Yandere Cheating Abusive girlfriend x Male Reader

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[ 3rd Person POV ]

You are a college student and you have a girlfriend, her name is Kelly. It's already been a year since you two started dating.

You were busy with you studies that you can't visit your girlfriend for the whole week.

But then on friday, one of your friends told you to take a break and said he'll finish the group project.

You took his advice and took a break, you decide to go to Kelly's room to hangout with her.

You were on your way to her room when from a distance you can hear moans and creaking.

You shrugged it off and continued your way. But you noticed that it grew louder and louder.

Until you stopped at your girlfriend's room and you found out it was coming from there.

You tried not breaking down and you slowly opened the door. There you saw your girlfriend on top of your bully.

She then noticed you and looked at you, she just smirked and continued on. You couldn't handle the sight and just run away from there.

Few minutes of nonstop running you finally noticed that you didn't know where part of the campus you were.

You then saw a classroom and went inside there you sat down on one of the chair and cried till your heart's content. Few minutes of crying you felt tired and you took a nap there.

Few minutes later you woke up and saw that you fell asleep here. You were about to stand up when the door opened.

A girl entered and she sat on a chair she didn't saw you and she was visibly crying. You felt sympathetic so you decide to approach her.

(Y/N): Uhm. Hello there, are you okay miss?

The girl was surprised by you.

???: H-hello there. Yeah I'm ok.

(Y/N): Your clearly not, wanna talk about it. Well to be honest were just the same and that's why I'm here too.

???: Really? I'll tell you. Well i confessed to my crush and he just threw it away like it was trash. He even insulted me i felt like my whole world crumbled there and then. Well how about you.

(Y/N): Well I'm sorry for that, he must be a real jerk hehehe. Uhmm well mine is... My girlfriend cheated on me that's why I'm here. I felt the same as you, the world crumbling. Well our day couldn't get any worse right? Hehehe.

???: Yeah. Oh yeah my name is kyla by the way.

(Y/N): Kyla, well nice to meet you im Y/N.

After that you both talked for a while and you found it comforting to talk to someone. Few minutes later you two said your goodbye and you headed back to your room.

You were at your front door and opened it. You went inside and closed the door.

You headed to your bed but then you saw kelly there. You felt nothing but rage and you snapped at her.

(Y/N): What are you doing here! Get out!

Kelly: That's not nice Y/N, I'm still your girlfriend.

(Y/N): Girlfriend?! Your just a fucking slut.

Kelly: ah~ ah~ ah~ you need to be punish Y/N.

She then walked up to you and she punched you in the face, You stumbled back.

(Y/N): Now you're punching me! We're done now get out!

After you said that you saw something in Kelly's eyes it was terrifying to say the least. Kelly then began to walked towards you while you just backed away.

She then punch you again but this time in the gut. You fell on the floor, she then began kicking you nonstop while Yelling.

Kelly. Who! Told! You! That! You! Can! Break! Up! With! ME! You don't have a choice in this Y/N!

After that you were all bloodied and bruised-up by her. You then went unconscious, while unconscious kelly carried you to her dorm room and chained you to her bed.

After that the hellish nights began you were beaten by her constantly if you disobeyed her.

Then one night. Kelly's neighboring dorm room heard these weird noises. She went up to Kelly's room and knocked on the door.

But no one answered kelly was away for the time being so you were the only one there.

After a minute of knocking the neighbor had enough and she opened the door. A horrible odor penetrated her nostrils.

But she still kept going to investigate, she then got to the bedroom when there she saw him.

???: Y/N?

You looked towards the voice and you widen your eyes when you saw it was kyla.

She was horrified to see you covered with blood and bruises. She quickly went to you and tried getting you off from the chains.

But then a Shadow appeared behind them, kyla noticed your face turned from hopeful to horrified.

She was about to turn around when something hit her behind the head and she blacked-out.

Kelly: oh who might this be, She tried taking you away from me. Y/N. Who is this you know her.

(Y/N): ...

Kelly: Say it or I'll beat you up till morning comes.

You became scared and quickly obeyed her.

(Y/N): h-her n-name is K-kyla i m-met h-her in a r-random c-classroom.

Kelly: i see so you were flirting with someone even though you had a girlfriend. I'll punish you later but first what to do with this slut who tried taking you from me.

After that she took kyla and sat her to a chair and tied her up. She then took a bucket of cold water and dump it on Kyla. Kyla woke up, she started panicking when she realized what's happening.

Kelly: you tried breaking Y/N out And stealing him from me.

After that kelly tortured Kyla to death. Few days later the campus found kyla's rotting corpse. After that you and kelly were never seen again.

The end

I didn't quite like the ending but.
wat yu tink.

3 more and we're done

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now