Yandere Futa Student council president x Trap Male Reader (🍋)

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[ 3rd Person POV ]

You're a second year high-schooler And you were A cute and small boy. So everyone suspects that you're actually a girl.

All the girls in your class know your a boy but they forced you to wear schoolgirl uniforms.

At first you were embarrassed but as time pass you really didn't care anymore. But there is something annoying about this.

[ Your POV ]

God. Another one, these people just won't stop confessing to me. For the last time I'm a boy not a girl! God why did it turn out to be like this.

I was walking down the school hall when i turned the corner i accidentally bumped into someone.

I saw her on the floor and she dropped some papers. I quickly went up to her and helped her pick up her papers and helped her stand up.
( Cliche. Always the romance shows )

When she stood up i saw she was actually the student council president
Katelyn. I said sorry to her and i left, I actually forgot that i still have class.

[ Katelyn's POV ]

Yes my plan worked, I got him to notice me finally. He's just so cute! I can't contain my feelings anymore.

I then looked down and saw i was super hard. I sneakily went to the bathroom and jacked myself thinking about Y/N.

After i jacked myself off i was again walking down the halls. I then suddenly saw Y/N there i saw him being pinned infront of his locker.

It was a girl she was gonna assult my Y/N! I then came out of hiding to warn her about what she was doing. I was trying so hard to not kill her then and there, it might get my cute Y/N scared.

I saw the girl backed off and walked away glaring at me so i shot a glare back to her.

(Y/N): Hey thanks for that i thought i was gonna get assaulted.

" No need to thank me I am the student council president so i need to maintain this school and students "

(Y/N): Yeah, thanks again. Bye i still have classes.

I saw him leave and i quickly left to, i searched the school for the girl who harassed my dear Y/N.

Few minutes of searching i finally saw the bitch! I saw her, in a classroom sitting there alone.

I sneakily went inside the classroom. I saw a pair of scissors on the table and i took it. I quietly went behind her and. I stabbed her in the back.

She panicked and tried squirming but i overpowered her. I took out the scissors and stabbed her again and again and again until she her eyes where lifeless.

" Hmm i should finally take my love. There are far too many bitches wanting him. "

[ 3rd Person POV ]

You were walking down the streets to your house. When suddenly you where pulled from the streets and into a dark alleyway. You were panicking and squirming

But then you felt a sharp pain penetrating your neck. Then i all went black and you collapsed right there and then.

Few hours later you awoke from your slumber you notice that you didn't have any clothes on. You also noticed that you were bound and chained to a large bed. You looked around and what you saw made you terrified.

Pictures of you plastered everywhere on the wall. Pictures of you studying, masterbating, and you sleeping.

Then the door bursted open you saw a figure in the door. You began to panic, then the figure started walking towards you.

You panic more, then from out of the shadows came Katelyn. She had a evil smirk throughout her face. She then walked towards you, while walking she began to strip her clothes off.

She was now infront of you now only wearing panties. She then slowly took it off and when she did you were in disbelief. There she was standing high and mighty with her absolutely large dick.

She went on top of you and you tried struggling but for some reason she was stronger than you. She then took off all your clothes and removed your leg from the bounds.

You were now naked exposing your sweet little body. She couldn't wait anymore she went down you and lifted you legs up.

She positioned her thick almost 15 inches dick into your asshole. And without anytime to spare she plowed it inside of you.

She didn't move for a few seconds then she began her thrusting. You were in pain but that's not the only things you felt. You felt pleasure you tried to struggle but you were too weak.

She fasten her thrusting, your stomach is being deformed and your ass is being turned in and out. Then 30 minutes of thrusting and moaning later.

Katelyn: Y/N! I'm about to cum!

(Y/N): Take it out! No don't cum insi- ack.

She didn't listen to a word you said and she came inside your ass. She came so much that you stomach bloated you look like you were pregnant.

You then collapsed on the bed you lost consciousness right there and then.

Katelyn: Aww you're so cute my little Y/N. I'll properly train you to be my lovely sex slave tee-hee~

The end

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