8 trainers in the ring!

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The Big show!

Continuation to "battles to remember!"

Y/N's POV:

I was the Next one up and I was waiting at the the door leaning onto the metal as garchomp was stood beside me
"Plumeria. Y'know her?" I asked
Garchomp nodded
"Consider this, a round two." I stated
"Y/N Vs Plumeria!" Nanu called
Olivia was supposed to do it but she fell near the dock and sustained an injury, not unusual.
I walked out with garchomp seeing plumeria and her salazzle staring
"Alola plumeria!" I greeted
"Save it." Plumeria barked
"Good luck!" I said
I heard a grunt laugh and garchomp stumbled
"Garchomp!" I shouted
Plumeria was unfazed as garchomp seemed to have fallen down
"Wha-" nanu said
"Hey!" Guzma shouted
"Sorry boss!" A grunt said
It seemed like Guzma actually wanted to see the battle and I didn't know if it was a compliment or not.
"But that's your only Pokémon!" Mallow said
They were on the stands above me
"Yeah!" Kiawe stated
Nanu rushed over to garchomp as I huffed
"I really didn't wanna do this." I said
"Heh. Good luck." Nanu stated
"Garchomp! Return!" I shouted
"How will this battle play out now that garchomp has sustained an injury?!" The announcer said confused.

"Since your so eager." I said
"Hurry it up! I don't have all day."
Plumeria shouted
"Tell your grunt that." I barked
I went through my bag and grabbed the Dream ball before pressing the middle.
"Tapu-lele! Join me!" I said
Tapu-lele appeared and it was like they knew they were going to battle so they got into their battle stance
"WHAT?! Island guardian Tapu-lele?!"
The announcer exclaimed
"Battle begin!" Nanu shouted
"Tapu-lele! Use psychic terrain!" I shouted
The battlefield had turned quite pink as it changed into psychic terrain
"Salazzle! Use venoshock!" Plumeria said
Tapu-lele couldn't dodge it so it had dealt damage although it wasn't much
"Tapu-lele! Use draining kiss!" I said
Salazzle turned a bit pink as Tapu-lele dealt damage and gained all their health back
"Salazzle! Use dragon pulse!" Plumeria said.
We exchanged hits and Tapu-lele kept gaining health using draining kiss and dealing heavy amounts of damage towards salazzle
"Salazzle! Use poison gas!" Plumeria shouted
My friends were cheering me on and Guzma looked quite annoyed but I had too use my moves wisely since I'd lose 1/8 of my health each turn.

I switched out my groundium-z for a psychium-z quickly
"Let's finish this!" I shouted
I did a series of moves as Tapu-lele copied them all while channeling energy
"Tapu-lele! Use shattered psyche!" I yelled
Tapu-lele performed the z-move as Salazzle fainted mid-way
"Salazzle is unable to battle! Trainer Y/N and Tapu-lele win the battle!" Nanu shouted
Hala and Hapu seemed impressed but Olivia was really happy.
"Hey guys!" I said
"Have something to say?" Sophocles said
"Tapu-lele?" I asked
"Tapu-lele." Tapu-lele said
"Why didn't you tell us!" Mallow exclaimed
"Because it's an island guardian!" I stated.
"Next up mallow vs Hau!" Hala called
"Bye guys!" Mallow shouted
We all waved and before we knew it mallow entered the stadium
"Tsareena! I choose you!" Mallow said
"Raichu! Come out!" Hau shouted
"Battle begin!" Hala said
"Tsareena! Use razor leaf!" Mallow said
Raichu took damage
"Raichu! Use thunderbolt!" Hau called
Tsareena and raichu both had low health.
"Tsareena! Use sweet scent! Then use double slap!" Mallow shouted
Raichu had fallen for it and hau watched in visible pain towards his raichu giving into the move sweet scent.

They exchanged hits as mallow touched her
z-ring and before we knew it Tsareena already had energy channeling around her
"Tsareena! Use bloom doom!" Mallow shouted
Raichu was stunned and I assumed he was seeing the same thing Me and Tapu-bulu were when we battled and then raichu fainted
"Tsareena! We won!" Mallow exclaimed
Hau was actually really happy and so was kahuna hala
"This is awesome! I cant wait to watch how everyone progresses. And battling here is tiring!" Hau informed
Hala laughed as both mallow and hau exited the ring.
"Sorry to interrupt folks, but Illima had to go back to kalos! Meaning trainer Lillie has one by default!" The announcer said
"We're all going into the next round!" I stated
"It's gonna be so fun!" Lillie said
"Tsareena!" Tsareena said
Tapu-lele giggled as they nuzzled tsareena's cheek before flying over to me.
"I have some healing to do with garchomp now." I sighed
"Next up will be Kiawe vs Lillie! Gladion vs Guzma! Sophocles vs Lana! And mallow vs
Y/N!" The announcer said
"Good luck gladion." I chuckled
"Yup." Gladion said
Gladion walked away with his lycanroc and slowly we all went back to our own hotel rooms alone.

Word count: 812 words

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