Pokemon school event days!

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Continuation to"island kahuna Nanu's off day!"

Y/N's POV:

We all woke up early in the morning to catch up with the boat Lusamine sent me, again.
"Morning Y/N!" Acerola said
"Morning Acerola!" I greeted
"Heya." Nanu greeted
I had returned the island guardians as Nanu kept Krookodile out and Acerola kept mimikins out and returned the greedy rapooh
"Cmon! Let's get going!" I said
I swung my bag over my shoulder as Nanu walked out with me and Acerola and when we boarded the boat it immediately jetted away from shore.
"I can't wait to see your friends!" Acerola said
"I can't wait to go to the kahuna meeting." Nanu stated sarcastically
Krookodile looked down and saw a dewpider that seemed to be very scared of Krookodile
"Krookodile." Krookodile hissed
"Mimikyu." Mimikins said distortedly
Mimikins floated towards acerola after seeing the water being quite afraid of it
"It's okay mimikins!" Acerola said
"Heh." Nanu replied
"What'll we be seeing at the Pokémon school?" Acerola asked
"My grades. My teacher. My principle and my friends!" I answered
"Don't worry. I failed school and became the island kahuna." Nanu said
"Good too know." I stated
We docked as Krookodile and garchomp raced off the boat followed by mimikins.

We were already at the school when I saw Lana's mom and siblings, Lillie's brother and mother, Mimo and Olivia, Sophocles parents and cousin molayne and mallow's older brother ulu. Nanu huffed at the sight of Olivia as Acerola smiled
"Alola!" I shouted
"Alola Y/N! Who're you with?" Mallow asked
"Island kahuna nanu and Acerola!" I stated
"Alola!" Acerola greeted
"Hi." Nanu said
"Nanu!" Olivia exclaimed
Olivia tripped over as ulu tried to help her and Nanu face palmed
"Woah! You know nanu personally?" Sophocles asked
"Yup! Legal guardian!" I stated
"Awesome!" Lillie said
I eyed gladion as ulu made himself familiar with molayne.
"Vul!" Snowy said to Krookodile
"Krookodile." Krookodile replied
"Woah! A Krookodile!" Kiawe said
"Could we get this over with?" Nanu said
Nanu arched his back as Acerola made him straighten his back
"Alola mimo!" I greeted
"Alola!" Mimo replied
"Hey Y/N!" Lana said
I was already having a great time but Nanu could say otherwise about it
"Alola. I've heard lots." Molayne greeted
I smiled and shook his hand while adjusting my hat to the back
"Kyu!" Mimikins said
"Why is that mimikyu floating?" Lillie asked.

"Because mimikins is a ghost!" Acerola replied
Lillie and the gang were stumped and even gladion was confused
"Huh. Gladion. I've given him a grand trial." Nanu informed
"Gladion really is a wild card." I said
"Yup!" Acerola agreed
"Alola class and their families!" Kukui said
"Alola professor Kukui!" Lana's mom greeted
"Mallow! I never knew you had such a cool teacher!" Ulu complimented
"Because you're never around?" Mallow said
"That makes sense!" Ulu said happily
"Alola kahuna Olivia, kahuna Nanu."
Kukui greeted
"Good to see you again!" Olivia said
Nanu groaned as he stepped in with Krookodile
"Nanu's having so much fun!" Acerola said
"Yup." Nanu answered
"Lickitung." Ulu's lickitung said
Garchomp roared happily as Marowak attacked turtonator and both mimo and Kiawe tried to pry Marowak off.
"Steenee!" Steenee exclaimed
Everyone was pulled off by Kukui to talk about their grades and other stuff and finally it landed on me
"Y/N! Cmon!" Kukui said
"Nanu, Acerola. ready to be amazed?" I said
"Yeah no." Nanu stated
"Alola! Y/N's grades are wonderful and they're excelling at school and work well with their friends!" Kukui said
Nanu could care less but Acerola seemed to be invested on how I was doing currently.

"That's all!" Kukui said
"Wow! You're doing so good!" Acerola stated
"Yup. Good kid." Nanu complimented lightly
Nanu seemed to not care but was happy I was trying and it was working and Acerola was beaming with happiness.
"Hey Guys!" I said
"This is so fun!" Lusamine said
"Yup." Lillie agreed
"Alola gladion." I greeted
"Hey." Gladion replied
I immediately went over to be greeted by Lana's siblings Sarah and Harper
"Alola! Alola!" They both said
"Alola you two!" I greeted
"Sorry. They can be much." Her mom said
"It's alright!" Mallow said
"I can relate." Kiawe stated
"You're just overprotective." Lana said
"Am not!" Kiawe protested
"Alola Y/N!" Ulu said
"Alola! Nice to meet you!" I replied
Nanu arched his back in boredom as Krookodile socialized with garchomp and turtonator which was nice.
"Hello!" Principle oak said
Komala was sleeping as usual and professor oak talked with the parents leaving us alone together
"Nice to meet you acerola." Lillie said
"You too!" Acerola replied
Mimikins used shadow ball into the sky as it created a little burst up in the air scaring a drumbeak and a toucannon
"Isn't this fun?" Kiawe asked
"Yeah!" Mimo agreed
"Right Harper, Sarah?" Lana asked
"Yeah! Yeah!" Harper and Sarah exclaimed.

Word count: 818 words

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