Day 1 of thunder!

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Continuation to "Lusamine!"

Y/N's POV:

I woke up at 3:41 am to the sound of thunder and rain, garchomp was huddled next too Tapu-fini as Tapu-bulu and Tapu-koko were beside each other encased while Tapu-lele was in the light again. I just couldn't fall asleep so I decided to go downstairs and do something
But when I actually got downstairs there was one light open which made it easier to see
"Koko." Tapu-koko said
I jumped hearing Tapu-koko
"Ack! Oh, it's you. Did I wake you?" I said
Tapu-koko shook their head as I shrugged and kept walking
"I wonder how Kiawe's going to deliver milk. Charizard can take the rain on his tail but thunder not so much. And mallow's family restaurant won't get customers." I stated
I took a look out the window as Tapu-koko hovered beside me looking out it too
"What's with that mereanie?" I questioned
There was a mereanie with a corsola horn as a necklace running towards the path. I shook it off before heading back to the cabinet
"Since you're the only one awake you can have some food." I said while grabbing a plate.

Tapu-koko ate the food so when I grabbed the plate I immediately put it in the dish washer thing, I really didn't have time for it
"How is it 3:53?" I said
"Koko." Tapu-Koko replied
I really wasn't a morning person often but I'd make do with it, outside was pitch black still with a little bit of light from a sleeping morelull
"This is so boring." I admitted
Tapu-Koko obviously agreed with me considering Tapu-Koko was an energetic guardian and the fastest for closure on why.
I heard a creak coming from upstairs
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu said
"Woah! Woah! You're awake?! It's 4:13 am?!" I exclaimed
I was very surprised about it due to the fact Tapu-bulu never wakes up early and if they do it's usually just not getting up
"Koko." Tapu-Koko said
"Tapu-bulu." Tapu-bulu replied
Tapu-bulu took one good look outside and I think a couple of flowers grew in the front yard.
Tapu-bulu wasn't having it and decided to pull the blinds down using a horn
"Point taken." I stated
"Koko." Tapu-Koko said
"I wonder how the others are doing, Lana's probably out on the ocean even if it's raining." I commented.

Tapu-Koko nodded although Tapu-bulu could care less about what anyone else from the gang was doing
"Koko." Tapu-Koko said
"Bulu." Tapu-bulu replied
Tapu-Koko and Tapu-Bulu had an understanding for each other in the way where they were unusual best friends that were polar opposites
"I guess we're observing rain today." I stated
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini called out
"Speak of the devil! Morning Tapu-fini!" I said
Tapu-fini made water displays happily as they looked out the sinks in complete awe
"At least someone enjoys it." I sighed.
"Okay! Now we wait for garchomp and
Tapu-lele to wake up!" I said
"Tapu-fini!" Tapu-fini replied
"How about we do some z-move training instead of regular battling?" I asked
"Tapu-koko!" Tapu-koko called out
"Tapu-bulu!" Tapu-bulu answered
It seemed like they liked the idea instead of actual battling or staying inside although
Tapu-koko wasn't going to like it once they actually got outside in the rain.
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele said
I saw Tapu-lele float down as Tapu-fini urged them to look outside it a happy way.

Tapu-lele somehow loved the rain which for them wasn't uncalled for but I wouldn't judge
"Is garchomp awake?" I asked
Tapu-lele nodded as they looked back at the stairs leading to my room
"Morning garchomp!" I greeted
Garchomp roared quietly as I checked the time and it read 5:37 am
"Get a good rest?" I asked
I poured garchomp a bowl of Pokémon food and placed it on the counter. Garchomp nodded happily before looking at the ground outside and I knew garchomp wasn't happy about the rain but was happy about the mud, I recently found out that ground types loved the mud which was surprising but wasn't uncalled for on the wow factor.
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele said
I was quite happy that Pokémon food was something you didn't need to cook and you could just buy at your local store
"Okay. 7 am we'll be going to train!" I said
Garchomp nodded while Tapu-bulu kept looking outside and looking back at Tapu-fini whilst squinting
"You think Kiawe's delivering milk?" I asked
"Tapu-lele!" Tapu-lele replied
"Im going to assume you know that he is."
I admitted while patting garchomp on the side of his body.

Word count: 812 words

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