Yandere Bully x Male Reader

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(I'm having a writers block again so this is gonna be a short story sorry guys.)

You were Attending XX academy you were often bullied by this girl called Shane. She was beautiful and quite strong she picked on you for unknown reasons.

Well the reason why she bullied you is because she's in love and obsessed with you. And she always wants your attention that's why she picks on you. And one more thing is to keep bitches from taking you from her.

Like any other day you were taking your stuffs from the locker when it suddenly closes. You already who it was.

Shane: So Y/N, you know the routine give me your Money.

Shane takes you Money because she saving them so she can buy a house for the two of you.

(Y/N): S-shane, Uhm I can't right now but I'll pay you double tomorrow please.

Shane: And why not?!

(Y/N): Uhm uh i h-have a d-date with jenna this Saturday and I'm saving up.

Shane was beyond angry when she heard Y/N has a date with jenna of all the girls here. She then punched the locker next to his and it was dent.

Shane: So? Do i look like i care about your date.

(Y/N): Bu-

Shane: Are you gonna give it or do you want to get beaten up again?

Y/N got scared and quickly gave Shane his money and left.

Shane's Mind: Jenna you fucking slut. That was supposed to be my man your gonna regret this you bitch.

After that she formed a plan on how to remove the pest from you.


You still continued with the date you were waiting for jenna in the park. You waited and waited for hours there but no sign of jenna.

Then you received a text message from jenna. The text read.

Y/N I'm sorry but i think this relationship won't workout goodbye.

After you read that you were brought to tears and you went back home. But unknown to you that Shane was the one who send that message from Jenna's phone.

We can see Shane Standing over the mutilated body of Jenna, she then stomped the corpse.

Shane: that's what you get for taking Y/N from me you bitch.

She then went out of the house and proceeded to go to your house.

Few hours later when you got home you laid down in your bed feeling heartbroken. Just then you heard the doorbell you lazily got up and went to the door to answer it.

When you opened the door there you saw Shane standing there with blood in her clothes and a smirk plastered on her face.

You were about to talk when she got a cloth and pushed it on your nose inhaling the drug.

After that Shane walked up to you knocked out body and Carried you towards your bed.

Few hours later you woke up with a minor headache. You then felt something pulling your arms and legs you looked towards it.

You saw you were bound on the bedpost, you tried to struggle but to no avail.

Then the door creaked opened and revealed Shane. You felt nothing but fear.

She then slowly walked towards you swaying her hips. She then licked her lips and stopped infront of you.

Shane: Y/N, how I've longed for this.

After she said that she pulled your pants down and it showed you cock to her. She then began stroking it with her hand until it was fully erected.

She then took off her clothes and revealed her already wet womanhood.

She then positioned her womanhood atop of your erected manhood. Then she slammed it doen hard. She then stopped for a moment, you saw blood dripping down you manhood.

The thought of deflowering someone haunted him. She then started to move slowly again later picking up speed. Few minutes later you were almost at your limit and was about to burst.

(Y/N): Shane, stop I'm at my limit.

Shane: That's ok Y/N you can come inside of me. Come on so we can have babies now.

After that you came inside her.

1 year later

You couldn't escape her. She threatened the life of your newborn if you left her. So you just accepted you life with her.

The end

I quickly finished this because I'm tired asf and i need to sleep there's class tomorrow. And that's why this is shorter than the other.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now