Yandere Rejecting Girl x Rejected Male Reader

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[ Your POV ]

I'm just a normal guy in campus, like every other guy i myself have a crush. She's a beautiful goddess with perfect personalities. Her name is Denise Johnson.

I always had a crush on her since childhood, well you see me and her are actually childhood friends. But recently she been distancing herself from me and I'm kinda been feeling lonely lately.

I don't really have that many friends but I'm still close with them. then i think it's time that i confess my feelings to Denise.

I was writing a letter to her, i wrote to meet behind the school building after school. After i wrote it i went to her classroom and laid it on her desk.

After school

I was waiting for Denise to come here, i was really nervous to talk to her. Then few minutes had pass and she finally came and she came up to me.

Denise: Hey Y/N did you want to talk to me?

" Yeah uhm, I've been having these feeling for you since childhood. Will you make me the happiest guy today and be my girlfriend? " I said with enthusiasm.

Denise: Y/N... I-im sorry but I can't reciprocate your feelings to me, i hope we can still be friends.

After that she left and i just stood there crying while the world around me began to fade.

Few minutes of crying there i had enough and just went back home.

[ 3rd Person POV ]

You were heading back home you walked down the streets. Every person you came across could see your a broken man.

As you got home you went inside and straight to your room where you just laid there almost lifeless and just slept.

The next day you still were heartbroken so you decide not to attend school for two days.

After your two day absent you decide to move on and do something in your life. You decide to help those who are in need of it.

You went back to school and everything went back to normal. One day you saw an old lady trying to cross the road so you decide to help her.

You walked her to the other side of the road and said goodbye to her. But one girl happened to see what you did and liked you for that.

The girl decided to approach you and talked to you.

???: Hey there what a gentleman you are helping other people.

(Y/N): Oh, well yeah i just like helping other people.

???: You seem nice what's your name?

(Y/N): My name? Well it's Y/N L/N, you can just call me Y/N.

???: Well nice to meet you Y/N, I'm diana. Wait Y/N do you go to XX University?

(Y/N): Yeah, do you go there too?

Diana: Yeah, we even go to the same department.

(Y/N): Really now, well it's nice meeting you but i got to go, Let's talk tomorrow at school. Bye!

Diana: Yeah sure, bye.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now