Yandere Cheating Wife x Amnesiac Male Reader

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You were happy with your life you have a good-paying job and a happy wife. You and your wife named Claire married 2 years ago but you still weren't ready for a kid.

Then tragedy you were done with your project and you were able to leave work early. So you thought to yourself to buy Claire some gift because it's been ages since you bought her gifts.

You were walking down the city streets trying to figure out what to buy. The. You stopped at a flower shop you bought a bouquet of rose. And you were again walking down the city streets. You were about to turn a corner that's when you saw it. You saw your wife and your Best-friend walking towards a love hotel. (or motel?) When you saw this your heart sunk and your world crumbled. But you still had hope that what your thinking was wrong and they were just resting. You followed them to the hotel and rented the room next to them.

Then you heard it the moans of pleasure. You just sat there crying and blocking your ears from the moaning sound. After few minutes you had enough and left to go home.

You were on you house while on the fit of rage you broke quite a few things. A vase, a painting, a cabinet and you wedding pictures. You then dropped to your knees and began to sobbed and questions began to flow in your mind.

Why did she do this to me?
Was i not enough for her?
Did i do something to deserve this?
Did she truly love me from the start?

As thousand questions flooded you head you had enough. You took a paper and pen and wrote a letter for Claire. The letter read.

Dear beloved Claire i feel so sad on you betrayal i thought we were happy together. I loved but did you ever love me? Why did you do it claire. I was about ready to have a child with you. I already saved up money for the future of our child. But i guess it was just hard-work lost right. I can't do it anymore I can't see you anymore. Please take care of yourself.

Truly yours

After you wrote that you laid it on the kitchen table and left you wedding ring on top of it. You then packed your things and put it in the car and you left.

Claire POV

I was at the bathroom of the motel i went i was looking at myself in the mirror. I was crying because what I'm doing even though i already have Y/N. As i looked at myself i was disgusted of myself and i wish Y/N was here to comfort me like always. I quickly left the motel and went back to our house. Maybe i should make Y/N his favorite food and it's been so long since the last time we did it.

I went inside the house and went to the kitchen. I was about to go behind the counter when i saw something in the kitchen table. I walked towards it and saw a letter and Y/N's Engagement ring! I was confused so i opened the letter and read it.

After reading the letter i dropped to my knees and cried rivers of tears. I regretted everything i did and wished that he was here. But now i couldn't see him what have i done.

While i was crying something snapped inside me my sadness turned into anger.

"It was that blond bitch fault he seduce me and my lust tempted me! He made Y/N disappear from my life! That bitch is gonna pay for this with his life. *Smirk* Don't worry Y/N after his death you'll comeback to me i swear"

3rd Person

You were driving on the highway and you were crying tears filled your eyes that your vision became blurry. You quickly wiped them off but you were on the opposite road and a fast car was heading towards you. You weren't able to stop or swerve at time and you two crashed head-on hard. The last seconds before the crash you thought to yourself that what a shitty day you had today. But you were also content that this is how it ended. As your conscious was fading an image showed it was you and you wife happy together. And it all turned to black as your conscious faded.

Inside a house

Screams of pain are heard throughout the house. It revealed to be kevin (the guy she cheated with). He had a lot of deep scratches on his body. And stab wounds in his leg and arm. Few minutes later the screaming stop as the head of kevin rolled on the floor. It revealed she was tortured and killed by none other than Claire. Claire cleaned the scene and herself. Then suddenly she got a phone call from an unknown number. She picked it up.

???: hello there is this Mrs. L/N?

Claire: Yes this is his wife is there something wrong.

???: I'm a nurse in the XX hospital and i came here to inform you that your husband got into a serious accident. Can you please come here immediately.

Claire hang up and immediately went to the hospital. When she got there a nurse let him to the emergency room and told her to wait outside while the surgery is ongoing. Many emotion and memories hit her while she was crying in the waiting room.

Few hours later the emergency sign at the top of the door went from red to green signalling that the surgery is done. Claire stood up to wait on the news about you. Came up to her and told her to follow him. The walked towards a room and Claire went inside.

She saw Y/N, he almost had his entire body with bondages. Claire walked towards the bed with tears of joy in her eyes. Then a voice spoke behind her.

???: Hello there you must be Mrs. L/N. I'm doctor Leonard and Mr. Y/N is very lucky to survive that serious car accident.

Claire: Yes. Thank you doc for saving his life.

Leonard: No problem that's what we doctors do. Anyway i want to speak to you about Mr. Y/N and his condition.

Claire: Ok doc.

Leonard: So Mr. Y/N will be here for a month or so until he recovers. After he is dismissed he will be wheelchair bound for a Month or two. Are you ok with that?

Claire: Yes doc is there anything else?

Leonard: This might be hard for you ma'am but your husband has a case of severe amnesia. And might never get his memories back I'm very sorry.

Claire cried from this revelation but inside she was happy. Now Y/N won't remember how she cheated on him and they could go back together.

Claire's Mind: 'if Y/N won't remember a thing then that's good we'll just make new memories and forget the past. And now i will never let him go.'

The end

(Cliche right i got nothing else on my mind God help me)

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now