Yandere Marin Kitagawa x Male Reader

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You are just an ordinary loner student on campus. You didn't really interacted with others that much. And you get above average grades. But you did have one best-friend his name is Gojo Wakana. You found out that your Best-friend and A Famous girl in school Marin Kitagawa are dating. You were of course envious but you were still happy for your best friend. Gojo said that you two will meet on a Cafe so that he can introduce his girlfriend to you.

Your POV

God I'm so nervous. Geez Gojo already know that I'm antisocial and socially awkward. So why did you have to invite me gojo. How can i not be so nervous I'm meeting with one of the famous girls in campus. I then got properly dressed and went out of my Apartment and went to the given location. "Guess i was that first one here" i said as i took a seat and waited for them. 5 minutes later i saw them walk in the Cafe and they saw me and went towards my table.

3rd Person

(Y/N): Gojo! Over here.

Gojo: Y/N! I thought you chickened out because of your condition.

(Y/N): If you know that then why'd you invite me here duh.

Gojo: Hehehe good point. Well enough of that. So Y/N i want you to meet my girlfriend Marin kitagawa.

Marin: Hello there. Y/N is it.

(Y/N): Hello there yeah my name's Y/N :). Can i ask you a question how'd you fall for a guy like this.

Gojo: Come on Man that hurts.

(Y/N): Hehehe just kidding.

The three of you ordered some drinks and food. They you guys talked about school, life, relationship, etc. Then Gojo had to go to the bathroom he left you two.

Marin: So Y/N what does Gojo do while I'm not with him.

(Y/N): Gojo? Yeah he just mess around and plays with other. And you know he actually good at sewing to you already know that right? You know Gojo's quite a good guy, nicest guy i know. Hey Kitagawa take care of Gojo for me will ya. I better get going i still have things to do say my goodbye to gojo ok bye.

Then you left the cafe and went back home.

Marin's POV

Wow Y/N never thought he would care for Gojo that much. Then my heart began to fluster and beat faster from thinking of him. I quickly shrugged it off because i was already dating gojo. But something, something inside me wants him.

Timeskip Your POV

Ugh Gojo's inviting me again. Now it's an invite to a cosplay convention? What? Well i agreed to him so now I'm preparing to go out and meet with him.

Few minutes later i met up with him and we proceeded to walk to the convention. I saw so many Characters there and i was so excited well too excited.

Few minutes later i separated from Gojo because i needed to go to the bathroom. When i finished doing my business in the bathroom while walking the hallway. I heard someone talking and yelling i walked towards the source.

I saw a guy pinning a girl on the wall i quickly sprang to action and punched the guy.

"Oi What the fuck are you doing to this beautiful girl"

Man: stop bothering under people boy.

After he said that i punched him again and he collapsed on the floor. When he collapsed i took the girls arm and took her away from there.

Marin's POV

I just finished wearing my cosplay costume that Gojo made for me. While i was walking down the hallway a guy came up to me and pinned me to the wall. I yelled at him but he didn't listen i thought i was about to get raped but then. The guy that was pinning me was punched i looked to the person who punched him. I was shocked to see Y/N here then he punched the guy another before taking my hand and running away. I blushed when he hold my hand and how he Rescued me like a prince. But i quickly dismissed the thoughts then we stopped running.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now