Day 2 of the storm!

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Z-move training!

Continuation to "day 1 of thunder!"

Y/N's POV:

I exited the house holding my hat in the wind and rain trying to reach cover in the tall trees, they weren't really tall but more or less hitched to cliffs and rocks which made them appear taller than they really are
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini said happily
"Koko." Tapu-koko replied sadly
I walked towards the trees in the rain already drenched with lightning in the distance
"Who wants to go first?" I asked
"Koko!" Tapu-koko exclaimed
"Okay!" I replied
I saw a drenched litten run away into the underbrush and I smiled
"Okay! That Sandyghast is our target!" I exclaimed
It was a lump on the ground with a red shovel at the top of it which was distinctive. Tapu-koko stepped onto the field as I exchanged my groundium-z for a electrium-z
"Let's do this!" I exclaimed
I used a few moves directed to the sandyghast and the Pokémon returned the moves trying to make Tapu-koko faint
"Okay tapu-koko! Now for your favourite part!" I said
I did a series of moves as Tapu-koko channeled z-power whilst covering itself in it for more energy.

"Tapu-koko! Use gigavolt havoc!" I shouted
Tapu-koko hovered in front of the now sweaty sandyghast forming the z move and when it had finished the sandyghast fainted.
"You were awesome!" I stated
"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko replied happily
That electricity was covered by the rain and I wouldn't complain although a light show made from electricity would've been nice
"Who's up next?" I questioned
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele called out rushing over
"Okay!" I said
I smiled before seeing a dartrix staring at us with a quill at the ready
"Dartrix! Come and battle us!" I exclaimed
The dartrix cooed before flying down and with that the battle begun. It was the same old exchanging a few hits and to my surprise dartrix does damage and before I knew it I switched out the electrium-z for a psychium-z
"Tapu-lele! Let's finish this!" I called
I did a series of moves as dartrix tried to perform a series of leafage's but it didn't work for Tapu-lele was enduring it quite well while channeling z-power around themselves
"Tapu-lele! Use shattered psyche!" I called out
The dartrix was basically used as a play toy during the z-move in action and in the end Tapu-lele won.

"Dartrix! You're so awesome!" I said
Dartrix cooed and immediately woke up before flying off to catch the drumbeak flock and their round for food
"Anywho. Who's up next!" I said
In an uncalled fashion Tapu-lele pushed
Tapu-fini forward and grabbed a Frosmoth out of the tree which obviously angered the Pokémon as Tapu-fini looked shocked.
Tapu-lele placed the Frosmoth on the battlefield as Tapu-fini stepped forward
"Okay... let's do this!" I said
"Tapu-fini." Tapu-fini called out
The Frosmoth took that as a threat and began to perform full forced attacks as Tapu-fini did the same not showing any mercy the island Guardian rarely had.
"Tapu-fini. You know the drill!" I said
I performed some movements as Tapu-fini seemed to flow a bright orange which wasn't unusual when performing a full force z-move
"Tapu-fini! Use hydro vortex!" I shouted
Tapu-fini had completely submerged itself into the whirlpool that had been made as I heard sounds of the Frosmoth struggling inside the whirlpool. I squinted and the whirlpool ended and with that Tapu-fini flew down to the ground as the Frosmoth fainted
"Yay!" I exclaimed.

Tapu-fini stormed to Tapu-lele and I assumed Tapu-lele would want to run in a couple of minutes but I'd ignore that for now
"Cmon tapu-bulu!" I said
"Tapu-bulu." Tapu-Bulu called out
I smiled as a ludicolo stepped out from the bush to be met with Tapu-bulu's strong, hard and cold glare
"Ludicolo!" Ludicolo said
The Pokémon rushed onto the field as
Tapu-bulu immediately lightened, Tapu-bulu was from the demanding bunch.
"Let's get it started!" I stated
Tapu-bulu had the first move using horn leech and it was followed by ludicolo's series of attacks which Tapu-bulu endured and I didn't want Tapu-bulu to make Ludicolo faint before the z-move
"Tapu-bulu! Let's put on a show!" I said
Tapu-bulu performed a series of movements along with me as ludicolo just watched in awe which I found quite normal for ludicolo
"Tapu-bulu! Use bloom doom!" I shouted
A patch of flowers appeared when a petal like object seemed to engulf ludicolo immediately fainting. (Time skip a little) I had finished complimenting Tapu-bulu when we finally got dried off and went upstairs to all sleep.

Word count: 818 words

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