Yandere Customer x Prostitute Male Reader (🍋)

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( God, three updates in a day i gotta be in the zone today final upload of the day hope you enjoy it )

Your 21 and this was your hardest year. You mom and dad died you lost your job and your girlfriend broke up with you.

You were roaming the city job hunting. Any job can do you just needed to be payed. But your efforts to get a job was to no avail.

You sat on the park bench contemplating your life decisions. You kept your head down tears threatening to fall.

That's when you notice a shadow appear infront of you. You looked up to see who it was, it was a guy in a suit.

You stood up and spoke.

(Y/N): uhmm hello there, do you need something?

Man: I notice you were looking for a job moments ago am i correct?

(Y/N): Yeah that's right.

Man: I have a job offer to you. But you might not want to do it.

(Y/N): Please give it to me I'm desperate any job is ok.

Man: Ok here come to this address tomorrow you'll start working right away.

(Y/N): Yes, thank you so much.

The next day
[ Your POV ]

I was so happy that i finally got a paying job but i was little skeptical at first. But I don't care anymore i just need some money to live now.

I put on some casual clothes and left my house to go to the address that the man gave to me.

When i got there it wasn't like a store or building it was an apartment. I was confused but still went inside i went to the Man's room number and knocked on it.

I waited for a minute that's when the same Man answered the door he let you inside. The room was quite big and then i saw other guys there too.

Man: ok everyone we have another one here so treat him well ok.

(Y/N): Hello everyone I'm Y/N nice to meet you please take care of me thank you.

Man: Ok so Y/N come to my Office to form the contract ok.

I followed the man inside his office and he sat on his chair while i sat on the other side chair. He then reached in his drawer and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and gave it to me.

I quickly signed it without reading the terms & condition there.

Man: Good, Now your a full fledged Male prostitute.

(Y/N): Wait, what?

Man: Yeah this job is for male prostitute. The guys outside are also male prostitutes.

I just sat there shocked on what i just signed myself into. He then took a picture of me and minutes later gave me a phone.

(Y/N): What is this?

Man: this is where customer will contact you.

I just stared at it and prepared to what's in-store for my new job.

Timeskip 1 month later
[ 3rd Person POV ]

You are now a sex addict you didn't care who it was A girl or a boy. You just wanted to fuck them all.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now