Game plan!

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Continuation to "back to school frights!"

Y/N's POV:

The island guardians were back and we were I guess sat on the surface of my bed although garchomp was sat on the side of my bed
"We were almost caught!" I said
Tapu-lele wasn't happy about it although
Tapu-bulu could care less about what happened over there
"We can't let that happen again. If someone found out I caught the island guardians my privacy would delete itself!" I stated
"Koko." Tapu-koko said
"From now on the aether foundation would probably come in this area more often." I informed while pointing outside
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu said
"That... faba guy seems like trouble." I stated
Tapu-koko nodded And it seemed like they understood what I meant by trouble.
"So, from now on. I need you all to be on guard. Yes that includes you Tapu-bulu.
Tapu-lele, whenever you go to akala I'm going to need you to watch Kiawe, I've got a feeling since he's under a different island guardian aether foundation could go there too." I said
I respected Kiawe's privacy and farm but the aether foundation could seem a little nosey at times, especially Lusamine when it came to the island guardians.

"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele giggled
I knew that the island guardians could use telepathy because it's happened before but due to comfort they have shut it off from their life.
"Fini!" Tapu-fini said
"Now that that's settled, me and garchomp were planning to go to Lillie's house because I had offered to study with her on the island guardian conundrum." I informed
Tapu-fini summoned water and began to do little tricks with it as Tapu-lele went to akala island to go spread their scales, Tapu-bulu and Tapu-koko went off towards poni island to where I assumed they were going to go to the alter of the sun. I hopped on top of garchomp and made my way towards Lillie's estate and when I got there I saw an umbreon and midnight form lycanroc, kinda weird. I hopped off garchomp as we landed before seeing the lycanroc come up to me
"Hm. Midnight form. Different from Olivia's Lycanroc." I noted
"Lycanroc." The lycanroc said
I remembered gladion's umbreon so I assumed gladion was here. Garchomp sniffed the air before I heard shouting and I turned
"Lillie!" I said
She was cornered by a couple of team skull grunts.

"Y/N!" Lillie called
"Never thought I'd be doing battling!" I said
"Vul!" Snowy said
"Garchomp! Use dragon claw!" I ordered
"No fair!" Tupp said returning salandit
"Zubat! Use poison fang!" Rapp said
It sank poison into garchomp making him a little woozy but he shook it off
"Garchomp, you good? Use a series of bite on garboader!" I said
Garchomp knocked out garboader before Zubat looked over
"Zubat! Use poison fang, again!" Rapp stated
"Dodge it using quick attack!" I said
Garchomp dodged it and rammed into Zubat knocking Zubat all the way into the bushes. Lillie was let go and so was snowy as we ran back towards the estate
"That was close!" I commented
"You think?" Lillie said
We stopped on the porch trying to catch our breath before going inside
"Lillie? Hopps is gettin-" gladion cut himself off before looking down
"Umbre!" Umbreon said
"Vul!" Vulpix replied
"Gladion!" Lillie said
"Did I miss something?..." he asked
"Team skull just almost kidnapped snowy!" I informed while huffing
"Okay. Get inside." Gladion said
Gladion huffed before walking out of the room and leaving us alone as umbreon examined me.

"After that mystery around your house I was thinking. Is their something there?" Lillie questioned while opening a book
"Hm. I wonder." I said
"Could an island guardian be caught?" Lillie asked before looking through the book
"There just regular Pokémon. They have perks and are more important. But their still regular Pokémon." I stated
"I'm worried my mother will become nosey. Since the Island guardian's are near your house she's probably going to go there more often or inspect you." Lillie admitted
"Yeah. I've thought about that too." I said
"And since Kiawe is under a different island guardian, Tapu-lele. She might go to Kiawe's farm and inspect it more." Lillie admitted
(Time skipping :>)
I hopped onto Garchomp while waving
"Bye Lillie!" I said
"See you tomorrow Y/N!" Lillie stated
"Cya around gladion!" I said
Gladion frowned as I took off and went towards my house. Lillie knew her mother like the back of her hand which was surprising. When I got home I opened the door seeing Tapu-koko immediately appeared in front of me as I walked upstairs
"Hey buddy!" I said
Tapu-koko flew into the room as I laid down seeing Garchomp throw the blanket over his head and collapse before falling asleep.

Word count: 816 words

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