Yandere Mother x Male Reader

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Y/N is an 17 year old boy still in highschool and he's living with his Mother her name is Lisa who was divorced 10 years ago. His Mother works as a Manager in a Huge company.

Y/N! Y/N! woke up and heard someone calling him, it was his Mother he walked down stair and greeted his Mother.

(Y/N): hi Mother Good Morning Why are you calling me?

Lisa: Come here and give your Mother a Good Morning Kiss.

(Y/N): Mom I'm not a kid no more *as he kissed her*

Lisa: aww your still my little baby boy darling. Come here Breakfast's ready hurry up or you'll be late for school.

Y/N sat down and ate his breakfast with his mother.

(Y/N): Hey Mom have you been seeing someone?

Lisa: what?

(Y/N): Look Mom after I'm done in Highschool I'm gonna Move to tokyo, for my University there. And i don't want you to be lonely Mom.

Lisa was Shocked to what Y/N said this was the first time hearing his darling son, moving away and going to university.

Lisa: Son this is the first time I'm hearing about you moving away. *Grips the Spoon tighter hiding her anger*

(Y/N): Oops Well i was gonna tell you at my graduations well might as well tell you all of it. Mom I have a girlfriend and I'm moving to her other house in tokyo when we graduate. I know Mom I'm sorry that i kept having a girlfriend from you but. I know you questioned my last Girlfriend and that's why she broke up with me.

Lisa: WHAT!

Lisa was visibly upset with Y/N for keeping his girlfriend a secret from her.

Lisa: Y/N! I can't have this bring your girlfriend here after school am i understood Mister.

Y/N didn't say anything and went up to his room to go change for school. While changing Lisa took out her phone and called his company to call in sick today.

Lisa's Mind: don't worry darling no one's gonna take you away from me. I should've known that a shank was taking you away from me. I need to take care of this Girl.

Y/N then walked out of the house and walked down the streets to his school. But he didn't notice his Mother was following him and trying to find out who this shank was.

???: Hey Y/N how you doing you look a bit angry today.

(Y/N): Oh hey Melissa I'm fine just some minor things. Let's go inside before we're late.

Then school started. Lisa went inside and proceeded to walk to a teacher's office.

Teacher: oh hey Ma'am what can i do to you today?

Lisa: I want files for a girl named Melissa.

Teacher: I'm sorry ma'am but we can't disclose information about students.

Lisa took out an envelope and gave it to the teacher. It had lots of money on it. The teacher reluctantly agreed and handed Lisa the file for Melissa.

The file reads.
Name: Melissa Shield
Age: 17
Date of Birth: June 30
Occupation: None

Background: Melissa was a known for being in a gang when she was in middle school. And was suspended for beating a Kid when she was in her 1st year in highschool. Melissa's only had her dad and her dad was always working and didn't supervised Melissa. It was also rumored that she had S*x with 3 upperclassmen.

Lisa's Mind: Ohh so she's violent and is a slut i will not let her corrupt my darling son's Mind.

Lisa waited outside the school in her car. Then school finished and s lisa saw her precious Y/N and the slut gave their goodbyes to each other. Lisa followed Melissa back to her house lisa stood outside holding a knife and with an Evil smirk in her face...

To be continued...

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now