Yandere Midnight x Male Reader

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(Before reading this I'm warning you guys that the grammar is worse in here because this was pre-written a month ago. Oh and also Because this is pre-written it's different than the other stories)

Crusade - a vigorous campaign for political, social, or religious change ( straight out of the dictionary)

But for Midnight crusade. Her vigorous campaign is to claim Izuku as hers and only hers

Nemuri kayama or well known for being the R-Rated 18+ Hero and teacher midnight. Midnight is thought about of being a slut but actually she is just an ordinary woman they only say that because of her tight hero costume. In reality she hadn't had any experience with a guy yet (made this up don't bash) and to be honest she doesn't want to because she already had an husband i mean soon-to-be husband, yes of course she's in love with Y/N when she first saw him, she thought of him as cute, adorable and in the same time determined. She likes those about men. but at first Y/N only look up to her and he doesn't think of midnight that way he says that her quirk function with that kind of costume. but after a few week since the start of school she can't seem to stop thinking of him. She fantasizes to him everyday and when he's gonna be her husband.

She first didn't want to admit it and shrugged it off, but with each interaction with him something inside of her it was obsession and lust toward Y/N, and like a dam it's just a matter of time before it breaks.

Midnight's POV

I was walking through the halls of U.A wishing to God that Me & Y/N would bump into each other. When i was near the boys bathroom i heard a familiar voice it was Y/N's i went inside to check on him, i saw him talking to two girls it was Momo and jirou, i was instantly pissed and angry at them not only are they talking to MY Y/N but they are also girls and they're on the boys bathroom. I checked the time in my watch and saw their class was about to start when i looked back i saw Momo kissing MY Y/N. even he was shocked and i saw he was uncomfortable with the kissing and i saw jirou going down and was touching him. 'YOU FUCKING SLUTS YOU DARE ASSAULT MY PRECIOUS Y/N YOU ALREADY TOOK HIS FIRST KISS I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HIS FIRST TIME TOO YOU FUCKING SLUTS I'M GONNA KILL ALL THE GIRLS WHO TOUCH MY PRECIOUS Y/N'

Author-sama's POV
Midnight slammed the door to indicate someone was coming in she tried hiding her killing intent and be the good teacher here. "Hello i heard a voice anyone here class is about to start you should go back" Midnight exclaimed, Momo and jirou stopped what they were doing so Midnight won't report them "Oh hey you three go back to class and you two girls what are you doing in the boys bathroom" Midnight asked a bit annoyed, "Oh Midnight-sensei we were just talking to Y/N about a study group and it can't wait until later so we meet-up in the bathroom ok bye" Momo said while leaving with jirou and Y/N. Leaving an angry midnight in the bathroom if she hadn't stopped herself maybe he could tear the bathroom in pieces with here rage. After the ordeal midnight immediately went scheming on how to get rid of the shanks that wants HER Y/N She started her plan, her crusade on eliminating the shanks that want HER Y/N

She started with Mina, hagakure and tsuyu they were "coincidentally" in a cafe in Hosu which "accidentally" caught on fire (you know air quotes "huh") Three gone.

Next was The slutty pink haired mechanic Mei Hatsume was found crushed underneath one of her machine that was already unstable.

Next was Melissa Shield she had a "little" accident which led her to her death after the I-island incident

Next was the hyper active blue haired girl Nejire Hado let's just say she didn't know how to swim with weights on

Next was Ochako Uraraka was found all sliced up in her house when she had a home visit

Next was jirou kyoka, midnight sliced jirou's hand the one that touched Y/N's member (penis) and was found being eaten by dogs(wolves)

The final one was Momo Yaoyorozu she was simply found without her head and her head was found in a ditch her head had sliced lips and sliced tongue

Midnight's Crusade against the girls was over, now the only thing she'll do is claim her prize which was Y/N. Midnight summoned Y/N to her office to talk to him about something after school. Y/N went to midnight-sensei's office she was on her office chair midnight offered Y/N a cup of tea which he oblige to drink, they talk about the study and how he was holding up because of the deaths of his friend after that Y/N felt a bit tired he was about to leave when he suddenly collapsed on the floor unconscious. "Well the sleeping pills works" Midnight said she dragged Y/N to her apartment complex and tied him up to her bed.


I woke up to a room where i've never been before the last thing remember was talking to Midnight-sensei "What the heck happened" i groaned "your awake darling" i was answered by a voice i know "Midnight-sensei this isn't funny hehehe uhmm can i get out of this binds" i said frantically panicking "No can do MY LOVE today is the day we make children and when we establish a relationship okay Darling" midnight said. I didn't notice it earlier but I was butt-naked and my member is exposed Midnight-sensei then stepped out of the shadows to reveal that she was wearing a sexy lingerie, my member stood immediately "Like what you're seeing darling" midnight seductively said

Author-sama's POV

Midnight then walked up to Y/N and went on top of him and kissed him while positioning her cavern(pussy) to Y/N's hard member she then slowly put his member inside her and started going up and down her hymen now broken, Y/N saw blood running down her cavern and was shocked that he deflowered his own teacher. His pleas for her to stop and to release went unnoticed by midnight who was just having the time of her life Moaning as loud as a roster in the morning. This went on for 30 minutes until "Midnight-sensei I'm about to come take it out" Y/N exclaimed midnight didn't care she just kept thrusting her cavern into his member "MIDNIGHT-SENSEI!!" Y/N Screamed while coming inside her womb midnight now in ecstasy and had an ahegeo look she then took it out and laid beside Her Love.


Y/N didn't had a choice because he already deflowered her and was threatened that midnight's gonna visit his mother he agreed to marry her and become her husband and the father of their child

After a week of investigation of Y/N since he disappeared and the killings of student the case was now tied to Midnight being the perpetrator of the killings and kidnappings when the police & heroes went to midnight's apartment they saw it was empty with only a letter in the room

The letter read

No one gonna capture me and Izuku already agreed to be my husband after 8 rounds of sex now goodbye were off to a new beginning Don't dare disturb our(my) happy ending IZUKU'S MINE AND MINE ALONE

signed by midnight lover of izuku

Scene change

We can see a cruise going to the sunset going to the U.S with two of them were aboard well Y/N was forcibly knockout to be put to the cruise there gonna start a family of four now "AND MY CRUSADE IS OVER"

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now