Yandere Serial Killer x Male Reader

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Thanks @Piro66

Screams and crying can heard throughout the room as a Serial Killer skinned an unlucky victim to death. And as she skinned that poor girl alive you were just sitting on a chair bound to it. You couldn't help her, you couldn't save her. But you just sat there with a blank expression. This wasn't the first time you're seeing this nor the second time. You have been there in the basement for almost 3 Months now. And everyday you watch as the serial killer kill another victim. But how did it all started how did you get in this situation.

Flashback 3 Months ago
Your POV

I was working on late on my bartending job. It was late as i walk down the empty city streets. I was quite scared because of the emptiness and i couldn't hear anything. Then out of nowhere a scream was heard. I didn't know what gotten into me but my legs just run on there own to the source of the scream. Then i stopped at an alleyway an heard the screams again. I hesitantly walked through the alleyways. And there i saw a figure killing a girl. I was shocked i was about to run when i step on something squishy and i slipped. Then the figure turned it's attention to me i dashed out of the alley and into the streets. I was running for my life i looked back to see that it wasn't following me. I stopped for a moment to take a breather and that when i was pinned to the ground. I tried struggling but to no avail then it spoke.

???: Wait. Y/N? It's really you! I finally found you it's been so long i missed you so much.

I was confused and scared that this girl knows me.

"W-who are you and what do you want" I asked.

???: What. How mean it's only been 5 years but it seems you forgotten about me. Well Y/N it's me Akane and you see what i want is *licks your face* Y.O.U.

You where shocked about this Akane was you childhood best-friend but you guys separated 5 years ago.

"W-what happened to you Akane!?" I said with a scared tone.

Akane: Oh you mean how i became a Serial Killer. Well you see this is a story 5 years ago so listen well. I was there when Shizuka asked you out and with a fit of rage i killed her. After i killed her i felt two things. The addictive feeling of killing someone. And the intoxicating feeling of defending your love. But then you left me you left for another city i was heartbroken you know. But that didn't stop my killings and my mission to find you. And now your here we can be together forever.

3rd Person POV

After telling her story she knocked you out and carried you back to your house. She then bounded you to a chair and that's when your hellish life began. The first you saw her kill in front of you was your mother. She tortured you mother and you just watched your mother being tortured. After that she began bringing random victims to kill. After watching 4 or 5 more get killed you didn't cared anymore. You just sat there and watched them die with dull eyes.

After a month she went to your basement to check up on you. And that's when she tortured you and raped you. She would do this once a week and would rape you Non-stop.

Flashback ends

After she skinned the girl alive and killing her the next day she brought her victim. You saw that it was the girl that confessed to your three years ago. She tortured her more seriously this time and as the girl was at death's door. Akane release your restraints and gave you a knife. Then she went close to you and whispered.

Akane: Hey Y/N love, kil her for me will you.

You were hesitant but you still proceeded to it. you pointed a knife on her head and you pushed it down hard and then she died.

When she went limp you felt something, something inside you was awakening. Then Akane walked up to you and spoke.

Akane: Good job Y/N, Now what did it feel to take someone's life?

(Y/N): I don't know, it feels disgusting but Good at the same time. I can't explain it.

Akane looked down to your pants and there was a bulge there. She knew that you felt good and stimulated from that. She then smirked and laughed uncontrollably.

Akane: Hahahaha i knew it Y/N! We truly are the same and we truly are meant for each other.

After that day she would bring victims in and torture them but then she made you kill them. While killing them the feeling of pleasure just grew by every kill you did. Two weeks later you were now a Serial Killer and partners with Akane. When i say partners you two are dating.

Years later you two had a child and you and akane trained her on how to become a serial killer like them.

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now