The finale!

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Remember this valiant moment!

Continuation to "semi-finals!"

Y/N's POV:

I woke up feeling refreshed
"Cmon garchomp!" I said
I planned to fly to the stadium so I did as planned and hopped onto garchomp
"Alola Y/N!" Lillie greeted
"Ready for the big day?" Sophocles asked
"Totally ready!" I replied
"Then let's go!" Mallow said
We ran to the stadium as I was let off into the resting area early.
"Tapu-koko. Come out." I said
"Koko." Tapu-koko replied
"You'll be battling in the finals against gladion and Silvally." I informed
I tied my shoelace as tapu-koko still listened
"No pressure on you! Just do the best and give it your all!" I exclaimed
That seemed to bring Tapu-koko joy as it danced around encased in its rooster-like shell and I heard the kahuna nanu
"Next up! Gladion vs Y/N!" Nanu stated
"Good luck Tapu-koko!" I exclaimed
We both walked out and the gang didn't look surprised about Tapu-koko although somehow the stadium still was
"All island guardians caught by Y/N of the Pokémon school!! I sense big things coming from this trainer!" The announcer said
I held my hat as Tapu-koko had little sparks coming from its shell.

"Battle begin!" Nanu said
"Silvally! Use crush claw!" Gladion said
"Tapu-koko! Use electric terrain!" I stated
I didn't care about the health Tapu-koko lost but I knew silvally would be losing a lot of health when Tapu-koko used an electric move
"Silvally! Use bite!" Gladion called
"Counter it using brave bird!" I stated
Silvally and Tapu-koko had lost health and I knew silvally was one of gladion's strongest Pokémon which was understandable.
"Silvally! Use air slash!" Gladion said
"Dodge it!" I shouted
It hit Tapu-koko but since Tapu-koko moved they didn't flinch
"Tapu-koko! Use fairy wind!" I said
"Silvally! Use metal sound!" Gladion said
I knew I needed to do something or I'd lose and Tapu-koko and a reputation for being the strongest island guardian and I'd feel guilty for the rest of my life if we lost. I switched out my waterium-z for a tapunium-z and since I had never used it I didn't know what to expect
"Get ready Tapu-koko!" I warned
I did a series of poses as you could visibly see Tapu-koko getting stronger and surrounding itself with z-power.

"Tapu-koko! Use guardian of Alola!" I said
A giant yellow muscular body rose from the ground as gladion gasped and i held my hat in awe and happiness
"Is this the work of a tapunium-z?!"
The announcer said
"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko sounded
Tapu-koko encased itself and then rested on the top of the body where it's head would be.
"Silvally! Use air slash!" Gladion shouted
The body wasn't fazed as it seemed to form a bigger version of the electro ball and hit silvally
"Hang in there silvally!" Gladion said
"Never knew this is what the tapunium-z could do!" I admitted
"this is awesome!" Lusamine exclaimed
"Silvally! Use tri attack!" Gladion said
It didn't do much and it barely pierced the yellow body's skin and in the next moment an electro ball appeared and immediately knocked out silvally.
"Silvally is unable to battle! Trainer Y/N and Tapu-koko win!" Nanu stated
"We won? We won!" I exclaimed
Tapu-koko shrunk as the body disappeared nad my Pokémon came from the stands, garchomp roared happily as the island guardians danced around and Tapu-lele shed their scales onto the crowd and Silvally while dancing around.

"Nice battling." Gladion complimented
"A worthy adversary." I said
Gladion smiled for what seemed like the first time in my life as Acerola came and congratulated me and so did nanu
"You've heard it folks! We now title Trainer
Y/N of the Pokémon school the champion of Alola!" The announcer said
My friends hugged me as I saw guzma cross his arms in the crowd
"You did good kid." Nanu said
"Yeah!" Acerola stated
Mimikins floated around garchomp.
(Time skip)
Everyone was back on melemele and even Nanu and Acerola tagged along
"Now, I believe this is yours." Hala said
He handed me a gold trophy with my name on it and I felt so privileged
"You're such a strong trainer!" Lillie said
"And good friend!" Sophocles added
"I see great things in you!" Lana said
"I look forward too training with you!"
Kiawe stated
"We can all have a celebratory dinner at my family's restaurant!" Mallow exclaimed.
The island guardians and garchomp were excited and even Tapu-bulu was energetic, I knew that from now on I'd be able to take my Pokémon everywhere with me and start having adventures with them and with the help of my friend I'd help them grow stronger and inspire real people!

Word count: 820 words!

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