Yandere Cheating Wife x Dying Male Reader

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[ Your POV ]

Hello there my name is Y/N L/N. I work at XX inc. i work as the assistant of the boss there. I'm happy with life right now i have a good paying job and a lovely wife. She beautiful, kind 'loyal' and loving her name is Mai

But it seemed lately she distancing herself from me and she's always going out at the evening. I'm concerned and curious on what she does when she goes out...

[ 3rd Person POV ]

One day while working you felt a sharp pain on your chest and had a shortage of breath. You shrugged it off and continued working after that the chest pain and breath shortage became more and more severe and constant.

One day the pain was unbearable and after you finished your job you went to the hospital for a checkup.

You were waiting for the results of the checkup, Few minutes later the doctor came back.

Doctor: Mr. L/N uhm... We have very terrible news for you.

(Y/N): Doctor? What is it? Am i gonna die.

Doctor: please calm yourself Mr. L/N. Well we found out from the checkup that you have mesothelioma cancer. That's why you were having chest pain and breath shortage...

Doctor: *sigh* I'm sorry Mr. L/N but there still no cure for this. Mesothelioma patient's life expectancy is usually 12 months after diagnosis. But your diagnosis was too late and you only have approximately 3 weeks to 1 month to live. I'm sorry again and please live the remainder of your life to the fullest.

(Y/N): Ok thank you doc.

You world crumbled after that and you left your hospital and went home. When you got back home your wife wasn't there to comfort you so you went to the room and just cried there until you fell asleep.

The next day your wife still wasn't home. You went to work for your final day before resigning.

While on my drive home i had so many emotion go through me. Happy, sad, acceptance and regret.

I got home and went inside my house. I saw my wife going down the stairs wearing fancy outfits.

(Y/N): Hey honey where are you going?

Mai: Just going out with my friends.

(Y/N): You leave every night why not spend a your time with me more you're husband. And i have something important to tell you.

Mai: Y/N. I don't care what you want to tell me ok. I'm leaving this is ridiculous.

(Y/N): Mai Wai- *door shuts*

You saw your wife call a taxi and went inside it and it drove away. You quickly got inside you car and followed the taxi.

Few minutes of driving the taxi finally stops infront of an apartment complex. Mai got out of the taxi and proceeded inside the complex, you parked your car and followed her inside.

After that you saw her stop at someone's door and she knocks. You hid behind a wall and watched her. Few seconds later a man goes out of the room. Then the man went up to your wife and kissed her you heard them spoke.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now