by on charizard
"Huh. Let's go say hi. Garchomp!" I said
Garchomp propelled into the air and caught up too charizard
"Ack! Alola Y/N!" Kiawe greeted
"Alola Kiawe! Quite nice to have an early morning fly to school." I said
Garchomp rolled in the sky as I held on tightly
"Yup! Wonder how todays going to turn out." Kiawe stated
"Well then. One way to find out!" I said
"Hah." Kiawe replied
"Garchomp! Barrel roll!" I ordered.
Kiawe followed behind in a more fashioned dive as I smiled reaching the ground
"Alola you two!" Principle oak said
"Alola!" Kiawe greeted
"Hope you have fun on your field trip to kahuna hala's place!" Principle oak stated
"Yup!" I said
We ran off as garchomp and charizard followed us into the classroom.
"Alola class!" Kukui greeted
"Alola." We all said in unison
"Today we'll be going to iki town!" Kukui said
"Where hala and hau live!" Mallow exclaimed
I adjusted my hat as we all got up and went towards some of the ride Pokémon Tauros.

We got there and I saw Hau waiting for us without Hala
"Alola!" Hau greeted
"Alola Hau!" I said
I hugged Hau as he put a finger over his mouth in a way of saying not to tell anyone about silvally and gladion.
"Where's kahuna hala?" Lana asked
"My grandad? He's out doing something, I don't really know!" Hau stated
Kiawe nodded as mallow smiled
"Iki town is so peaceful." Lillie admitted
"Mhm! I love this place!" Hau said
Hau's Decidueye smiled as it cooed
"A Decidueye. I've only seen dartrix and rowlet!" Sophocles said
"I have em all!" Hau stated
Hau one day had decided too catch the evolution chain of rowlet one day which I found quite weird although I didn't judge.
"How's your parents?" Hau asked
"Great! They're going to galar soon!" I said
"Coooool!" Hau exclaimed
"Vul!" Snowy said
"You okay snowy?" Lillie asked
"She looks disoriented." Sophocles said
"What's that?" Kiawe said
"What?" Mallow questioned
"That!" Lana said pointing
There was an electric channel through the air with sparks following it and if I had to guess, Tapu-koko decided to join in on the party.

"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko called out
I held my hat while looking up hearing a deep chuckle from the corner of the house
"Kahuna hala!" Kukui said
"Kukui! You've grown." Kahuna hala said
"Kahuna hala!" Lana exclaimed
"Alola!" Hala greeted
"Alola!" Lillie replied
Hau smiled as I stared at my dragonium-Z, i had gained it from hala when taking the island trial, I gained my groundium-z from Olivia, farium-z from nanu and waterium-z from The ex Kahuna of Poni island and the rest from totem Pokémon I've battled.
"Tapu-koko. What a sight to see." Hala said
"Yup!" Kukui replied
"What will we be doing?" Kiawe asked
"We'll be going to the shrine of Tapu-koko!" Hala answered
"That's so cool!" Lana commented
"Yeah!" Sophocles exclaimed
We walked towards a cave with offerings around the entrance from poke bean to real gold and jewels.
"This is where some go to speak to Tapu-koko or even just put up offerings for the guardians mercy when they've done something the guardian doesn't allow." Hala informed
"Tapu-koko didn't tell me about this." I mumbled under my breath
We took turns going inside the cave and saying something to Tapu-koko, although mallow had literal offerings.

"Y/N." Kukui said
It was my turn and I nodded before walking inside hearing an echo of a Pokémon
"Tapu-koko. Greetings." I said
I heard a creak and then felt a gust of wind
"Tapu-koko." I said
"Koko." Tapu-koko replied in the dark
Tapu-koko appeared In front of me as I jumped a little bit it wasn't noticeable.
"You didn't tell me about this." I stated
Tapu-koko hovered in front of me looking at the offerings near the cave entrance
"Koko." Tapu-Koko replied
"Well. I've got nothing. Cya back at the house Tapu-Koko." I said
Tapu-Koko lightened up and immediately disappeared in the darkness as i walked out of the cave inspecting some offerings.
"Well then. Let's get going?" I said
"Yes. I have a few grand trials to conduct. Have a wonderful day." Hala stated
"Oooh! Oooh! Take me with you!" Hau exclaimed running over
"Let's head back! Although since school is almost over You can go back home if you want." Kukui said
We all said our goodbyes as I hopped onto garchomp and flew off towards the house to go see my Pokémon, and go ask Tapu-Koko about the shrine.

Word count: 816 words

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