Yandere Step-Mother x Male Reader

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Y/N was sixteen years old when his Mother died in a Car accident. Soon his father remarried and Y/N got a Step-Mother. 1 month after remarrying Y/N's father was murdered and was found in an alleyway.

His Step-Mother Named Alice took care of Y/N she had a high-paying job in a large company. But Y/N noticed that his Step-Mother Alice was a little clingy and protective.

She would always ask Y/N to come with her for shopping and would always hold onto his arms. Then she would get angry when Y/N leaves the house without her permission.

Y/N found it weird of his Step-Mother's Actions and would get uncomfortable with her.

One day Y/N decided to bring his New Girlfriend to his house and introduce her to his Step-Mother.

(Y/N): Hey Mom I'm home! Oh and i have a guess with me.

Alice went to check who his guess was and to her shock it was a Girl. She was Angry and Upset she also had thousands of questions building up inside of her. But she kept her composure and prayed to god that it wasn't Y/N's girlfriend.

All of them sat on the couch and Y/N began introducing the girl to his Step-Mother.

(Y/N): Mom i know it's a little bit sudden but this is my girlfriend. Her name is Crystal she's in the same grade as me.

Crystal: Hello there Ma'am thank you for having me your son is very cute and nice.

Y/N blushed at this comment while crystal giggled. But for Alice it was different her hate toward the girl skyrocketed.

Alice's Mind: So this slut manipulated my beloved darling to become her boyfriend. After all I've done this bitch just swooped in and took him. Bitch! I'm the one who removed the brakes from his Mother's car. And I'm the one who killed his disgusting father in that alleyway. I'm the one who's destined with him since i first saw him when he was 12 years old. I'm the only one the only one who can have him no one else. And you're gonna get what's coming for you bitch. HE MINE

After chatting for a bit Y/N said to his Mom that Crystal would be staying for the night with a hint of Nervousness and blushing. Alice automatically knew what was gonna happen tonight they were gonna get rid of their virginity. The two then went up to Y/N's bedroom after eating dinner.

At the kitchen Alice was visibly upset and was shaking in anger. She then took a sharp knife and proceeded towards Y/N's room. She then handpicked the lock and unlocked the door. She saw the two were already unclothed and was about to do it.

(Y/N): M-Mom! What are you doing barging in here? I thought i locked the door though.

Alice didn't say anything and just held a black face. Alice then looked toward the embarrassed Crystal and walked towards her. She then pulled out the knife and her walk became a sprint toward Crystal. Crystal was shocked and couldn't move and suddenly she was lying in the ground dead.

Y/N couldn't believe it his Step-Mother killed his girlfriend. Y/N dashed toward the door but was stopped by a knife to the foot. Y/N dropped to the floor while screaming and crying in pain.

Alice then Walked towards Y/N with a mischievous grin in her face. Y/N tried crawling toward the door but was stopped by a knee on his back.

Y/N screamed more from the pain he was struggling to get the knee away. But then Alice knocked Y/N out by delivering a blow to Y/N's Gut.

After that Alice carried Y/N back to his bed and tended to his wounds. After taking care of Y/N she then took out the trash she cleaned up the room and left no bloodstains.

After a few hours passed Y/N woke up to a comfortable pillow he began to see more clearly.

He then noticed that he was laying on his Step-Mother's lap Y/N quickly got up and backed away from her.

(Y/N): Y-you Murderer! You killed Crystal.

Alice: Don't blame me love made me crazy. And we're moving to another state so cooperate if you don't want to get tortured.

Y/N obeyed Alice and packed his Bag and went to their new house in Wyoming (A/N: this was the first state that came to my mind I don't live here ok)

After Moving Alice would go to Y/N's room and constantly rape him. After a year they had a beautiful daughter Alice threatened the life of the little girl if Y/N left her. Y/N didn't leave after that and they happily lived. Well for Alice it was a happy ending but for Y/N he was putting up a Facade for the sake of his daughter and newborn child. Deep inside he felt sadness and afraid.

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now