Yandere Chika Fujiwara x Male Reader

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Y/N was friends with the student council president Miyuki Shirogane. And he is also friends with treasurer Yu Ishigami. You were always hanging out with them in te student council room.

There Y/N met with the Vice-president Kaguya shinomiya and also the secretary Chika Fujiwara.

After meeting Chika instantly took a liking too you and would constantly ask Y/N to hangout.

And she would always come to him bringing a spare bento and eating with him.

Y/N being oblivious didn't really cared. He just thinks it was her being friendly to him. But No Chika became obsessed with Y/N when they first met. And she did all of this so no girl can approach him.

Then One day while Y/N was hanging out with the student councils he asked them a sudden question.

(Y/N): Hey guys if you don't mind me asking can you guys give me love advice?

Shirogane: Ohohohoh Love advice so you like someone huh. Who it is?

Shinomiya: Like you can help you have not love experience.

Shirogane: ouch that hurts :( still who is it.

(Y/N): Well there's this girl in my class she's always so nice to me and her name is Kei Yamamoto.

Shinomiya: Kei Yamamoto. Ohh you mean the new transfer student. That girl she sure seems nice too.

Ishigami: You should ask Fujiwara she the love expert here.

(Y/N): Yeah so hey Fujiwara?

When Y/N turned towards Chika she was nowhere to be found. While you guys where talking she sneaked out.

(Y/N): Uhm anyone saw Chika?

Shirogane: I saw her go out a minute ago she seems upset though.

Chika's Pov

I walked out of there and went to see who this Kei Yamamoto is. Y/N was supposed to be Mine but i let him out of my sight and now she likes that bitch now. I'm gonna kill you Yamamoto for taking my beloved from me. I will show no mercy.

3rd Person Pov

Chika proceeded to go to Y/N's classroom and saw a White haired girl sitting and talking to the other students. She suspected this was Yamamoto. Chika approached the white haired girl.

Chika: Hello there are you perhaps Kei Yamamoto?

Yamamoto: Yeah hello there and you must be The student council's secretary. Chika-senpai right?

Chika: Yeah that's me i just needed to ask you a question can you come with me it's private matters.

Yamamoto: Yeah sure i got nothing else to do.

Yamamoto followed Chika and they went to a secret room where only the staff can enter.

Yamamoto: Chika-senpai this is a weird place to be it's only for Staff. But what do you want to ask?

Chika: Do you know a student named Y/N?

Yamamoto: Yeah he seat next to me he's the first one i met and made friends with.

Chika: Ok ok but what do you feel with him.

Yamamoto: Well he's nice and quite smart and he's actually my... Uhm type.

Chika had rage fuming in her eyes from what Yamamoto just said.

Chika: Type! So what if he's your type. Y/N is the perfect being for me! Y/N is Mine! Mine! Mine! And you bitch won't have him.

Yamamoto was frightened and scared Yamamoto tried to run but to her surprise the door was locked.

Yamamoto: Uhm C-chika-senpai W-what are you doing.

Chika didn't answer and walked towards the shaking Yamamoto. Yamamoto was too scared that she collapsed due too being to scared.

Chika took this opportunity to and began strangling Yamamoto with a charger she found in the room. After Minutes Yamamoto layed dead in the floor.

After that Chika Left the room and proceeded back to the student council room.

(Y/N): Oh Hello there Chika-senpai where have you been?

Chika: I just took care of business. Hey can you come to my house today to hang out?

Y/N wasn't really that nervous because Y/N and Chika already hangout at her house.

(Y/N): Sure :)

When school ended and Y/N went home to change before going to chika's house.

Y/N was now in chika's house sitting in her couch hanging out.

Chika: Oh i nearly forgot the drinks. Wait here Y/N I'll make us something.

Chika Then went to the kitchen and started making juice. But then suddenly you wanted to pee.

(Y/N): Hey Chika Where's the bathroom i need to pee.

Chika: Yeah you know where my room is it's just right next to it.

(Y/N): Ok Thanks.

Y/N proceeded to go to the bathroom and pee. After peeing his curiousity went up when he passed chika's room. Y/N tried holding back but to no avail he went back to check what's in chika's room.

He then opened the door and went inside. He then opened the light to reveal. Photos of him all over the room. He also saw a check board there was pictures of girls who went missing the past year.

The discovery shocked Y/N and he was thinking to get away from chika. But when he turned around to run, He saw chika standing there. He couldn't see her eyes because it's covered by her bangs.

Chika: So you saw everything you know Y/N love. Peeking at a girls room is a No no. For that you have to be punished.

Y/N was afraid of chika now then suddenly Y/N began to get dizzy all of a sudden. Y/N looked at his arm to see a drugged dart hit him and he them blacked out.

After a few hours Y/N woke up he didn't know where he was it was dark and cramped. Then he felt something moving so he suspected he was in a trunk of a car.

After a few minutes the car stopped and the car's trunk opened into blinding lights. Chika pulled Y/N out of the Trunk Y/N didn't know where they were. They were in a secluded place and a house infront of them.

Chika: So Y/N you like our new house. We're gonna live here forever.

Y/N couldn't do anything and he just obeyed chika until the end of their times.

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now