Battles to remember!

447 7 0

No hard feelings!

Continuation to
"100 trainers, 84 unable to battle!"

Y/N's POV:

We were already at the stadium and gladion was battling faba first
"Choose your Pokémon!" Hapu said
"Silvally! I choose you!" Gladion said
"Alakazam." Faba stated
Silvally barked as it got ready to battle
"Battle begin!" Hapu called
"Silvally! Use crush claw!" Gladion said
"Alakazam. Use psychock." Faba ordered
It dealt damage but Silvally could take it.
"Silvally! Use air slash!" Gladion stated
"Alakazam! Use psybeam!" Faba said
It didn't confuse Silvally although it did quite some damage to him
"Silvally! Use a series of crush claw!"
Gladion ordered
"Alakazam! Use reflect!" Faba said
Before Alakazam could do anything Silvally charged at him using a series of crush claw which knocked Alakazam out,
"Alakazam is unable to battle! Trainer gladion and Silvally win the battle!" Hapu called
Faba returned Alakazam as gladion walked away after complimenting Faba on his fast thinking. Next up was Kiawe vs a team skull grunt which wasn't hard to beat
"Battle begin!" Olivia shouted
"Salandit! Use scratch!" The grunt said
"Marowak! Dodge it using flare blitz!"
Kiawe said
Marowak dodged it due to his bone hitting salandit first and to our surprise it knocked out salandit?!

"That was.... Fast." Kiawe said
"Marowak." Marowak replied
Even Olivia was stunned
"Salandit is unable to battle! Trainer Kiawe and Marowak win!" Olivia sounded
The grunt began yelling at salandit as Guzma in the crowd face palmed
"Well then. Sophocles vs mina!" Nanu called
Sophocles stepped on
"He's gonna win!" Mallow said
Sophocles chose togedemaru and mina chose a ribombee
"Battle begin!" Nanu said
"It's so fun to see nanu actually participating in events!" Acerola whispered to me
"Togedemaru! Use zing zap!" Sophocles said
"Ribombee! Use pollen puff!" Mina shouted
Both Pokémon were injured in the battle
"Togedemaru! Use tackle!" Sophocles said
"Ribombee! Use struggle bug!" Mina stated
"Togedemaru! Quick use defense curl!"

Sophocles shouted
Ribombee took heavy damage from both moves while ribombee didn't do anything to togedemaru
"Togedemaru! Use discharge!" Sophocles said
"Togedemaru!" Togedemaru said
"Ribombee!" Mina shouted
Ribombee was on the ground as togedemaru approached the bee-like Pokémon
"Togedemaru! Use nuzzle!" Sophocles said
It ended ribombee as Mina returned ribombee
"You were awesome!" Mina complimented
"You too!" Sophocles replied
"Ribombee is unable to battle! Trainer Sophocles and togedemaru win!" Nanu called
Acerola giggled as they both exited the arena
"Ooh! I gotta go! Cmon Lana!" Acerola said.
They entered the arena as lana pulled out primarina and Acerola used the greedy rapooh
"Lana vs Acerola!" Kahuna hala said
They looked at each other and smiled as gengar and primarina talked

"Battle begin!" Kahuna hala called
"Rapooh! Use shadow ball!" Acerola said
"Primarina! Use bubble beam!" Lana said
It didn't counter shadow ball very well but it did prevent it from much damage
"Rapooh! Use shadow punch!" Acerola said
It did damage on primarina but not much due to primarina trying to dodge it
"Primarina! Use sparkling aria!" Lana called
"Greedy Rapooh!" Acerola shouted
Gengar seemed to be very injured
"Use night shade!" Acerola stated
"Primarina! Use aqua jet!" Lana shouted
"Rapooh! Dodge it!" Acerola said
Gengar dodged the attack but that didn't stop primarina and Lana from winning the battle
"Primarina! Let's get it started!" Lana said
Lana had did a series of poses
"What's this?!" The announcer said
"Primarina! Use hydro vortex!" Lana shouted
Gengar was stunned as Acerola smiled knowing she would lose and just then gengar fainted
"Gengar is unable to battle! Trainer Lana and Primarina win the battle!" Kahuna hala said
"That was awesome!" Acerola complimented happily while smiling.

"You were awesome!" Lana said
They hugged each other as both trainers went back to the stands awaiting the next battle which would be Principle oak vs Guzma, I think we knew who would win
"That was so cool!" I said
"Yeah!" Acerola replied
"Yup!" Kiawe said
"Lana! You're so strong!" Mallow said.
"Guzma vs principle oak of the Pokémon school!" Hapu said
"Huh." Guzma said
Principle oak was in an exeggutor costume
"I'm sorry?" Kiawe stated
"At this point I feel bad for Guzma." I said
"Your principle is weird." Gladion admitted
"Eh." Sophocles said. Guzma had brought out a scizor and principle oak had an exeggutor
"Battle begin!" Hapu shouted
"Scizor. Don't fail. Use fury cutter!"
Guzma shouted
"Exeggutor! Use bullet seed!" Principle said
Both Pokémon were damaged but exeggutor more than scizor
"Step it up! Scizor! Use air slash!" Guzma said
"Exeggutor! Use giga drain!" Principle stated
It had drained both scizor and exeggutor's health which was weird
"Scizor! Use metal claw." Guzma ordered
"Exeggutor! Use seed bomb!" Principle yelled
It was already too late and exeggutor was knocked out
"Return." Guzma said
"Exeggutor is unable to battle! Trainer Guzma and scizor wins!" Hapu shouted
Guzma literally just walked away leaving Hapu stunned.

Word count: 812 words

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