Double battle!

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Continuation to "planning for the stadium!"

Y/N's POV:

I decided to train the island guardians incase they were actually going to be doing some battling and I knew at the end you'd have to battle with 5 Pokémon against professor Kukui which I found exciting
"Guys! Come on!" I exclaimed
The island guardians followed me while garchomp stayed behind still asleep
"Okay! Let's do a double battle?" I asked
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini agreed.
"Okay! Tapu-fini and Tapu-lele vs Tapu-koko and Tapu-bulu!" I said
They got too there sides as Tapu-koko talked to Tapu-bulu in Pokémon about who knows what
"Tapu-fini! Use hydro pump! Tapu-lele! Use aromantic mist!" I said
Tapu-fini raised the special attacks strength as Tapu-fini lowered Tapu-bulu's health
"Tapu-koko! Get at close as you can using quick attack and then use electro ball!
Tapu-bulu! Cover Tapu-koko using leafage!"
I shouted
So far it was a tie but knowing how they work it wasn't gonna be one
"Tapu-lele! Use extrasensory! Tapu-fini! Use water gun! Tapu-bulu! Counter Tapu-lele using horn leech! Tapu-koko! Dodge Tapu-fini using brave bird!" I said
Both island guardians dodged the attacks.

"Tapu-koko! Use electro ball! Tapu-bulu! Use giga drain! Tapu-fini! Use water pulse!
Tapu-lele! Use astonish!" I shouted
It was too late and Tapu-lele did deal damage but Tapu-bulu wasn't confused since they moved and when the electro ball and water collided steam was everywhere
"Okay! Tapu-koko! Use false swipe on
Tapu-fini! Tapu-bulu follow it up using
zen-headbutt!" I stated
False swipe always left the target with 1 hp at least and since Tapu-bulu used zen-headbutt Tapu-fini was knocked out
"Tapu-fini is unable to battle!" I said
Tapu-lele was even more ready to make sure they won
"Tapu-lele! Use confusion!" I shouted
Too my surprise Tapu-koko wasn't confused
"Tapu-bulu! Use skull bash! Tapu-koko! Use brave bird!" I stated
Tapu-lele was knocked out meaning
Tapu-bulu and Tapu-koko won despite
Tapu-koko carrying with the move
"false swipe".
"Tapu-lele is unable to battle! Tapu-bulu and Tapu-koko win!" I said
Tapu-bulu and Tapu-koko did a sort of high five as Tapu-lele shook their head and immediately got up and were confused as to why they weren't battling still.

I smiled as Tapu-fini danced around happily and Tapu-lele wasn't very happy
"Don't worry Tapu-lele. You aren't going to find yourself facing an island guardian at the stadium." I stated
Tapu-lele seemed happy about that and knew they could win due to it only having regular Pokémon but silvally was an exception in the Pokémon league. We walked back so I could go see if garchomp was awake and everyone could rest after the battle
"You awake garchomp?" I asked
Garchomp roared as he came to the door and greeted me and the island guardians inside
"How was your nap?" I said
Garchomp nodded and I'd assume that meant the nap was good and I remembered today wasn't a school day due to the stadium being completed tomorrow meaning Kukui wouldn't be there too teach us and no one could fill in, I knew I had some reason not to go to school.
"Tomorrow the stadium's finishing!" I said
"Koko." Tapu-koko said
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini replied
It seemed like all my Pokémon were excited in it even if the island guardians didn't compete in the stadium itself against other Pokémon.

I looked at the time realizing we were battling for a couple hours and it was now 6:39 pm in the afternoon
"I wonder if Ulu is actually gonna be there as expected." I said
Ulu was still travelling around the world or still in melemele trying to swoon that girl who works at the pancake cafe with the raichu
"Hah. I'm sure Harper and Sarah will be psyched to see their sister battle." I stated
I smiled as I saw Tapu-koko and Tapu-fini next to the air conditioning again for the 3rd time this week.
"Okay! Tomorrow the stadium is going to open meaning we need to get some good rest for tomorrow. And I'll be taking all of you there! So let's all get some good rest for the helicopter ride there." I informed
Garchomp went upstairs as Tapu-fini followed behind spinning around
"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko said
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu replied
I was the last one upstairs and as soon as I got into the room I saw everyone already asleep
"That's new." I commented
I hopped into bed as garchomp kept moving around as I heard Tapu-bulu's light snores.

Word count: 808 words

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