Joy flying!

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Bonding in the air!

Continuation too "nighttime talking"

Y/N's POV:

Everyone had went back home after the night before due to a storm that would roll into alola for at least a day from melemele to poni island and even some uninhabited islands near alola, it was quite a big storm. I had planned to go out while the storm rolled in since the island guardians and me have never went anywhere due to the people everywhere but since alola would be huddled inside for a day it was a perfect chance,
"Morning!" I said
"Koko!" Tapu-koko greeted
My Pokémon were all awake so I didn't have to spend 10 minutes trying to get Tapu-lele out of their little shell, they were quite the heavy sleeper.
"Anyone hungry?" I asked
Garchomp rushed over as I poured him a bowl filled with some Pokémon food I bought at the store from some weird malasada stand with a talking meowth, it wasn't an alolan meowth either. Garchomp finished up as I went back upstairs to put a hoodie on
(u can pick the style,material,type, etc)
I walked back downstairs and pulled my hood up realizing it was starting to pour on melemele island already.

"Anyone wanna go out?" I questioned
Surprisingly even Tapu-bulu wanted to go out into the rain for a bit of joy flying
"Ready, garchomp?" I asked
Garchomp roared as I hopped on and propelled into the air surrounded by fog yet still with the ability to see the water and ground
"You must love this Tapu-fini!" I exclaimed
We were flying over the ocean that divided the four islands
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele said
Tapu-lele danced in the Rain and was obviously loving it more than Tapu-koko.
"Koko." Tapu-koko said unamused
I laughed as Tapu-koko just hovered there in the rain all soaked
"Don't worry!" I reassured while laughing
I knew Tapu-koko wasn't going to like it so I brought a little umbrella for them and as soon as I got it out Tapu-koko moved forward
"There!" I said
Tapu-koko had a little umbrella object covering their forehead and down so their face wouldn't get all soaked and off in the distance Tapu-bulu seemed to be enjoying the rain
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini said
Tapu-fini was hovering alongside Tapu-lele watching Tapu-lele actually have fun in the rain.

"Isn't this fun garchomp?" I asked
Garchomp roared as I adjusted myself on his back as he played with Tapu-bulu, we flew all the way to Ula'Ula while avoiding poni island knowing that people would still be working and going on with their day due to Tapu-fini being the island guardian and with their new kahuna nothing could possibly go wrong.
"Tapu-bulu." Tapu-bulu said
Their bell rang and it was quite loud when it wanted to be which startled Tapu-koko a bit when I heard a distorted bark in the distance
"What was that?" I asked
It was coming from akala near wella volcano so i flew down leaving the island guardians in the air to play with each other in the fog
"Hello?" I said
Their was a cliff side cave and I heard another distinct echoey bark and followed it.
"Weird..." I said
I turned the corner with garchomp seeing a humongous grey blur coming towards us
"Garchomp, quickly! Use a series of dual chop!" I called out
Garchomp did so knocking back whatever the Pokémon was
"Garchomp! Get ready!" I said
Garchomp roared in a battle stance being on high alert.

"Hey!" A voice called
Another bark came from the Pokémon as garchomp got ready to use bite
"Silvally!" Gladion called out
He ran over to the Pokémon called "silvally" and then looked back up to me and garchomp
"Explanation?" I said
"You're not supposed to be here!" Gladion said
"Duh. It's a secluded and narrow cave." I said
A green haired boy and an dartrix turned the corner and looked on
"Y/N?!?" Hau exclaimed
"Hau?!?" I said
I knew Hau from way back when we were children, we went to the same preschool together.
"Okay. Im confused." I said
"My god. Okay. Silvally, go over there for a proper introduction. Silvally, Y/N. Y/N, silvally." Gladion said
The Pokémon was rather tall with a weird Mohawk looking thing on its head
"And you already know me!" Hau said
"Cant believe i'm stuck with you for the rest of the year." Gladion grumbled
"Yeah! It's going to be fun!" Hau said
While gladion and Hau were speaking or most likely gladion bickering and hau being oblivious I managed to sneak away on garchomp and fly back to the island guardians to try a better approach to fun instead of flying.

Word count: 811

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