Yandere Female Saitama x Experimented Male Reader

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Y/N was one of many experimented human being by Dr. Genus Takoyaki but how did he got captured by Dr. Genus.

Two Months Ago

Y/N was desperately trying to earn some money for his mother's kidney surgery. He was laid off from many of his job because he was too tired and distracted to do the job. Now he was alone in the park sitting on a bench and was contemplating his life decisions.

(Y/N) whispers: Ughh look at yourself Y/N you got laid off again. What am i gonna do now Mom gonna die and I'm out here sulking why did i leave college to follow my cheating girlfriend last year. What if I'd just finish school will i be able to get a decent job. I got to get some more money but how? Think Y/N think your Mom's life is on the line. Maybe dr*gs? No Y/N what will Mom think if she finds out.

While Y/N was thinking on ways to get money a mysterious man approached Y/N. And made an offer

???: Hello there. I see your alone in a bench in the park and sulking. That means your having a problem and i suspect a financial problem am i correct?

(Y/N): Who are you sir? And yes your correct I'm in deep financial trouble my Mom need surgery but i don't have money.

???: Is that so well then how about i make an offer. I'll cover your mother's surgery bill and I'll give you some extra cash. But in return I'm gonna experiment on your body how does that sound.

(Y/N)'s Mind: he'll cover my mother's surgery bill and extra cash. And I'm gonna get experimented on what should i do...

(Y/N): Sure. But be sure you seal your side of things you might not give me the money.

???: Great doing business for you also my name is Genus Takoyaki. Meet me here again tomorrow night you'll receive your money. And you will still have 2 Weeks before i take you to my laboratory do well in the meantime.

(Y/N): Yeah sure tomorrow evening. And oh my name is (Y/N) and it's also a pleasure doing business with you.

The next day Y/N came back to the bench and waited for Dr. Genus it wasn't long till Dr. Genus shows up. The doctor handed Y/N a briefcase Y/N opened it and revealed a million dollars in cash. Y/N couldn't be more happier he can pay his Mother's Surgery and still have half of it left.

Dr. Genus: Now drink this pill and it'll seal your side of the deal.

Y/N was confused and hesitant at first but he still drank the pill.

Dr. Genus: great that pill had a tracking device on it so if you leave I'll find you ok.

Y/N didn't care as long as he had the money he was happy.

A week later Y/N's Mother's Surgery was successful and was discharged the next day. But then Y/N's Mother learned that he still have some money left. So when Y/N left to get some stuffs his Mother went to his Room and stole the Money. Y/N went back home and saw his mother was nowhere to be found. He then saw that his mother stole the rest of the money and left with her new boyfriend.

After that Y/N was put into a severe depression then he was picked up by Dr. Genus. Y/N didn't really cared now. But to his surprise he was still not experimented on because the doctor was too busy on the other experiments. Y/N was just stuck in the building until he died. But then A Cyborg and a Girl in yellow hero costume broke into the lab.


When saitami (bear with the name) heard that it was Saturday he one shotted Carnage Kabuto.

Genos: Master look here we still have time if we hurry.

Saitami: Really let's go already.

Saitami Punched the wall and it obliterated. But then saitami looked backed and saw Y/N and she just stopped in her tracks

Genos: Master what are you doing? If we don't worry we'll miss the sale.

Saitami: I don't care anymore.

Saitami then walked back and towards Y/N while blushing. Dr. Genus saw this and went in between them.

Dr. Genus: what do you think your gonna do he gonna be my next experiment and will be stronger than Carnage Kabuto.

When saitami heard this she was furious he charged at the already injured doctor. He punched the doctor woth full power the doctor was then nowhere to be seen only leave a pool of blood. Saitami was still enraged and she began stomping on the doctors blood.

Saitami: Don't you ever lay your hands on my future husband again!

After calming down Saitami walked towards a horrified Y/N.

Saitami: Don't worry i wont hurt you. He was just a bad person so he had to go.

Y/N stopped shaking saitami then went to Y/N and saw he had a lot of bruises and cuts in his body.

Saitami's Mind: Damn that doctor he hurt my Future Husband i hope you fucking rot in hell.

Saitami picked Y/N up bridal style and run toward her apartment. After they got in the apartment Saitami made Genos patch Y/N up.

(Y/N): T-thank you so much Mister and Ma'am.

Saitami: No problem honey. The names Saitama and the Cyborg there is Genos.

(Y/N): Thank you again Saitami and Genos. My name is Y/N by the way.

Saitami: Hey if you don't mind telling us how you got there and why.

Y/N told his story on how he was desperate for money, how he met Dr. Genus. And how his Mother betrayed him. After telling his story Saitami was full of Rage inside and wanted to kill everyone who hurts her Darling Y/N. Saitami pulled genos into the bathroom to talk privately.

Saitami: Hey Genos you a cyborg right. I need you to find Y/N's mother.

Genos: But Master isn't that a bit much.

Saitami: Genos why would you question your master's judgement. And I'm doing all of this for my love.

Genos: Love? I see so Master found someone she loves. Ok master here's the result of my search. Her name is Merry L/N, she's 31 years old, no occupation. Her status is divorced but in a relationship and she live in City Y at XX building.

Saitami: Ok thanks Genos now I'll be back later tonight take care of my future husband while im gone ok.

Genos: Yes Master.

Saitami left to got pay Y/N's mother a visit she brutally killed the Mother and the boyfriend. After that she quickly got home to see his Darling again.

After Y/N got Rescued by Saitami Y/N began to have some feeling for Saitami and after 6 Months they got married. But Y/N always wonders why he doesn't have any female friends but he just shrugged it off as bad luck. But in truth Saitami were slaughtering those who get near Y/N.

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now