Yandere Abusive Sister x Male reader

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You and your big sister laura were once a happy family but then everything changed. When suddenly your Mom and Dad Died in a terrible car accident.

You two have no living relatives so you two were alone. Your Sister Laura was old enough to land a job in a large company.

(Y/N's age - 17 Laura's age - 20)

You were on Highschool and you were a honour student there. You planned to help you sister so that you can live a happy life.

Your life with your sister was fun and happy. But you would notice that she would be a little bit clingy to you. But then everything changed one faithful day.

Laura had a day-off so she stayed and cleaned the house while you were in school. After done cleaning She then waited for you to come home.

Laura's Mind: Oh Y/N cone back already I'm dying from waiting for you My precious Love. I know it's wrong to have romantic feelings for your siblings but. I can't hold it in he just so cute and kind that i just want him for myself.

Then the door opened you walked in the living room to see your sister in a trance. You then called her and she woke up from the trance.

Laura: Oh your home Y/N.

(Y/N): Yeah sis and i brought a guest with me.

You then signaled to your guest yo come in and introduce herself. Laura saw a girl come in and she felt rage building up in her.

???: Hello there my name is Mary and I'm Y/N's girlfriend nice to meet you.

Laura then snapped and was visibly angry.

Laura: Y/N! Can i talk with Mary! In private.

You haven't seen this side of your sister before and you were scared so you agreed and left.

Mary: Uhmm So what do you want to talk about?

Laura: I'll make myself clear get out of my house and never talk to Y/N again.

Mary: W-what that's absurd! You think I'll do that!

Mary was about to leave when suddenly a knife was near her neck this scared her.

Laura: Well make a choice now. Your life or Break up and never talk to Y/N again.

Mary: Ok ok I'll break up with him and never talk to him again.

Laura: Good. Now for Y/N's punishment.

Laura let's go of Mary and mary quickly run out the door never to be seen again. Few minutes later while in your room you got a notification on your phone. You then saw it was from Mary you opened up to read the message. It says that she's breaking-up with you. You were shocked and sad you dropped to the floor and cried.

The suddenly your door burst open and your sister stepped inside. You saw she wasn't happy at all but angry. You then got up to your feet but then suddenly you got punched in the face which made you stumble backwards. You then fell on you knees then your sister went to you and started kicking you and punching you and she was yelling something.

Laura: Why Y/N huh! Why did you get that bitch of a girlfriend you could've had me instead! But no you just disappointed me! Now it's time for your punishment!

She Continued hitting you and you were crying and pleading for her to stop. She didn't listen and continued on until you passed out form pain.

Laura: I see you need to be disciplined more my precious brother.

After that day Laura kept you locked in the basement where she continued torturing and abusing you when you disobey her.

Then one day you had enough you told her that you would obey her all the time id she'd let you out of the basement. She grew happy and quickly removed your restraints. The next day while she left for work you quickly put you plans into motion. You asked one of your friends if they'd let him stay for a few days. The friend happily agreed and you quickly went out of your house. The only problem was you don't have money to afford transport so you have to walk there. And you friends house was opposite far away from yours.

You then began walking you only had limited time before your sister checks the security camera she put up. Few hours later while your walking down the streets you saw your sister's car pass by and you hid in an alley.

(Y/N): I could've swear that I've had more time than that.

You then continued through the alleyways and you finally got to your friends house. You were outside when you smelled something wrong. You burst through the door and dashed toward the living room. You then saw the dead bodies of your friends and his parents laying there.

You dropped to your knees and cried. Then you felt a pair of arms hug you from behind you turned around to see your sister.

(Y/N): You did this! You monster!

Laura: Well i was kind enough to let you out of the basement but i see you still disobey me Y/N.

You then felt a sharp pain in your neck and you blacked out. Then you woke up to a sharp headache you saw your again inside the basement. You silently cried there then the door burst opened.

Laura: Oh my precious Y/N finally woke up. You already know what I'll do right.

You just nodded in defeat because you know there's no escape from her. She then abused and tortured you more. But when the abused stoped she had a new torture in mind. Rape. Whenever after she's done abusing you she would rape you all the time.

After sometime you would submit yourself to her and would become her husband. A year passed by and you where caring for your child while you wife is in work. And your mind is broken and you can only think of Laura and nothing else

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now