Back to school frights!

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Schooling gone wrong!

Continuation to "training!"

Y/N's POV:

I woke up and already prepared Pokémon food before waking up my Pokémon
"Okay. Today. I'll take Tapu-koko with me to school just incase!" I said
I encased Tapu-koko in their ultra ball and did so with garchomp and his luxury ball and got going off to school, I still couldn't get over the fact i caught garchomp using a luxury ball.
"Alola!" I greeted
"Alola, Y/N! Apparently we'll be having a different teacher come in today!" Sophocles informed as he let go of togedemaru
Garchomp stayed off to the side awaiting the substitute teacher we would have
"Steenee!" Steenee said
"Alola class!" A tall woman said walking in
Lillie's face dropped
"Mother?!" Lillie said
"My Lillie dear!" Lillies mother greeted
"Off topic Lusamine." A green haired man said
"Oh. Yeah! Hello class. My name is Lusamine of the aether foundation. This is my team, Wicke, faba and professor burnet" Lusamine greeted as they said hello
"Where's professor Kukui?" Lana asked
"He will appear shortly." Burnet said
"Huh." Kiawe said
"Today we were called here because there was a island guardian sighting. All of them!" Wicke said while smiling brightly.

I sank in my chair as garchomp began to look distressed about it
"All of the guardians of Alola on melemele island?" Mallow said
"Mhm!" Wicke replied
"Tapu-lele was here?" Kiawe asked
"Tapu-fini!" Lana stated
"Tapu-bulu too?" Questioned Sophocles
"And Tapu-koko!" Lillie said
"Exactly! I'm so proud of you!" Lusamine said
Tapu-koko wasn't going to be happy when I tell them about this, they're a very straight forward island guardian.
"It was spotted near the shoreline on the far end of melemele island." Faba said
Mallow darted her head to me
"That's near Y/N's house!" Mallow commented
"Yup." I said
"We still have yet to figure out why. So we're here to bring you on a fun adventure to find out why!" Lusamine exclaimed
Sophocles beamed with excitement as I slumped in my chair even more.
"Yes class!" Kukui said walking in
"Let's get going." Burnet said
We walked towards where they were sighted and I knew I needed to let Tapu-koko out
"Guys! I need the restroom! I'll be back!" I informed as Lusamine nodded
I walked in shutting all the blinds and doors before looking at Tapu-bulu, Tapu-lele and Tapu-fini.

"Guys. Stay hidden! It's urgent! I'll open a window so you can get to your island." I said
I opened the window from behind watching them go into the forest
"Tapu-koko! Come out!" I said
Tapu-koko was confused as to why I let them out of their poke ball
"Im going to need you to go for a bit. I'll be back!" I said
Tapu-koko nodded as they flew out the window and I went back towards everyone.
"Hey! Find anything?" I asked
"It seems this place is all electric, psychic, water and grass terrain!" Wicke informed
"Even your house!" Mallow added
I knew exactly why it was like that
"This seems to be an island guardian hotspot!" Lusamine exclaimed
"Do you spot them often?" Burnet asked
"Nope. Just Tapu-koko every so often." I said
I needed to cover it up so I didn't look suspicious about whatever happened
"Hm. Y/N, do you mind if we take a look at your house?" Lusamine asked
"N-no!" I stuttered
I looked at Tapu-koko who was in the forest covered up by growth and I shrugged. Lusamine went into my home
"Hm. Nice poke ball collection!" Burnet said.

"Yeah." I replied
"Hm. Why the extra bags of Pokémon food?" Wicke asked
"Yeah?" Kiawe said
"Y'know. Garchomp is a big Pokémon so they can get hungry!" I stated
"Makes sense." Mallow added
We walked out as Lusamine complimented my parents wealth which was weird to me.
"It's Tapu-koko!" Lana yelled
Tapu-koko stared down with their eyes locked to the group
"Why is it here?!?" Lillie questioned
"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko called
Tapu-koko flew away and I realized they had my hat!
"It doesn't make sense!" Faba said
"Your right on that Faba. Why would the island guardians especially the Poni island guardian or Ula'Ula guardian be here?" Questioned burnet
"Good point. Why would out of all places on the island would they choose here around someone?" Asked Lusamine
This wasn't my best secret keeping moment out of all fails I had got
"Yes. What do they want from here?" Wicke questioned
"We will discuss this at the aether foundation." Lusamine said
Kind of uncomfortable knowing people would talk about me behind my back basically
"We need to get going." Kiawe said
The aether foundation had offered to take the others back to their houses leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Word count: 814 words

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