Night in "paradise"!

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Hurt, found, health!

Continuation to "garchomp's history lesson!"

Y/N's POV:

We were escorted to the same room as last time but with newspapers, laptops and articles that were all about our Pokémon and the things that have been spotted and recorded about them and their habits
"This should be fun!" Mallow exclaimed
"I mean. Ever since I found out my garchomp eats anything that can range from a flock of drumbeak to a braviary or 2 noctowl's." I said
"Woah! Have you ever eaten anything like that garchomp?" Mallow asked
Garchomp nodded while pointing to the window where 6 drumbeak's were sleeping in a nest, most children.
"Hm! Steenee used to naturally use sweet scent as a helpful thing but overtime it became a well known attack!" Mallow informed
I placed my bag down making sure I still had Tapu-koko's poke ball inside of it
"Overtime when alolan vulpix first came to Alola not many were found or survived in mount lanakila but slowly adapted!"
Lillie stated while petting snowy
I heard a roar coming from aether paradise and it sounded like something in distress
"Not again!" Kiawe said
"Do we have too?" Sophocles asked
They were obviously bummed out about the distressed Pokémon needing help.

"We can't wait till morning! And besides. Mother isn't counting the Pokémon tomorrow!" Lillie said
"Oh, fine!" Sophocles stated
We all got up as we brought garchomp, brionne, steenee and snowy along
"Over there!" Lana exclaimed
I heard a roar and a slam against the ground as garchomp got aggressive and snowy became on edge about every movement
"Around the corner!" I said
I stepped in front and as soon as I turned I saw a salamence with a deep old gash along it's side
"It's a salamence." Kiawe said
Steenee frowned as garchomp became on guard and growled, garchomp really didn't like this salamence. The salamence growled at garchomp and tried scrambling to it's feet
"Woah! Woah! I know you've battled a couple of salamence in the past but this one isn't a threat!" I exclaimed
Garchomp seemed to have understood and immediately tried to aid the salamence
"Snowy! I didn't know you didn't like salamence," Lillie said
"Brionne! Use bubble beam!" Lana said
It seemed to have cleaned the wound a little and with that the salamence immediately ran away deeper into the sanctuary
"Mission accomplished." Mallow stated
"At least this didn't end up like vaporeon." Kiawe said.

We headed back up to the room quietly and before I knew it we were back
"That was interesting." Sophocles said
"Yeah!" Kiawe exclaimed
Mallow smiled as brionne basically clung to snowy to get rid of extra body heat
"Haha! Gladion's umbreon does that too!" Lillie informed
"Oh yeah! Whatever happened to gladion?" Kiawe asked
"Oh! He came back to the estate but mother doesn't know about it." Lillie said
"That's great! My brother is still on his recipe journey." Mallow said
"And my dad's still on the ocean!" Lana stated
"My cousin molayne is researching space Pokémon!" Sophocles exclaimed
"That's so cool! Like minior!" Kiawe said
"My parents are in hoenn for research!" I stated while smiling
"That's awesome! What do they specialize in?" Sophocles asked
"My dad specializes in fairy types and my mom specializes in steel types!" I said
"That's cool!" Kiawe complimented
"My dad's doing research on akala!" Kiawe exclaimed happily
"I believe my father left Alola years ago."
Lillie said
"I wonder where he is now!" Mallow said
We kept talking about our family members actions and what they were doing as our Pokémon dozed off to sleep while listening to us talk.

"How's mimo?" Lana asked
"She's doing great! She wants to catch a Pokémon now though." Kiawe huffed
"What's she gonna catch?" Mallow asked
"That's what I don't know." Kiawe stated
"We could help you!" Lillie offered
"You would? Thank you!" Kiawe thanked
"Anytime! Mimo should be able to catch a Pokémon!" I said
"I'll do my data on Pokémon that live on akala island!" Sophocles stated
"And we can go to the farm for a day!" I said
"Yeah!" Kiawe exclaimed
"I'd say maybe a tepig would be good for mimo" Lana said
(Tepig slays)
We kept on talking about what mimo should catch and in the end we decided on a sizzlipede which I thought wasn't a bad Pokémon although faba would think otherwise.
(bad faba >:<)
I heard Sophocles yawn as togedemaru lit up before I looked back to my bag seeing the ultra ball and I grabbed the bag trying to zip it up
"So, we going to akala tomorrow?" I asked
"Depends. Do you want too?" Kiawe said
"Yeah!" Lana stated
"Sure! My dad is closing the restaurant for a bit so I'd be fine!" Mallow informed
"Then it's settled!" Lillie exclaimed
I yawned and immediately went to sleep without moving constantly unusually.

Word count: 816 words

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