Garchomp's history lesson!

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Continuation to "day 2 of the storm!"

Y/N's POV:

I exited the house with Tapu-koko's ultra ball and garchomp's luxury ball, today I'd walk to school instead of fly there.
"Alola Lillie, mallow and Lana!" I said
Brionne and steenee were running and snowy was in Lillie's arms
"Alola Y/N!" Lillie said
"Alola!" Mallow greeted
Lana waved
"I see you're walking to school. That's unusual!" Mallow said
"Yup! I decided to walk." I replied
"Walking is so fun!" Lana said happily
We walked the rest of the way talking to each other and we were there before Sophocles and Kiawe
"Where are they?" Mallow questioned
"Alola!" Kiawe greeted
Sophocles ran through the door way as togedemaru rolled and Marowak immediately went towards steenee which was unusual for marowak to go around anything with the sweet scent move due to Marowak thinking it'd be a "distraction" to his success in beating turtonator which Kiawe found absurd.
"Alola class!" Kukui greeted
"Alola!" We all said
"Today we'll be learning about, well, Pokémon and them over the years!" Kukui explained
"Oh! This'll be fun!" Lillie exclaimed
"With the aether foundation!" Kukui finished
Lillie's smile faded as snowy walked over to her while frowning too.

(Time skip)

We made it to the aether foundation where we were escorted by some weird workers and that same talking meowth, I keep seeing the 4 everywhere.
"See that rockruff?" Kukui asked
"And the lycanroc!" Burnet said
"Mhm!" Lana said
Brionne and steenee looked down as garchomp Bended towards the railing
"Oh! They've been with humans for more than a 100 years!" Mallow informed
"Woah!" Sophocles said
"Oh! It's an surskit! They're very competitive! It's been like that for years!" Lana exclaimed
"You sure know lots about water types." Burnet complimented
"Mhm!" Mallow said
I looked too the side seeing an altaria and a salamence sleeping on top of each other
"Altaria are known for their fluffy feathers! And have adapted to their extremes heat produced by the feathers!" Lillie said
"And salamence have always been known for being elusive and extremely strong!" I added
Kukui smiled as burnet kept spotting Pokémon but munchlax could care less about what was going on.
"Oh! There's an arcanine! They're really rare to spot which is why in other regions hearing them is a sign of luck!" Kiawe said
"That's great! Sophocles?" Kukui said
"Wait wait! Im trying to spot a Pokémon to inform you about!" Sophocles exclaimed.

"Here we go." Kiawe sighed
"Oh! Oh! There's a rotom! Out here in alola they've been used to power machinery for years!" Sophocles informed
"That's great!" Burnet said
"Now. Let's learn about your Pokémon's history!" Kukui stated
We walked into the zone where the Pokémon were and we were sent on our own to learn about our Pokémon in quiet spaces.
"Hmmmm. I wonder what you've done. If only you could tell me." I said
Garchomp snorted as he sat down near a tree with a sleeping snorlax on another tree
"Hmmmm. Wait. You can take on fully grown salamence?! And you're able to fly as fast as a jet and your scales actually help?!?" I stated
Garchomp got up and looked down at the article and smiled while nodding
"So you're basically like an all-terrain Pokémon!" I said
Garchomp roared and smiled before sitting down next to me
"You're very dangerous, blah, blah, blah. You can swim. How much do you eat?!" I said
Garchomp used a wing to point out a nest of drumbeak in the trees which was, worrying
"I think we should be good with that." I said.

I got up and gestured for garchomp to follow me as I searched for an exit
"Where's the exit?" I asked
Garchomp searched with me and I heard Kukui and Burnet begin to talk, something about Burnet but I thought more of it
"Garchomp. You hear it?" I asked
Garchomp looked up as I felt Tapu-koko's ultra ball shift in my bag
"Kukui and Burnet might become a thing! Or I'm overthinking." I stated
Garchomp ran up ahead as i ran after him and I realized he had found the stairs.
"Professor kukui! Professor Burnet! I'm finished!" I exclaimed
"Great! Lillie and Kiawe are too!" Kukui said
"Munchlax." Munchlax replied
"Great! You'll be sleeping here tonight for further research about it!" Burnet informed
Lillie didn't seem to like it but Kiawe touched turtonator on the spikes and it immediately exploded the the shell
".... Okay..." Kiawe said
"Turta..." turtonator apologized
Kukui laughed as Snowy used powder snow on Kiawe too cool him off
"Thanks snowy." Kiawe thanked
"Vul!" Snowy replied
I heard the other 3 walk up the stairs as Sophocles specifically talked about togedemaru's awesome history with humans and Pokémon while Lana held brionne and mallow held steenee.

Word count: 808 words

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