Mimo's pokémon!

452 10 1

Catching a fire type!

Continuation to "night in "paradise" "

Y/N's POV:

We had already gotten to Akala and Kukui went back to melemele since Kiawe's parents would take care of us
"Big brother!" Mimo shouted happily
She was at the dock waiting for us to get to akala island
"Mimo! Step back from the ledge!" Kiawe said
He immediately stepped in and picked her up, she wasn't even near the ledge
"That's a good big brother." Sophocles stated
"I like mine how he is." Mallow said
"Gladion's perfectly fine." Lillie replied.
"Are we gonna catch Pokémon? Are we! Are we?!" Mimo exclaimed
"Mhm! We're going to get you it!" Kiawe said
"Yeah!" I said
"Yay! Yay! Can we start?" Mimo asked
"Of course!" Lana said
"And we even have this!" Mallow stated
"A transparent ball!" Lillie exclaimed
"What does it do?" Mimo asked
"You can see your Pokémon while in their poke ball!" Sophocles informed
"That's so cool!" Mimo said
Mimo seemed very excited and garchomp was happy to be back on akala island, I pulled myself off to the side of one of the cliffs while the gang went on
"I'm going to use the bathroom at the Pokémon centre!" I said.

"Tapu-lele?!" I called out
Before I knew it Tapu-lele appeared in front of me and I grabbed my poke ball
"Alola!" I greeted
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele spun around
"Tapu-koko! Come out!" I said
Tapu-koko came out of the poke ball and was quite confused on why they were on akala
"Take the poke ball back to melemele." I said
Tapu-koko grabbed it and flew off
"Watch us Tapu-lele. And I'm gonna need you to bring a Sizzlipede." I said
Tapu-lele nodded and went off to go find one which I knew they knew exactly where one was. I ran back seeing Kiawe and Mimo's parents
"Alola!" I greeted
"Alola, Y/N!" Kiawe's mom said
"Where's Kiawe?" I asked
"Already searching!" She said
I ran off and found them as they watched me
Slowly run out of breath
"Oh! Hi Y/N!" Lillie greeted
"Alola!" Mimo said
"Alola Mimo! finding a Pokémon?" I asked
"Yeah!" She answered
"Mimo. It's kind of rocky here. I can carry you down if you want!" Kiawe stated
"No big brother!" Mimo declined
"But- but-" Kiawe stuttered
Mimo was already going down the hill as Kiawe ran after her faster than Tapu-koko itself.

I ran after them as Mallow sighed and Sophocles laughed awkwardly
"Look! It's a Volcarona!" Lana exclaimed
"Hmmmm. No. I'm not interested. And look at how happy it is with the other volcarona!" Mimo said
"That's nice of you for leaving it alone with a Pokémon it's happy with!" Lillie said
Mimo knew that some Pokémon just didn't want to be caught and would rather be with other species of Pokémon or it's own and this Volcarona was one of them. I looked at the sky seeing Tapu-lele still on the hunt for a Sizzlipede and I gave a thumbs up
"Oh! Look! It's solid rock!" Kiawe said
"Pretty!" Mimo stated
We began to go slower as I saw Tapu-lele dropping something on the ground and immediately flew away
"Look!" Kiawe said
I immediately looked over seeing a Houndoom and a flareon playing together and I face palmed as Tapu-lele appeared behind me
"A Sizzlipede? I said Sizzlipede?" I stated
Tapu-lele shrugged and flew off as I sighed and went to go see
"Look how cute the flareon is! And how pretty the Houndoom is!" Mimo exclaimed
"Which one do you want to catch?" Lana asked

"They seem so happy together! Can I catch both?" Mimo asked
"I- uh-" Kiawe stuttered
"Of course!" Lillie said
"I always have a spare poke ball! Here, use it!" Sophocles offered happily
Mimo grabbed both of them and threw it at both flareon and Houndoom as Kiawe gasped. There were yellow sparkles around both poke balls and I knew mimo had caught both
"Flareon! Houndoom! Come out!" Mimo said
"I thought we were going for Sizzlipede."
I stated in confusion
"I'm so happy mimo!" Kiawe exclaimed
Kiawe hugged mimo as flareon and Houndoom nuzzled mimo's cheek
"Let's go back!" Lillie said
"We're gonna be the bestest of friends!"
Mimo said happily
Houndoom barked in agreement as flareon swayed its tail happily. When we got back both parents were waiting for us
"What a sweet flareon!" Kiawe's mom said
"And Houndoom!" Kiawe's dad added
"Now I can become the best Pokémon trainer!" Mimo exclaimed
Kiawe seemed to be crying literal tears of joy as mallow frowned and Lillie sighed
"Big brothers." Lana huffed
"I agree with you on that." Lillie admitted
I smiled seeing Tapu-lele fly overhead of us and I smiled giving another thumbs up.

Word count: 810 words

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