Yandere Ex-Wife x Male Reader (Ch. 2)

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(This story will be shorter)


Emily: You fucking Whore! that was supposed to be My Man! You stole my Y/N! Your gonna pay bitch! with you blood

She then stopped her episode and calmed down and formed a Plan she then had a massive menacingly happy grin.


The next day Emily went to work and saw that You already left for work. But then She saw that bitch that took you Chloe she was with Abagail playing.

Chloe: Oh Emily your here Y/N already left.

Emily: Hello there Chloe and hello there Abagail :).

Chloe: Emily I'd like to speak to you Privately for a minute, let's go there *points to the kitchen).

Emily followed Chloe to the kitchen she was confused on what Chloe wanted to talk to her about.

Emily: So Chloe what do you want to talk about?

Chloe: Emily I think you should quit this job already. I know your story you cheated on Y/N and left him right. If he see you more he's painful memories will return. And beside I'm already here i can be the one to take care of Abagail.

Emily: What are you saying.

Chloe: Look just think about what Y/N's feeling now. Just go back to your boyfriend and leave this house he already has me.

Emily: No! I will never leave! I will have him again and never leave him again! Your just an obstacle in my way. And for that *grabs a knife* you must die!

Emily grabbed a knife and stabbed Chloe in the heart and as she lay limp on the floor. There was a laugh a maniacal laugh that can be heard throughout the house.

Emily went back to Abagail and put her to her bed. And Emily went back to clean up the crime scene.

Emily took Chloe's phone and messaged Y/N. The message read.

I'm sorry Y/N but i think this relationship won't work after all let's Break up goodbye Y/N

Emily sent the message and began Laughing again and was whispering to herself.

Emily: Yes Y/N can be finally be mine again. Now i Will never leave you again Y/N just wait. We'll be together forever.

Timeskip 7 hours later. brought to you by Chibi Y/N walking through the rain.

Emily was in the living room waiting for her love to come home. Then she heard the door opening and went to check it.

She saw Y/N there. Y/N was visibly crying and quite drunk he was about to go in when he collapsed on the door and was sleeping. Emily just stood there with a wide smirk.

She then approached you and drag you to your bed and she laid beside you.

Emily whisper's: I miss this, i remembered us sleeping and cuddling together like this.

Then she slept with you.

7 hours later

You woke up with a headache you sat up and felt arm around you. You look beside you to see Emily there sleeping.

You got surprised by this and jump out of the bed. She then woke up from the commotion and saw you on the floor.

(Y/N): Emily. W-what are you doing in my bed.

Emily: hmm, why can't i sleep with my darling?

(Y/N): Darling? What are you saying Emily.

Emily: I know what happened to you. Chloe broke up with you right. That's fine I'm here I'll replace her.

Your expression went from surprised to anger and shouted at her.

(Y/N): What are you saying! Get out! Get out of my house! We're already done Emily!

Emily: I know that We're done. But can't we go back together i changed Y/N I'll never leave you.

(Y/N): No get out!

Emily: Then you left me with no Choice.

Emily charged at you and punched you and your temple got hit and you blacked out.

She dragged you to the bed and tied you there. She waited for you to wake up.

Few minutes later you woke up. You tried getting up but rope restrained you. You looked around and saw Emily sitting there with a grin.

(Y/N): Emily! Let me go!

Emily: No can do Y/N. And you shouldn't be yelling at your wife like that.

She then got up and walked towards you she beat you up and disciplined you. Later she would rape you.

Emily: So Y/N will you accept my live now.

(Y/N): Never! I'll never love someone like you.

Emily: Is that so? Then you should say goodbye to Abagail.

(Y/N): No you wouldn't.

Emily: Oh yes i would. So what will it be Y/N? Me or Abagail?

(Y/N): ...Fine I'll accept you.

Emily: Now that's lovely.

Few years later you and emily got another daughter and the four of you lived happily ever after. Well not for you that is.

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now